Hi there,
there are many great custom stories coming up! I'm looking forward to play them (even if I have not finished Amnesia yet... gaah, I can't get myself to continue playing after that monster appeared RIGHT outside the prison kitchen

). (Edit: I completed it. The ending's a bit disappointing, but I won't spoil anything.)
I decided to add my 2 cents with creating some music any author of custom stories can use.
So far, there are quite some themes, but you can request more if you want, and I'll occasionally add some by myself.
If you request music, tell me what mood it should have and where it's appearing. If it'll spoil your story, just send me a PM with the request.
Enough jabbering, here's what I made so far:
Main Menu Theme
Safe Zone
Ambience 1
Ambience 2
The Plot unfolds
Note - Shocking
Requirements for using my music:
- You need to link to this thread in your Custom Story Release Thread.
- You need to mention "ThePaSch" in your custom story's credits.
- You must NOT claim that you created the music.
More coming up!