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Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums! [PUMPKIN TRILOGY COMPLETE]
LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums! [PUMPKIN TRILOGY COMPLETE]

Now I didn't want to make a whole new topic just for this but I didn't know if this fell under the fan art category or not so to Hell with it, I'm making my first little thread!

Just wanted to wish you all a happy All Hallow's Eve with a Brute pumpkin! Hopefully I can get another one to make a Grunt carving, maybe even make the Amnesia logo. We'll see! This was my first time sculpting a pumpkin so it may not be perfect, but I was pretty content with it.

[Image: p1040585k.th.jpg]
[Image: p1040586t.th.jpg]
[Image: p1040587nw.th.jpg]
[Image: p1040584d.th.jpg]
BWARRRRGHHHH- or...moooo (how do you write a Brute noise...?)

If I do make a grunt/logo pumpkin I'll be sure to upload it here! Hope you like!
(This post was last modified: 11-04-2011, 05:03 AM by LuckyBlackCatXIII.)
10-27-2011, 05:42 AM
ajvitaly Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

This is super awesome. You did a great job!
10-28-2011, 02:06 AM
Vasyenka Offline
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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

That is. Amazing. <3

10-28-2011, 03:02 AM
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LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

Thank you, you two! I'm glad you liked it!
10-28-2011, 07:19 AM
Kman Offline
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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

that's awesome man! i've been into making jack o' lanterns for some time now but have never tried carving...

Posting Freak
10-28-2011, 08:09 AM
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LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

(10-28-2011, 08:09 AM)kman Wrote: that's awesome man! i've been into making jack o' lanterns for some time now but have never tried carving...
Thank you! And same, normally I just do simple cut-out designs but this method was actually surprisingly easy after while! I used really cheap sculpting tools (ones normally used for clay) to sculpt it and once you get the top thick skin layer off the flesh underneath is easy to manipulate! It gets really messy but hey, that's half the fun isn't it?
10-28-2011, 10:01 AM
Brute Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

That's really well done! I wish you all a happy halloween, too! Big Grin

Don't forget the candies! Tongue

10-28-2011, 10:20 AM
LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it and I hope you have a fun holiday!

And way ahead of you on the candy, my friend
[Image: ohihaveabagofmilkyways.th.jpg]
(I don't care if that joke is old it's still close to my heart)

On an updated note I now have two pumpkins and have drawn the designs on them! Hopefully by the end of this weekend I'll have two jack-o-lanterns up on this thread!
10-28-2011, 06:29 PM
LuckyBlackCatXIII Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

Hello again, everyone! The Grunt pumpkin is finally done! [Image: p1040614um.jpg]

[Image: p1040614.th.jpg]

[Image: p1040613h.th.jpg]

And then a picture I did for my ask blog on tumblr, but decided why not share it here too?

[Image: helpvs.th.jpg]

I still haven't done the Amnesia pumpkin yet, but if I do finish it I'll just make it a belated Halloween jack-o-lantern. Hope you like and that you all had a Happy Halloween! <3
(This post was last modified: 11-03-2011, 05:49 PM by LuckyBlackCatXIII.)
11-01-2011, 02:41 AM
GetAgrippa Offline

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RE: Happy Halloween, Frictional Games/Forums!

Fantastic grunt pumpkin sir! The similarity is...um..um, it's really just freaking me out!

If Fate frowns, we all perish.
11-02-2011, 04:18 PM

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