(01-10-2012, 03:58 PM)jessehmusic Wrote: i tryed script a text med open lockeddoor_1 but didnt work 
Did not understand that at all, but I think you want locked door to have text saying you need to get something.
I'm assuming this is a level door:
SetLevelDoorLockedText(string& asName, string& asTextCat, string& asTextEntry);
Displays a message when interacting with a locked level door.
asName - internal name
asTextCat - the category in the .lang file
asTextEntry - the entry in the .lang file
If it's not, just use;
SetEntityPlayerInteractCallback(string& asName, string& asCallback, bool abRemoveOnInteraction);
Calls a function when the player interacts with a certain entity.
Callback syntax:
void MyFunc(string &in asEntity)
asName - internal name
asCallback - function to call
abRemoveOnInteraction - determines whether the callback should be removed when the player interacts with the entity