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Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-
Measuring Offline

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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

Thank you for your feedback. Now we can improve what we didn't do so good and make a better story next time : )


(01-31-2012, 02:00 AM)raraownage Wrote: Okay, I finished the Story after I got some help with my.. problems.
Spoiler below!
Thanks Measuring, for the hint. I actually didn't have THAT Pipe, lol. But I figured everything out as soon as I started looking different at the tools.

Since it's now still fresh in my mind, I am going to try and give feedback on this Custom Story / Full Conversion.

I played the Full Conversion myself, I have no idea how much difference there is compared to the CS version of this Story, but I don't suppose there is any gamebreaking difference.

Spoiler below!
1. I'm not sure what to say about the story.. Most of it is kind of.. teared apart. It doesn't feel like one entire storyline, except for the 'Johannes is sick' part of it. You find the murderer quite early in the game, and after that the plot kind of felt weakened to me. I know it's your first CS, so I'll just say, try and work on making a really solid story. I dig way more into a CS when there's a good story behind it and I actually get more scared in such state than without a story. When there's a good story you have the feeling that you 'need' to progress, even though you're too scared to do it Tongue

2. The Shop was something I REALLY enjoyed. I'm surprised you didn't more times for it, since I ran out of oil quite soon in the maze, already. I had more than 300 Coins left at the end of the game, and I never got any more chances to spend it except for the first two times. This made me kind of sad.
Advice: Try making it more of a big deal, add the store even more, so people will try harder to gather Coins. I personally loved the idea.

3. The monsters. Shit, sometimes I almost pissed my pants, but that's because I'm afraid of Brutes ^^ You guys literally spammed monsters.. I think you could've made it even scarier by leaving a few out. I was constantly on my guard in this Custom Story because I expected a monster at every corner/door, which is regularly the case.
Advice: Try and use the environment to your advantage, sometimes it's scarier to make people THINK there's a possibility of a monster coming, than actually having one at almost every pick up.

4. The mapping. I can't say this is badly done. I've played a couple of CS's to know what bad mapping looks like, and this certainly doesn't feel like it. I didn't glitch out of the map at any point. I was surprised to see people actually use the ceiling as progress, so that's a plus for me. The maze took me a lot of time to get through, though. Maybe I just failed at realizing how to get through it, but if it's not me, I would say, make it a bit easier ^^ There is one point I have to criticize on, there's so many doors you never use at the Castle Hub, why not leave them out? I literally tried my keys on every door I could find.
Advice: Keep up the good work. The outside part was very well done, and almost all rooms felt like they were thought on atleast a dozen times. I have trouble critiqueing anything about the mapping.

5. The items. Yeah, I'm just going to say it. The yellow Rod is a pain in the ass. It's WAY to hard to spot Tongue I would've never looked there, but okay, that's what guidelines are for. I'm not sure a lot of people are willing to check the internet on how to progress, so that might cut them off. Watch out with too difficult hiding spots for items. You guys also basically didn't add any items in the game, except for the Coins to buy items with (Except for 2 Tinderboxes, might be more, but that's all I found). This caused me to run out of Oil, since I bought Laudanum. That might be my fault, so I don't think that should be changed.
Advice: People might quit the CS once they have been looking for a Yellow Rod for 40 minutes (Tongue) Be careful with this.

I think that's all. I loved the Agrippa hanging over me in the bed, freaked me out. I had a lot of trouble with the first door that has to be opened via rotating, since the monsters kept spawning before I had a chance to get the door open enough to pass through. It kind of bugged, since a Suitor had broken the door, allowing me to pass through without pulling the lever. I died at almost every monster, but I might just suck Tongue

Anyways, I did enjoy this Custom Story and I am looking forward to any future work from you guys.
Long post, a lot to read, but I hope you guys find it useful. I have quite some experience with CS's, I have played about 20 till now, so most of my point of view comes from playing the other CS's and my knowledge of a good CS in general.

Good luck guys!

The Facility
Tenebris Lake
Killings In Altstadt
01-31-2012, 02:09 AM
Elven Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

(01-31-2012, 12:35 AM)Measuring Wrote: Cool! can i get a link and a time?
(01-31-2012, 12:31 AM)Elven Wrote: Ill play it tomorrow too then (livestreaming). Once I finish it, Ill give you full thoughts, etc. I am pretty picky with many stuff. I hope you can take critism, maybe positive, maybe not so positive Tongue. Probably both Big Grin. Looking forward to it Tongue.
In few hours or less in twitch.tv/elvengames -> I will update thread status too Smile.

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01-31-2012, 01:27 PM
Thiefnuker Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

Thanks for the constructive criticism! We already have a plan for a new story (which will include a real story Big Grin). We just had a problem with the story because the guy that wanted to write the story got ill (very badly, he probably won't make this year) so we had no storywriters and literally had to collect tatters of a story together.

01-31-2012, 01:52 PM
raraownage Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

I am very sorry to hear that.. I hope he gets better, nonetheless. I tried my best to criticize the points I thought were weak, and compliment the stuff I found very well done. I can see that it worked out quite well. As to speak about your new story, will you be adding Boris again? I would love to see that element of the game to be repeated.

01-31-2012, 04:12 PM
Measuring Offline

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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

Let's just say that it would be stupid not to Wink
(01-31-2012, 04:12 PM)raraownage Wrote: I am very sorry to hear that.. I hope he gets better, nonetheless. I tried my best to criticize the points I thought were weak, and compliment the stuff I found very well done. I can see that it worked out quite well. As to speak about your new story, will you be adding Boris again? I would love to see that element of the game to be repeated.


The Facility
Tenebris Lake
Killings In Altstadt
01-31-2012, 04:49 PM
I will disagree Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

(01-31-2012, 04:12 PM)raraownage Wrote: I am very sorry to hear that.. I hope he gets better, nonetheless. I tried my best to criticize the points I thought were weak, and compliment the stuff I found very well done. I can see that it worked out quite well.
Nice job!


I'm not gonna start guessing whether someone needs to be talked to in asslicking manner or straight. Just guess which is easier and faster to write up?

Now if I insulted you or appeared as a dick; I can be a dick, but why would you get insulted by a random guy over the internet?
01-31-2012, 09:36 PM
raraownage Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

@ I will disagree I don't get what you're trying to say, so I'll just ask it. What do you mean? Nice article by the way, I didn't mind reading it all through.
01-31-2012, 10:57 PM
Thiefnuker Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

Constructive Criticism

Definition (Short): Constructive Criticism is a way of criticism that is meant to help the guy/group you are criticising. You can do that by showing mistakes or giving hints on things you personally diskiled. The difference between constructive and destructive criticism is pretty simple:
While constructive criticism mostly is meant to help people and improve their work, destructive criticism is full of insultments and allegations and meant to demotvate and harass the criticised person/group.

Well, I hope you know what constructive criticism is. And there's no sense in discussing about that. It is what it is, if you didnt like it, i can just repeat myself, dont play it!


PS: I don't feel insulted by a random guy over the internet, i just think it is a rudeness to write destructive and mostly subjective posts as a reply on a release thread. Like I said, we never pretended to be perfect.
01-31-2012, 11:38 PM
Obliviator27 Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

Was told this was pretty decent. Time to find out for sure! As usual, I'll have this window open so I can play and comment at the same time.
Spoiler below!

- Liking the intro. A lot. However, when moving the player and I get dropped from not having the PlayerStartPos ina proper position.
- The lack of any sound in the first map seems to kill the mood.
- Made me jump a little with Agrippa there.
- Not entirely sure what's going on at this point, nor who I am or what I'm doing here.
- Evidently, the grunt didn't like me opening the desk.
- I like the light for the lantern quite a bit.
- Oh, how people don't seem to notice this...when using CellarBase, ALWAYS use welders between wall segments.
- I touched the door and it exploded! I must be the Hulk!
- "Something is behind me" How I know this, I don't know. Half of a grunt seems to like me, though.
- Oh, the infamous Crowbar script.
- Crowbar's shattering the door. Must be old.
- Picked up the Crowbar again. No .lang entries for it.
- Activated the Grunt. Surprised he wasn't a poofer.
- Started spinning the wheel. Evidently not fast enough, cause the Suitor slaughtered me. Darn.
- Hah, Legend of Zelda music. I love Legend of Zelda. Kills the mood, however.
- Boris amuses me.
- The concept of a shop is interesting, though it kills any suspense created by the story.
- I like how he notices if you buy plenty of something.
- Hello suitor. Nice to see you. Oh, you poof. Okay.
- OW. Thanks for punching me in the face, door.
- And then, suddenly, a grunt torso pops out of nowhere.
- Saw the dropping script before it happened. Just had a feeling.
- Got killed by the grunt. Drat.
- I see an Iron Maiden. I detect an Iron Maiden scare.
- No scare, but a suitor. And he poofed. Surprise surprise.
- Improvised ladders. Not bad at all. I do, however, note the lack of a boxlight.
- Hello, poofing suitor. I've come to expect you.
- Aaand out of that level.
- Attempt at a chair scare. Nothin'. Jumpscares rarely get me these days.
- Yes, game, I was aware of the Suitor's presence before you forced me to see it.
- Tried to go through a door where there is wind on the other side.. Doesn't let me. The door is placed wrongly. On purpose?

Unfortunately, this is as far as I got. Curse my inability to figure things out.
02-01-2012, 12:11 AM
pleh Offline
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RE: Killings In Altstadt -Custom story/Full conversion-

I'm new to this site, and this is one of the scariest mods i played yet. I am having a little trouble in a room where I have to find 3 rods. I found 2, blue and red, and I've searched for yellow and cant seem to find it. Help?
02-01-2012, 03:15 AM

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