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Bit of an issue with my script
A Tricky Carnie Offline

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Bit of an issue with my script

There seems to be a problem with my script that when I enter the map it gives me this error:
Quote: (1,1): ERR: No matching signatures to 'OnGameStart()' main (29,2): ERR : Unexpected end of file

Now I've never seen the 'OnGameStart(),' so I replaced my 'OnStart()' line to 'OnGameStart().' So now my script looks like this:
// Run when entering map
void OnGameStart()
SetEntityConnectionStateChangeCallback("lever_small01_1", "SecretDoor");
AddUseItemCallback("", "key_torture_chamber_1", "castle_2", "KeyOnDoor", true);

void KeyOnDoor(string &in asItem, string &in asEntity)
SetSwingDoorLocked("castle_2", false, true);
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "unlock_door", "castle_2", 0, false);

void SecretDoor(string &in asEntity, int alState)
if (alState == -1)
PlaySoundAtEntity("", "quest_completed.snt", "close_gate", 0, false);

// Run when leaving map
void OnLeave()
However I'm still getting the same error and I have no idea what to do. If anyone knows what to do the help would be appreciated. Also I did do a search on "OnGameStart()' on the wiki and didn't find anything but like I said, if anyone could point me in the right direction it'd be appreciated.

(This post was last modified: 02-27-2012, 07:27 PM by A Tricky Carnie.)
02-27-2012, 06:08 PM
SilentStriker Offline
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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

Try OnStart()

and then make a void OnEnter()

and OnLeave

Try if it works when you have all those 3

(This post was last modified: 02-27-2012, 06:33 PM by SilentStriker.)
02-27-2012, 06:30 PM
A Tricky Carnie Offline

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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

(02-27-2012, 06:30 PM)SilentStriker Wrote: Try OnStart()

and then make a void OnEnter()

and OnLeave

Try if it works when you have all those 3
nope I get the same error.

02-27-2012, 06:42 PM
Obliviator27 Offline
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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

Try setting up a global.hps in your custom story folder (The one where the maps folder is) and in it, put
void OnGameStart()


02-27-2012, 06:57 PM
A Tricky Carnie Offline

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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

(02-27-2012, 06:57 PM)Obliviator27 Wrote: Try setting up a global.hps in your custom story folder (The one where the maps folder is) and in it, put
void OnGameStart()

That didn't seem to work. Just to make sure, the global.hps should be in amnesia the dark descent\custom_stories\[name of custom story]

(This post was last modified: 02-27-2012, 07:14 PM by A Tricky Carnie.)
02-27-2012, 07:14 PM
Obliviator27 Offline
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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

Yes, that's where it's supposed to go. Assuming you're still getting the same error, try just putting
void OnGameStart()

into your .hps. Leave the code block empty, and put everything else in your OnStart function.
If the error still appears, then I'm out of ideas.

02-27-2012, 07:20 PM
A Tricky Carnie Offline

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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

I found the issue, it seems that I was so focused on the 'OnGameStart()' because I've never seen that before, that I completely missed the fact that my void OnLeave command was missing a closing curly bracket underneath it.

I feel dumb.

But thanks for the help.

(This post was last modified: 02-27-2012, 07:26 PM by A Tricky Carnie.)
02-27-2012, 07:26 PM
Obliviator27 Offline
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RE: Bit of an issue with my script

Don't feel dumb. Nobody else caught it. ^^

02-27-2012, 07:28 PM

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