Hello! my name is Markdead/Karudo and i am here with a verry importand message!
Friends of mine decided it was fun to let me play Amnesia, i tryed it before but i stopped after the first 5 minute's cause i found it rather scary ( im not joking here, im a wuss. ) For proof of me acctualy playing i had to record my mic and gameplay and upload it to youtube, because of that out of nowhere we had a channel updated with daily video's of Amnesia and other games. I would LOVE you're oppinion on my Amnesia video's and maybe you can hang around to see more video's if you are interested.
Il add part 7 here in the post, cause part 1-6 are less quality, dont get me wrong its still full HD 1080P but the microphone is a bit soft on my side, ( wich is fixed in part 7 )
Another episode is on the air, part 9 now, please if you watch i would LOVE for you to comment for maybe tips/tricks, im new to making video's like this and all help is appriciated!
( dumb comments will be ignored meaning, "Ur mic sux" " Ur a noob" etc. )
Small notice, we are currently at playthrough video 16, 17 is about to come later today.
The quality has been GREATLY approved since the start of the series,
Considering this thread has over 200 views, i would LOVE to know if you would watch it and if you would not with what reasons, so i can improve and work on it .