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Work in progress [RELEASE DATE 2012/7/7 ] Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm
Kreekakon Offline
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[RELEASE DATE 2012/7/7 ] Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

[Image: 920447logo.png]

Creator: Kreekakon
Release Date: 2012/7/7

You are a Taiwanese university student named Hao-Che "Howard" Shie who goes to the Hsiung-Ming
University. On what seems like a typical morning, Howard is alone in his dorm room sleeping because of all his roommates, he is the only one without morning classes. Suddenly, an emergency evacuation of dorm broadcast rings out for some reason, waking Howard up suddenly. In his frantic attempts to get off the top bunk of his bed, he falls to the floor, and is knocked unconscious.

Hours later, he wakes up, and finds that the dorm building is now completely deserted since the evacuation (During which he was left behind in the panic), and enveloped by a strange unnatural darkness...

What can be Expected From the Story:
  • The darkness enveloping the dorm is not a random occurrence created for no reason just for sake of scares. Reasons for the crisis will/may be hinted in the prologue, and will be a main focus of the actual series.
  • Very few, if any, scares depending on loud, suddenly appearing objects. I am aiming to make the atmosphere of the custom story as tense as possible without relying on jumpscares. Everyone is welcome to offer advice on the matter if they wish^^
  • Voice-acting in Chinese with English subtitles. Main reason for this is so that my peers in Taiwan who do not understand English as well can also enjoy the story.
  • Decision to include English voice-acting version is pending.
  • Main setting will be the dorm building. Date is modern day
  • Will use models from the White Night FC. Credit shall be given where due.
  • Is currently expected to have three maps, with one being a combination of a map with its own secrets, as well as a hub.
  • Playthrough time is expected to be roughly 10-20 minutes. Subject to change as development continues.
Technical Expectations:
Mainly the reason I chose to start off with a short prologue for the story I've come up with is to see if I have what it takes to take on bigger projects, AKA continuing this series after I've finished the prologue. The series is IMHO quite ambitious. Also, I'll use this chance with a small prologue to stack up on skill with the editors.

If you haven't figured it out yet, this is my first custom story.

  • Dorm design is based off of the actual dorm I live in.
  • Hsiung-Ming University is an inside-pun based off of the school district which I go to, called Ming-Hsiung
  • Hao-Che "Howard" Shie, is my roommate, and will be voicing himself, as Howard's Chinese voice actor.
  • Main hub map is approximately 85% complete.
  • Current approximate work time: 18 hours
  • A small demo-test compressed version of the game which only utilizes the one almost completed map is available for testers. It is very incomplete, and subject to change.
Currently Needed:
Up to FIVE testers. Do not apply if you are only looking to playing a CS before its release. Apply only if you are able to spot errors in maps, provide constructive criticism, be good at recommending ways to make atmosphere, or scares better.

I wish to improve. Only apply if you can help me do so.

1. Acies
2. ThoseRandomGuyz
3. HumiliatioN
4. Cranky Old Man

NOTE: The light in the map has been increased somewhat for these screenshots. The actual map, and experience will be much, much darker.

Spoiler below!

[Image: 387517dormroomshot.png]

Spoiler below!

[Image: 209615dormhallway.png]

Spoiler below!

[Image: 630560dormcommorroom.png]

Project announced on Frictional Games forums. Main hub map is approximately 85% complete.

Work has begun on second map of the game. Standard building layout (Walls, doors, windows...) is complete. A few entities are also in place.

Short opening cinematic 50% complete
Game's title logo complete

Second map is overall 95% complete (This includes both mapping, and scripting).

Finally managed to reach a breakthrough in texturing. Work on final "large" map of the story has finally started.

Standard building layout for newest map(Walls, doors, windows...) is complete. Expect screenshots soon.

Well that's about it guys. If you have any feedback, feel free to give it^^
(This post was last modified: 06-24-2012, 03:24 PM by Kreekakon.)
03-28-2012, 06:32 PM
Traggey Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

Sounds great, one thing though. The models from white night are taken from Penumbra, the creators of white night do not deserve any credit for them.
03-28-2012, 08:11 PM
Acies Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

(03-28-2012, 08:11 PM)Traggey Wrote: Sounds great, one thing though. The models from white night are taken from Penumbra, the creators of white night do not deserve any credit for them.

When the time comes I'd like to be a tester. It sounds somewhat promising :>

[Image: mZiYnxe.png]

03-28-2012, 08:26 PM
ThoseRandomGuyz Offline

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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

The photos look decent, but from them I can tell that you should probably add more elements to the rooms. They should be decorated with a little bit more. Like the hallway could use some more bookshelves, of pictures on the walls. The dorm room looks decent in this aspect, and the dining room/study hall (whatever the last room is), you might want to add a little bit more on the left side or on the tables. This is just my opinion tho.

But I would love to test your map. I will admit I am not a professional at finding mistakes and testing out maps, but I will try and experiment with different things in order to make sure your map is the best. Trust me I will try if you allow me to test. Big Grin

I will review all of your custom stories (when I find time!)!
03-28-2012, 11:28 PM
Tanshaydar Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

Story seems like a beginning of a Lovecraftian story, where it could be Miskatonic University. I already stated my opinion about the dormitory settings, which is quite interesting for me.

(03-28-2012, 08:11 PM)Traggey Wrote: The models from white night are taken from Penumbra, the creators of white night do not deserve any credit for them.
To prevent further misunderstanding I'd really like to comment here, though it'll be unrelated to topic.
First, please get your facts straight as there are no creators, but only one person made it. Secondly, Penumbra assets in White Night takes only little place as most of the textures and some other important models were created from scratch.
Also, many of the models had problems in their non-normalized forms and they were opened up in 3D editors and re-constructed/textured to be used flawlessly, which is hours of work.

If you are going to comment, at least get your facts straight and don't mislead people. Anything used from White Night has to be given credits, or can't be used, simple and clear.

Sorry to sabotage the thread like that, so I'll at least try to get back on topic.

(This post was last modified: 03-29-2012, 10:50 AM by Tanshaydar.)
03-29-2012, 10:29 AM
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Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

Thanks for the comments guys =)
Tanshaydar Wrote:Story seems like a beginning of a Lovecraftian story, where it could be Miskatonic University.
Heheh...that's really interesting. I'm not all that literature savvy, so I assure you I was not directly influenced by him in any way. Still an interesting find though =)

ThoseRandomGuyz Wrote:The photos look decent, but from them I can tell that you should probably add more elements to the rooms. They should be decorated with a little bit more. Like the hallway could use some more bookshelves, of pictures on the walls. The dorm room looks decent in this aspect, and the dining room/study hall (whatever the last room is), you might want to add a little bit more on the left side or on the tables. This is just my opinion tho.
Thanks for the feedback. With this I am trying to recreate my dorm building as accurately as possible. But, yeah, I'll be sure to spice it up a little for sake of better design as long as I don't drift too far from my actual dorm's look.

Also, the last room is the main hall/common room(Whatever it should be called?) of the dorm building.

@ThoseRandomGuyz & Acies: Ok! You both are in. I'll contact you if I reach any point in development I believe testing needs taking place^^
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2012, 11:20 AM by Kreekakon.)
03-29-2012, 11:15 AM
HumiliatioN Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

I can beta test your maps too. I love to test them and give nice feedback and criticism too if I must Smile

“Life is a game, play it”
03-29-2012, 02:35 PM
Acies Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

(03-29-2012, 10:29 AM)Tanshaydar Wrote: Story seems like a beginning of a Lovecraftian story, where it could be Miskatonic University. I already stated my opinion about the dormitory settings, which is quite interesting for me.

(03-28-2012, 08:11 PM)Traggey Wrote: The models from white night are taken from Penumbra, the creators of white night do not deserve any credit for them.

To prevent further misunderstanding I'd really like to comment here, though it'll be unrelated to topic.

First, please get your facts straight as there are no creators, but only one person made it. Secondly, Penumbra assets in White Night takes only little place as most of the textures and some other important models were created from scratch.

Also, many of the models had problems in their non-normalized forms and they were opened up in 3D editors and re-constructed/textured to be used flawlessly, which is hours of work.

If you are going to comment, at least get your facts straight and don't mislead people. Anything used from White Night has to be given credits, or can't be used, simple and clear.

Sorry to sabotage the thread like that, so I'll at least try to get back on topic.
Sorry to go off-topic again.

I have compiled a list of the first 30 entities (of white night) as a spot check to see the accuracy of your claim.

I looked at each texture and opened both the model used in white night and the model used in penumbra to look at them and compare.
Spoiler below!

Entitites List of white night comparison to Penumbra:
1. bathtub -- Belongs to valve. Texture and model is taken from the source engine.
2. box_metal_barrel01 -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
3. button_simple -- Seems to be made from scratch.
4. cabinet -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
5. cardboard -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
6. cast -- Text, made from scratch.
7. ceiling_fan_long -- ?? Texture from scratch.
8. cleaning_vaccum_cleaner -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
9. container_rbarrel -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
10. cooker -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
11. corpse_scientist02 -- Model appears to have been changed. Still looks very much the same as in Penumbra. Texture identical to penumbra.
12. curtain -- Model is made from scratch. Cotton texture: http://www.tineye.com/search/58770c13aab...a2375c55a/ Rest of the textures are simply black/white --> Made from scratch.
13. door_air_lock -- Textures are identical to penumbra. Model visually as well.
14. door_double_rusty -- Model and texture are identical to overture.
15. door_freezerdoor -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
16. door_infected_corridor -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
17. door_infirmary -- Texture and Model are mixed and matched from two models of penumbra.
18. Door_mining_room -- Model and texture are identical to overture.
19. door_residental -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
20. door_security_door -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
21. door_shaft_panel -- Model and texture are identical to overture.
22. door_shaft_propeller -- Model and texture are identical to overture.
23. door_storagedoor -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
24. door_wc -- Texture identical to penumbra. Model has some minor work, but is still very recognizable as a penumbra asset.
25. door_vent_shaft -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
26. dufflebag -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.
27. duy -- Model created from scratch. Texture is an image - Don't know from where.
28. eyeball -- Model created from scratch. Texture: http://www.tineye.com/search/b8b26095de3...04092aa41/
29. fetus -- Seems to be created from scratch.
30. door_modern_mine -- Model and texture are identical to penumbra.

Out of these 30 entitites, 29 are actually model folders. The "6. cast" is text and can be discarded. Five of these 29 were models made from scratch. Three of these was based purely on textures created from scratch.

Contrary to what you are saying, a majority of white nights models are penumbra assets.

You do not have any claim on the penumbra models you have imported into Amnesia. Importing doesn't give you rights to own these models. Therefore, no one is forced to give you credits for penumbra assets created by Frictional Games. However, people could credit you for the work you have done importing them - but that of free will.

And, to qoute yourself (with modifications):
If you are going to comment, at least get your facts straight and don't mislead people. Anything used from White Night has to to be given credits, if they are actually a model I have created myself. Textures have to be credited to me as well - if I am the owner of that texture. Penumbra assets are credited to Frictional games, simple and clear.

If Tanshaydar wants to continue this discussion with me we could take it over PMs or in a new thread.

[Image: mZiYnxe.png]

(This post was last modified: 03-29-2012, 06:16 PM by Acies.)
03-29-2012, 06:13 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

(03-29-2012, 06:13 PM)Acies Wrote: If Tanshaydar wants to continue this discussion with me we could take it over PMs or in a new thread.
I would appreciate that. I don't wish for my WIP thread to be "contaminated" in this way. No offense.

03-29-2012, 06:40 PM
ThoseRandomGuyz Offline

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RE: Hell Awakening Prologue: The Dorm

Thank you for putting me as a tester! Big Grin
I can't wait to play and give feedback!

I will review all of your custom stories (when I find time!)!
03-29-2012, 09:10 PM

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