okay ima get started then

i started to get the hang of normal scripting like unlocking doors, spawning monsters, playing music in zones.
But i still have problems with stuff that you modify in lang file.
Anyway so far i've managed to make a script for a key to unlock a door
i dont know how to rename the key and give it a description! Yes i've looked up tutorials and made this (my whole lang file):
<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">This is an example story.[br][br]my random description</Entry>
<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemName_SecretKey">Secret Key</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_SecretKey">Leading to a secret room</Entry>
yes i've named the key at the CustomSubItemTypeName (in level editor) to SecretKey.
Note: I dont get any errors when starting the game, like it usually does when script is wrong.
Funny thing is, when i made this script the name of key and describtion DID change but its called nothing now.. when i pick up key it just says " You've picked up " and its blank, no item describtion and no name when i point my mouse at the key in inventory