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Request First level testers.
The Shanus Offline

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First level testers.

Please, test my CS.

Okay so the first level of my CS - Hangover Of The Damned, is now pretty much done. A couple small scripts and details haven't been added just yet, but it's more or less done. If it crashes on the level door, don't worry, I've only done up to there. Also, I updated the download so it's zipped rather than having to download it all seperately. Please - constructive criticism is great! I can take any amount of it, and will use it indefinitely. A quick note - early jumpscares are to throw you off balance. Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?vxjbpddqui0f6wi


[Image: theshanusyoutube.jpg]
06-23-2012, 10:03 AM
GoranGaming Offline

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RE: First level testers.

I can test it, I will PM you a report shortly

Ok, I can tell you one thing, I didnt se shit in the beginning

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(This post was last modified: 06-23-2012, 12:15 PM by GoranGaming.)
06-23-2012, 12:02 PM
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bored2tears Offline

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RE: First level testers.

I guess I will play it. Like Goran said, I will PM you with how I felt.
06-23-2012, 01:41 PM
The Shanus Offline

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RE: First level testers.

(06-23-2012, 12:02 PM)GoranGaming Wrote: I can test it, I will PM you a report shortly

Ok, I can tell you one thing, I didnt se shit in the beginning
Ah, I didn't realise that that wasn't your signature! I play on 1.35 brightness, I think, and it's absolutely fine. Your "bat-vision" as I like to call it, should reveal everything within a close vicinity, and there is a very well lit up chest of drawers in the first room?

(06-23-2012, 01:41 PM)bored2tears Wrote: I guess I will play it. Like Goran said, I will PM you with how I felt.
Thanks fellas.

[Image: theshanusyoutube.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2012, 05:41 PM by The Shanus.)
06-23-2012, 05:24 PM
Mine Turtle Offline
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RE: First level testers.

This is your first custom story; so i'll try to criticize as possitively and constructively as i can.

Heres my mindset throughout the story:

Spoiler below!

First of all, I assume that the character is drunk, and you have no recollection of what happened before you passed out, or whatever. Why did I then wake up in a room similar to a jailcell? Why are there stretched textures for floors and roofs? Whats the story behind that guy who I found in the jailcell? I assume hes been captured; judging by what I read on the note, and his current situation. But then again, why is he there, who would possibly want to drag 1 single man down to a room full of barrels, boxes and chests, in a lone jailcell with a fancy looking closet, a pile of food and rocks?

When I continued on outside the jailcell I saw a poofer. He made practically no sense what so ever. NO sense. Id get that guy out of there if I were you.

I continued up the stairs to yet again see stretched textures on the roof, along with mismatching floors, where the 2 floors were connected. This takes time to master, so i wouldnt worry about it, but try to make it look as natural as possible.

I continued to read the note which just happened to have a casual skull ontop of it. Kinda cliche.

I read it, and suddently my screen shook up, and a brute slapped my face. Where did he come from? I certainly checked the room I was in before, so how in the hell could he have just popped up out of nowhere? I suppose you tried to build some tension here, but there wont be tension unless it sort of makes sense. Things just dont "pop up" out of nowhere.

I continued on, and out of nowhere, I see a hole in the ground. Alright, cool.

I traverse down the hole, and knowing the game, right is the right way to go. I go to the left all the same, seeing as some people love to put stuff there. I was correct; there is stuff there. I take the spoils of casual laudanum and sanity potion, and I read the note. Someone dug their way through here apparently, but who was it? Idk.

I go into the room that follows the right passageway, only to see a room with some rubble and a doorway. This is alright, I guess. Just watch out for the stretching textures on the floors and the roof.

In the long hallway, I see a stretched floor texture.

I try open the door, only to be interrupted by an abrupt boom. This clears the door, but where the hell did whatever opened this come from? Why was there a loud tense Bang sound out of nowhere, which resembled rubble falling, but with no rubble present? Meh.

I continue on, only to witness a MASSIVE room, with a million torches. WHY are there a million torches? Its hardly necessary, seeing as it only lowers my framerate..

I continue on under the staircase, only to see a casual clipping texture, a pile of sawdust, 7 tinderboxes, and a broom. Ok?

I keep going up the staircase, and theres the end.

Alot of things can be improved; and if you think this is TL;DR, when you asked for feedback, I can only say I tried.

Again, this is your first custom story; yet alone your first level. I have little to judge upon, but I would recommend to have a complete story make-over, and you need to have heavy work done on the story part of this CS. Have some mapping improvements, along with some details in the several rooms. Also try implement some more sense into the environment of this CS level.

A 1 level testing request is just useless, IMO. Work some more on your CS before asking for feedback on it. I suppose you asked just to see if you were goin in the right direction with mapping and such, but in the future, try to have more stuff than just a single level.

Good luck with this, and I hope this helped you out to some extent! ^^

[Image: 201107142327000.gif]
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2012, 06:27 PM by Mine Turtle.)
06-23-2012, 06:18 PM
The Shanus Offline

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RE: First level testers.

I won't quote, as it'll take up too much space: But, here is my answer/answers:

TL;DR Does not apply for me, especially when my own work is involved! I'm glad I got criticism like this, and hope for it again in the future :]

You're correct with the level 1 testing, I was wondering about direction.

But yes, to the spoiler:

Storywise - don't worry! I know it makes little sense at the moment, more will be explained as the story progresses, which is generally the way in which things work out with games :p But don't take that as being cheeky. Explanations for the grunt and such do need to be added, you are correct, and that will be explained a little further with some changes to the notes. I, myself, dislike the fancy closet. I'll go through the entities again and see if I can find some shabbier ones. The man who wrote the note upstairs, and in the cave is the same man - this should become clearer with some voice acting. This man also happened to be trapped in the cell with the headless_agrippa, but attempted to escape after said agrippa became headless. I played with the thought that both this character and the one in the first room were the same, but it made no sense - so he became the body parts. The skull, indeed, cliche'd, but I thought necessary as a warning/ the fact that there is no human_head entity. The brute needs a reason, again, I agree. I'll be thinking about it, mind, the early scares are to throw the player off-balance, to assume the game will be full of said "random" jumpscares, but this is not the case - hopefully, it will keep the player on his/her toes. The stretched textures are clearly through inexperience of working with such an engine, and are rather ambitious, as well as the glitching floors/walls/ceilings. I have been going under the pretext however, that anyone who is not an amnesia mod developer, does not really notice these things, unless they are incredibly obvious. Multiple tests on friends/family have proven this. The rubble falling would be due to my lack of finding a banging noise - also, this particular scare has no reason, I will probably remove it, as I think I just wanted to try the scripting. The lights, pointless, but add a little hope/faith in the players minds as they leave the doom and gloom of the area, and make it feel less square. The tinderboxes/dust has nothing wrong with it, or right with it, and is simply there to reward those explorers, as you might have guessed, which I am fine with. Hopefully this has cleared up some stuff, and I wouldn't worry about spoilers, as I'm not ashamed of it/ am not really aiming it at you guys! Big Grin

But I would like to - again, stress my thanks to you for this thorough going through of my CS, I know how long it must of taken you, and am incredibly greatful. If I didn't answer anything, please let me know, and excuse me if I seemed overly confident, I am just trying to explain my CS as much as possible :]

[Image: theshanusyoutube.jpg]
06-23-2012, 06:44 PM

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