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Creating a game using HPL2
MaZiCUT Offline
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Creating a game using HPL2

Would it be possible to create a game with the HPL2 engine that would be free?

Maybe something like a Horror-FPS, Nightmare House 2 for Half-Life 2 is a good example.

Cause i really want to start doing these things early, i'm not going to wait until i'm 16 or even 18 to begin learning all this.

(This post was last modified: 06-28-2012, 03:50 PM by MaZiCUT.)
06-28-2012, 03:43 PM
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

Even if it were legal, you would need the source code of the engine to overcome current limitations, in which case you'd still be stuck "learning all this."

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06-28-2012, 03:59 PM
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WesleyTack Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

Depends if you want to make it your living. If so I'd suggest you pick up on Cryengine or UDK. As game studios tend to use tools similar to those rather than HPL2. HPL2 is build just for Amnesia games, not saying you can't make a different game with it. I feel you'll be technically much more up to speed and learn more from the newer tools that are our there. There is also much more support available on those engines and if you need help on forums people will be able to help you quicker when you're working with a more globally known tool.

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06-28-2012, 04:05 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

I'm talking out of my ass right now, but I think Unreal 3 is a good place to go. The fact that so many different types of games have used that engine should mean it's quite flexible, and should be able to fulfill your needs whatever they might be.
06-28-2012, 05:16 PM
MaZiCUT Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

But wouldn't it be possible to create something in the style of a full conversion with it's own .exe and everything like Amnesia, But just replacing the entities, static objects and so on. And if you were to make a Horror FPS like that, it would be possible to create some tool for defense right? Just a lot of scripting.

06-28-2012, 05:55 PM
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Measuring Offline

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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

(06-28-2012, 05:55 PM)CrazyArts Wrote: But wouldn't it be possible to create something in the style of a full conversion with it's own .exe and everything like Amnesia, But just replacing the entities, static objects and so on. And if you were to make a Horror FPS like that, it would be possible to create some tool for defense right? Just a lot of scripting.
Ofc its possible but it wont be too easy unless you have the source code for the engine. But making a new amnesia with only your content is possible.

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06-28-2012, 06:05 PM
MaZiCUT Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

So wich is recommended? UDK or one of the Cry engines, i'm totally thinking UDK as my laptop is not high end and isn't much a laptop for gaming, but it's enough for me. I run Amnesia on medium or a little higher, with the highest textures.

So the Unreal Engine is easy right?

If one would sell games with it, Does he have to buy some kind of license to do that or can he just sell it freely?

06-28-2012, 06:25 PM
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Bridge Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

(06-28-2012, 06:25 PM)CrazyArts Wrote: So wich is recommended? UDK or one of the Cry engines, i'm totally thinking UDK as my laptop is not high end and isn't much a laptop for gaming, but it's enough for me. I run Amnesia on medium or a little higher, with the highest textures.

So the Unreal Engine is easy right?

If one would sell games with it, Does he have to buy some kind of license to do that or can he just sell it freely?
Game programming is not even close to being easy. Development kits like the SDK or UDK help you get started with it because you can easily create mods and implement your own custom features. The trade-off is that neither of these games' source codes are available to the public so making an entirely new game using the development kit is not feasible.

You can sell games you create using the UDK but you're going to have to consult the terms of agreement because I don't know the conditions under which you can use it commercially (you can't sell stuff you make with the SDK however).

There are plenty of completely open-source engines out there that you can use to create commercial products, most notably all of id's engines (because id are awesome).
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2012, 06:42 PM by Bridge.)
06-28-2012, 06:41 PM
Lucas Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

No such programs could be defined "easy".

Making games comes with a lot of patience. You'll have to know at least the basics of 3d modelling, programming/scripting, designing, texturing and mapping. In average it would take about one year each to get involved with the more advanced parts. But every big project has a small start, right?

Good luck!
06-28-2012, 06:44 PM
MaZiCUT Offline
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RE: Creating a game using HPL2

I know all of this people, i know it is hard.

That's why i'm working my way up from modifications into bigger work, like becoming an indie game developer.

But i appreciate all the replies, and that id engine looks sweet, I must really check into it.

06-28-2012, 06:55 PM
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