(07-12-2012, 07:11 PM)dbaker004 Wrote: I have 1.2
didnt rename anything
put it in the right doc
All i have is a flashlight mod 
Wait do i open the gary config and sounds etc and put them in the right place or do i just put in the directory like the others and the 1.2 is the Justine expansion pack correct I cleaned out my amnesia folder so theres no mods or custom storys 
Here a tuto I do (on paint...FUCK YEAH) , not a big skill in english and in effect, but I think ( and I hope) you will understand.
If any problem said it I will try to be more understandable.
If that work now, then...enjoy this awesome mod and shit your pants !!
Here the tuto
Read this , just in case, for the "menu/main" part, only the "gary_menu.map" go to menu/main, the GDC must be put in "menu" that's all.