Just wanted to start a WIP thread that I could add to. I decided to start approaching modelling in a more serious fashion. These are my first models I've seen start to finish entirely, including texturing. I've been thinking about a custom story for a while now. I think a modern environment would look very nice in the hlp2 engine.
Anyway, below is a SS around the starting area of the first map. I have a few name ideas floating through my head but I'm still undecided. All models and textures are custom (other than a borrowed skybox texture)

The only thing that hasn't changed since the 1800's is pretty much rocks. I have some more content made but I don't want to show everything off just yet.
I might consider teaming up with someone to actually be able to release content. At the rate I'm going, it will be at least another month until the first area is completed. Let me know if anyone is interested.