......okayyy. Now just out of curiosity let's see how long it would take me to make the Jason model in the quality I demand of myself when modeling.

I'll assume that I have enough time to work 8 hours a day.
1. creating an anatomically correct naked human basemesh: ~2-3 days, depending on the level of detail desired. The mask makes it easier because face always takes the longest and he doesn't show any skin so I won't need to make photoprojections.
2. creating the clothes: His clothes are pretty simple pattern-wise (simple shirt, pants and jacket) but realistic folds are always a huge pain to do and his clothes have a lot of wrinkles. (I prefer doing folds by hand instead of simulating cloth to have more control). I say ... 3 days including the shoes and mask. (Mask is very easy, Shoes are pretty painful)
3. time for retopo/ lowpoly. 1 day until the geometry is nice and clean, 1/2 day for UV layout.
4. baking the normal map and ambient occlusion from high- to lowpoly. Very straightforward in theory but I've baked enough stuff to know that SOMETHING always goes wrong. Better give me a whole day for this, just to be safe.
5. Texturing. He's not super-fancy texture wise but still, all those dirt and blood stains might take a few tries until they look believable. 1 day. (including spec map and fine details for the normal map)
Let's see...that makes... 9 1/2 days for the mesh and material if I could work the whole time straight without any distractions or other stuff to do.
On to the rig. Having already written some useful MEL-scripts to make this process easier I think I could crunch the whole joint hierarchy and control rig into one day. Skinning takes 1/2 day.
Animations take about one day each, depending on how long/ complicated they are. Let's say we need a walk, idle and attack. idle is easy, attack is hard, walk is average, so 3 days.
sooo... that's at least 15 days of non-stop work I'd have to do for a complete stranger on the internet for a project I don't even know. Sorry but even if I had the time for it, it still wouldn't happen.