Sorry to burst your bubble but even if you get it running the game will lag badly. Turning down the settings (graphics > options) will help but it will still be a sh-tty experience.
On topic...
Also according to the log the game is having trouble loading... if you bought it retail or via steam all files should be there... if you acquired it else where (illegal) then the game is not going to work properly...
Well i originally bought it for my mac, but copied over the files to this pc. Anyway I'm looking into an Alienware M17X R4, so this won't be a problem for much longer. Thanks for the help
(08-17-2012, 04:57 AM)Dr Proskill Wrote: Well i originally bought it for my mac, but copied over the files to this pc. Anyway I'm looking into an Alienware M17X R4, so this won't be a problem for much longer. Thanks for the help
Wait.... even if you got the files copied (you should not be able to) because Mac is not Windows... lol