On topic - Something happened to this thread during the server ''update'' a while back, it got borked.
Anyway, I'd just like to bump this and let people know that I've moved to stockholm a few days ago and I currently have no internet access, so instead of sending me PM's about complaints and such please contact the other moderators for now.
(09-20-2012, 01:49 PM)kartanonperuna Wrote: Tell me,traggey,why does Stockholm give me claustrophobia?
Stockholm is the backside of Sweden, it's natural to feel uneasy when being there.
Even though it might help leaving the city, the only known cure is a visit to Gothenburg.
Socialism (noun): A great way to run out of other people's money.
traggey if you had an apple with a straw n you poked the apple though wit it and a pebble hadnt dropped through itd stop straw inside the apple ebcause gravity cant apple