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Dead Space 3 Gameplay
Statyk Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

I got what I wanted out and I agree Nemet, I don't think it was very necessary to PM him. Not to mention posting it here.

Anyways, I agree with Scraper. What was said was said. Let's all hold hands now.
10-03-2012, 08:23 PM
Robby Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay


So, if you played the DS games, which were the best parts (the parts you liked the most)?

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10-03-2012, 08:25 PM
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Adny Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

I've only played 2; the only time I can remember being legitimately scared is the part with stalkers (I think they only came 2-3 times in the entire game). I'm not sure if that's their actual name, but I'm referring to those things that run around in "maze" areas and randomly charge at you while screeching. Really fast, really hard to shoot, and do a lot of damage D:

Only time I fear-quit.

I rate it 3 memes.
10-03-2012, 08:43 PM
Robby Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

I remember that part with the "sun" thingy falling down. Needless to say, Isaac reacted the same way I did.

That's a funny memory.

I know more, but they don't come to my mind right now.

Infrequently active. Don't expect an immediate response. Best to contact me at a different locale. If I create a thread, expect me to be quite active.
10-03-2012, 08:44 PM
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rndmnwierd Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

I honestly couldn't play DS by myself. So creepy since I just had to play in the dark, if only to see the screen and the whole game just sucked me in.

DS2 had some good parts, but there were a lot of places where jumps would happen and I'd just go, "Meh. Kill it."

You know, specifics don't really come to mind.... I guess that just means I'm due for a replay!

I know my name is a mouthful, use rndy if you like!

The YouTube thing that I do
10-03-2012, 09:03 PM
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Obliviator27 Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

(10-03-2012, 08:43 PM)andyrockin123 Wrote: I've only played 2; the only time I can remember being legitimately scared is the part with stalkers (I think they only came 2-3 times in the entire game). I'm not sure if that's their actual name, but I'm referring to those things that run around in "maze" areas and randomly charge at you while screeching. Really fast, really hard to shoot, and do a lot of damage D:

Only time I fear-quit.
Those things are such a pain. On the plus side, they're easy to take down (1 leg shot with an upgraded Plasma Cutter, then another to knock their arm off if they don't die)
But if you miss that first shot....

10-03-2012, 09:34 PM
Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

(10-03-2012, 08:25 PM)Nemet Robert (Robby) Wrote: which were the best parts (the parts you liked the most)?
I liked the part where we could cut parts off....
10-03-2012, 09:44 PM
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Sexbad Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

(10-03-2012, 07:34 PM)the dark side Wrote: And the Difference in gameplay mechanics terms between this and Gears Of War is what?

im sorry, but i am afraid I dont see any. sorry, you want me to buy a game, you have got to do better than that EA, you dont get my money by cloning what i see as an "inferior dumbed down modern interactive movie" (not enough gameplay to be classed as a game, QTE IS NOT GAMEPLAY!)

Gameplay is EVERYTHING! i don't care what a games story is, or even what is atmosphere is, i look purely at the gameplay, and all i see here is Gears Of War crossed with Aliens with Atmosphere cheaply copied from resi and boiled down to a few lame jumpscares.

Waste of time and money as far as i am concerened, cancel the game, FIRE the dev team, and make something WORTH buying next time EA.
Here is the extreme difference between Gears of War and Dead Space:

Gears of War is a cover shooter. In Gears, you and two friendly AIs sit down behind walls and take potshots at enemy AIs that sit down behind walls and take potshots at you. There are no tactical challenges unless they are scripted to occur. You sit, aim, maybe throw a grenade, take damage and then sit back down waiting for your health to regenerate.

Dead Space is a monster horde shooter. In Dead Space, you go into a room and get jumped by a few enemies and have to run to a safe distance to kill them. The enemies are often very diverse, each with special features, like ranged attacks, explosive body parts, super speed, the capacity to stalk you, speed-inhibiting vomit and maybe a few other things. You need to prioritize the targets coming at you and use whatever weapon is most efficient at moving their limbs. You can also use Kinesis to kill enemies using bits of the environment or Stasis to slow them down, both of which are really, really cool. Your health (among other things) doesn't regenerate, so you need to explore in order to find disposable resources and money that you can use to buy the useful stuff. That's Dead Space.

Are you even letting yourself have fun with computer games?

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2012, 10:10 PM by Sexbad.)
10-03-2012, 10:10 PM
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Danny Boy Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay

(10-03-2012, 10:10 PM)Sexbad Wrote:
(10-03-2012, 07:34 PM)the dark side Wrote: And the Difference in gameplay mechanics terms between this and Gears Of War is what?

im sorry, but i am afraid I dont see any. sorry, you want me to buy a game, you have got to do better than that EA, you dont get my money by cloning what i see as an "inferior dumbed down modern interactive movie" (not enough gameplay to be classed as a game, QTE IS NOT GAMEPLAY!)

Gameplay is EVERYTHING! i don't care what a games story is, or even what is atmosphere is, i look purely at the gameplay, and all i see here is Gears Of War crossed with Aliens with Atmosphere cheaply copied from resi and boiled down to a few lame jumpscares.

Waste of time and money as far as i am concerened, cancel the game, FIRE the dev team, and make something WORTH buying next time EA.
Here is the extreme difference between Gears of War and Dead Space:

Gears of War is a cover shooter. In Gears, you and two friendly AIs sit down behind walls and take potshots at enemy AIs that sit down behind walls and take potshots at you. There are no tactical challenges unless they are scripted to occur. You sit, aim, maybe throw a grenade, take damage and then sit back down waiting for your health to regenerate.

Dead Space is a monster horde shooter. In Dead Space, you go into a room and get jumped by a few enemies and have to run to a safe distance to kill them. The enemies are often very diverse, each with special features, like ranged attacks, explosive body parts, super speed, the capacity to stalk you, speed-inhibiting vomit and maybe a few other things. You need to prioritize the targets coming at you and use whatever weapon is most efficient at moving their limbs. You can also use Kinesis to kill enemies using bits of the environment or Stasis to slow them down, both of which are really, really cool. Your health (among other things) doesn't regenerate, so you need to explore in order to find disposable resources and money that you can use to buy the useful stuff. That's Dead Space.

Are you even letting yourself have fun with computer games?
and here we go again... this conversation was over! please stop keeping this alive.
10-03-2012, 10:15 PM
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Adny Offline
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RE: Dead Space 3 Gameplay


Sexbad gave a very accurate and well thought out description of both game types - I don't see anything wrong with that. There was absolutely no hostility on his behalf (can't say the same for "the dark side" though).

I rate it 3 memes.
10-03-2012, 10:25 PM

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