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The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread
Kreekakon Offline
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The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

Hey there all. I was rummaging through some of my really early days on the internet (2005ish early), and I found this gem:

It's a fanfic I wrote back then when I was playing a Disney MMORPG called Toontown, and posted on a forum about the game.

It was hilariously bad, and I don't know how I ever had the nerve to release something like it. I laughed a lot when re-reading it just now. Well here it is:

Spoiler below!
The Story of Silly Fluffy

By Kreekakon


The Toons:


Professer Pete

Silly Fluffy

Loopy Buster Flipper Spinner

Huey Featermarble

Coniel Blinky

The Cogs Leaders:

The Marketer

The Senior VP

The Money Making Machine

The Lawful Worker

The Big Bang


It was a sad day for the toons. The cogs had stolen all the fish thus
leaving the fishermen beanless. However, a miricle is about to

Chapter 1

Flippy was walking down Pajama Place looking at the empty ponds when he sees.....

Flippy: A cog building! But this one is a little odd. It looks like no
building I've seen before.(reads the label) It says "Cog Power
Building". I'd Better alert the toons!

Chapter 2

All the toons are at the Toontown Centrel playgroud listening to Flippy talk about this mysterious cog building.

Flippy: This building must be recovered. That's why me, Honey Haha,
Lil' Oldman, and Billy Bud are going into this building. Thanks to
Professer Pete's Toon Scopes, you'll see what we see. Now without
further ado, ONWARD TO THE BUILDING(All toons cheer )

At the cog building, everyone watches Professer Pete set up the TVs
for the toon scopes. Next to the building Flippy and his companions are
putting on their toon scopes.

Flippy: Alright then, LET"S GO!

Chapter 3

Inside the building.....

Honey Haha: This is odd. There are nnooo cogs.

Billy Bud: Still be on your guard.

They keep walking until they come to a large catwalk way. On it was.......

Lil' Oldman: GOONS! HUNDREDS of them!

The toons outside:"gasp"(one toon actually faints)

Honey Haha: I got an idea.( turns to Lil' Oldman) You grab onto my
right hand. ( turns to Billy Bud) You grab my other one.( turns to
Flippy)You stand on my head.

The Toons do as they are told.

Honey Haha: HANG ON!

She starts jumping on the goons heads one by one as if the goons were
stepping stones in aptempt to reach the door on the other side. When the
toons reach the other side, all the goons run toward them in anger. The
toons dash through the door and slam it shut. None of them notice that
the metal door has been wedged in a little with the shape of some
goons.(I hope you know what that means.)

Billy Bud: Look! There are some cogs over there at level......20! LEVEL 20!


The toons outside:"GASP"(Five more toons faint)

Lil' Oldman: C'mon! We can do this! We're TOONS you know!

Flippy: Yeah! WE CAN DO THIS!

Honey Haha and Billy Bud: Yeah!( They all charge at the cogs)

After a hour of fighting the cogs, everyone was sweaty and tired. Even Lil' Oldman needed rest.

Billy Bud: Look! A bunch of Toon-up barrels!( They get the barrels)

Honey Haha: I feel much better!

Billy Bud: That's That!

Flippy: Now let's go.

A voice: I don't think so.

Chapter 4

Flippy spun around. There were four huge cogs leering Flippy and his friends. One of each type.

Flippy: Who are you?

Bossbot: I'm The Bossbot Boss. The Big Bang.

Lawbot: I'm The Lawbot Boss. The Lawful Worker.

Cashbot: I'm The Cashbot Boss. The Money Making Machine.

Sellbot: I'm The Sellbot Boss. The Marketer

Lil' Oldman: HA! We can take you four bosses out easy as pee.

The toons all take out four red buttons.

Flippy: EAT THIS!"click"

Four grand pianos fall on the Big Bang's head.


And the Big Bang's light was..........


The toons outside:"GGAASSPP"(20 more toons faint)

Big Bang: Do you honestly think you can defeat me that easily?

Flippy: Well.....uh....uh.....

Lil' Oldman: YES!

Big Bang: Well now it's our turn! Take bang on this!(He shoots some fireballs causing everyone to lose 40 laff!)

Billy Bud: Uh oh!

Marketer: I believe this reciept is yours.(Throws a reciept at Honey Haha causing her to lose 80 laff.)


Marketer: Well, I guess this is the first!

Lil' Oldman:..........

Money Makin' Machine: This is for you friend.(Takes some cogbucks and throws them on the big bang making him +50)

Honey Haha: Oh dear!

Lawful Worker: You broke the rules!( Takes some hammers and throws them at Flippy)

Flippy:OOF -70 Don't worry! We can win! Toons of The World! Unite! Take down the Cogs!

So after 30 minutes of fighting, gaging, and toons outside fainting, a
Flippy with 9 laff is left. Unfortunaly for the cogs, the big bang is
almost down.

Money Makin' Machine: Impressive little toon. None has lasted this long against us.

Flippy: must....not.......lose....

Money Makin' Machine: Well I'm Afraid it's time to! You owed me for this! BOUNCE CHECK!

Flippy: Must not lose...Must not.....I WON'T. (He dodges the attack.)

Big Bang: Uh oh.

Flippy takes out a his last grand piano button.

Flippy: Let's hope that fate is on our side! "click"



A computer chip falls out of the the big bang's rubble. Flippy reaches for it.

Lawful Worker: NNOOO!! (uses double talk)

Flippy snatches the chip right before he loses his last laff points and goes back to the playground.

Lawful Worker: That's it! This place is too dangerous! I'm going back to HQ!

Money Makin' Machine and Marketer: Us too.

Chapter 5

After Flippy gets happy again, he shows the computer chip to Professer Pete.

Pete: Hmmmm.......

Flippy: Well what is it?

Pete: This is the Big Bang's mind. All you did was destroy his body. If the cogs get this back, he will return.

Flippy: (smiling)Hang on. That gives me an idea.

Later at the Toontown Central Playground, Flippy tells his idea to the toons.

Flippy: We can have a toon switch brain waves with this chip and leave
it on the street so the cogs will a big bang body with a toon's mind
in it. Then he could order the main doors open so that Loopy Buster
Flipperspinner and Huey Feathermarble can rescue the on their toon
helicopter! So......are there any volunteers?

Everyone stands back one step except for one green headed cat.

The cat: I will.

Flippy: Ah Silly Fluffy, a very tough toon. So you shall go?

Silly Fluffy: Yes, I will. Let's start!

Flippy: Alright. Now.....put this tube on your head.

Silly Fluffy does so.

Flippy: This might hurt a little. "clicks start"

After 14.67 seconds of flashing, the transplant is complete. Silly
Fluffy's body will faint for a little while. Flippy picks up the power
chip and leaves it on Puchline Place.

After 7 minutes or so, a level 1 Short Change finds it and picks it up. He reconizes it at once.

Short Change: It's the Big Bang's power chip! I'll get a promotion for turning this in!(flys away to Cashbot HQ.)

Chapter 6

Back in Cashbot HQ...

CFO: This had better be good short change#256.

Short Change: It is. I found the Big Bang's Power chip!

CFO: WONDERFUL! You'll be getting five promtions for this!

Short Change(now a penny pincher level 2): Thank you, sir.

The CFO takes the chip to Sellbot HQ, and gives it to the VP.

VP: Thank you for your corappration CFO.

CFO: No, biggie.

The VP takes the chip to cog factory where all the cogs are busy making new ones and giving skellacogs armour.

VP: Alright everyone! Listen up! We're gonna make a new body for the recently destroyed Big Bang with this power chip!

Silly Fluffy: (thinks) Oh yeah! All acording to plan!

After 3 hours of banging and clanging, the big bang's body is complete. The cogs bring it to life with the power chip.

Telemarker: IT'S ALIVE!

Everyone looks at the Telemarker.

Telemarker: Sorry 'bout that.

Chapter 7

Silly Fluffy: Now what do I do?

Cold Caller: You go back to Bossbot HQ and get to work.

Silly Fluffy: OK.

After Silly Fluffy goes back to Bossbot HQ, he gives Flippy a call.

Flippy: Good job Silly Fluffy. Your body is now safely locked up in a cage. Now order the doors ope........

The door suddenly opens and a Pencil Pusher comes in.

Pencil Pusher: Alright. Time to work. (gives a mountain of files to Silly Fluffy)

Silly Fluffy: (to Flippy) I might be busy for a while.

Flippy: Ok. I'll call back later.

Pencil Pusher: What's that little phone?

Silly Fluffy: Nothing. ( turns off the phone)

Pencil Pusher: Alright. I'd better get back to work. (leaves)

After a few days of cog life, Silly Fluffy learns all the ways of the
cogs. He knows how to act like one. But he doesn't forget his mission.
One gray cloudy day, he gets his chance.

Silly Fluffy: (to Flippy) Prepare to send in Loopy Buster
Flipperspinner and Huey Feathermarble's helicopter. I'm about to order
the doors open.

Flippy: Ok. (To Loopy Buster Flipperspinner and Huey Feathermarble) Send in the helicopter.

Loopy Buster: Ok.

Huey: We're on it!

Loopy Buster and Huey leave on their toon helicopter loaded with TNT
and pie machine guns. They're headed torwards the great Bossbot HQ.

Silly Fluffy: Open the doors securitiy. I need some fresh air.

Flunkys: If you say so. ( opens the door)

ZZOOOOMMM!! Loopy Buter and Huey's helicopter had just barged in!

Flunkys: They're headed toward the Fish tank! Stop them!

Silly Fluffy: I'll go stop the guards! You two go rescue the fish!

Loopy Buster and Huey: Ok! ( Fly away)

Silly Fluffy starts taking care of the guards. When he defeats all of them. He sits down to rest. But then he hears a voice.

Marketer: Well hello Big Bang. Or should I say...Silly Fluffy?

Chapter 8

Silly Fluffy: What do you want?

Marketer: I have an offer for you.

Silly Fluffy: Save it.

Marketer: You can give up your life as a toon and join us cogs. All we want is peace.

Silly Fluffy: NO! NEVER!

Marketer: Well I'll give you some time to think about it.


Silly Fluffy attacks the Marketer. But he gets away very swiftly.
Silly Fluffy feels bad about not getting back at the marketer for
defeating Flippy. Meanwhile in fish tank vault...

Huey: EAT THIS YOU COGS! ( shoots the TNT machine gun)


Loopy Buster: That's the last of them! Let's go get the fish!

Huey: Ok. Actavaite fish scoop net! (scoops up all the fish)

Loppy Buster: Now let's pick up Silly Fluffy and get out of here!

After they pick up Silly Fluffy they run with the fish. Everyone
cheers when they get back( mostly the fishermen). But Silly Fluffy is
still thinking about what the Marketer said.

Flippy: Now let's get you out of that cog body and back into your own body.

Silly Fluffy: Wha? Wha? Oh, ok.

Flippy: Are you ok Silly Fluffy?

Silly Fluffy: No, not exactly. I'll talk about it after I get back into my old body.

Flippy: Alright.

After Silly Fluffy gets back in his body, he tells Flippy about the Marketer.

Flippy: Well, I'm proud that you made that decision. I would have done that too.

Silly Fluffy: But the cogs said all they wanted was peace.

Flippy: I don't believe them.

Silly Fluffy: I don't know...

Flippy: Are you saying we should trust the cogs? Don't forget about all they have done. Think!

Silly Fluffy: "sigh" I will. I'm going to get some rest at my estate.

Flippy: See ya.

Chapter 9

At his estate, Silly Fluffy plays with his doodle DG, while thinking about what the maketer and Flippy had said.

Silly Fluffy: I don't know what to think DG. I want peace too. If the
cogs are telling the truth, they will bring peace. That would help the

DG: Sad

So Silly Fluffy heads to Sellbot HQ to take the Marketer's offer. Surprisenly, the cogs seem happy to see him.

Cogs: We have been waiting for you Silly Fluffy. The Marketer awaits.

Silly Fluffy: Thank you. ( Heads to Sellbot Twin Towers and go to the marketer's office)

Marketer: So... What's your choice? Bring peace to us both, or contiue letting us both suffer.

Silly Fluffy: (kneels) I'll do whatever you say. Just bring peace upon us.

Marketer: Very well. You now are no longer Silly Fluffy. You shall now
be the Auction Seller Sellbot, the VP's right hand man. Now there is
still one thing to be done.

AS: I understand. I must be cogafied. But part of me wiil still remain a toon.

Marketer: You are quite qucik at this, AS.

Back, at Toontown Centre, Flippy recieves news about this.

Pete: Flippy! Silly Fluffy has joined the cogs and is now renamed as Auction Seller!

Flippy: Oh no, Silly Fluffy, why did you allow your wish for toon
peace go this far? Why didn't you listen to me? Why? ( To Professer
Pete) I'll go to Sellbot HQ and try to talk some sense into Silly
Fluffy. Have Coniel Blinky come with me. He's his best friend.

Pete: Yes, Flippy.

Chapter 10

An hour later Flippy and Coniel Blinky arrive at Sellbot HQ. They make an appointmant with the AS.

Flippy: Please come back to us. The marketer was lieing to you. Joining the cogs won...

AS: Silence! You cannot talk to me like that!

CB(Coniel Blinky): Please Silly Fluffy.

AS: The cogs are good! They will bring peace to us! If you're not with me,.... YOU'RE AGAINST ME!

CB: No. No. I would never turn against you! I just want you to see the light.

AS: I will be spoken to like that! You must fall! ( attacks Coniel Blinky)



Flippy: GGRRRR.... How could you do such a thing!? He is your friend!

AS: He "was" my friend. BUT NOW MY FRIENDS ARE THE COGS!

Flippy: You'll pay for this! Just you wait! "runs off"

AS: Guards! After him!

Flippy manages to escape the guards, but now he knows that The AS must
fall. He sends groups of toons to fight him( during fighting the VP
because they work in the same room), but they all come back sad
explainling that the pies had no effect on him. Flippy now remembers
that he is part toon, part cog. So he goes to Profsser Pete for help.

Pete: Hmmmm... I need to brew up somthing that will work on both cogs and toons.

Flippy: Well get to it!

Pete: Very well.

So Professer Pete works day and night in order to find the thing he is
looking for. After 3 months of research, he invents his gag.

Pete: (to Flippy) I have created a new type of "stink" gag which will
affect both toons and cogs. The upside: These "will" affect the AS. The
downside: The toons take recoil damage when using them. -5 each time.

Flippy: These will have to do. Now let's go take him down!

Pete: ME?! I can go with you?

Flippy: Yes you can.

Pete: Alright, let's go!

Chapter 11

After rounding up 6 other toons( Toons #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and Coniel
Blinky), Flippy, Pete, and their toons go to get a promotion. The toons
come out of the lobby elevator.

VP: You are now promoted to be Fully-ledged Sellbots! Congradulations!

AS: Go and make that sale!

VP: (turns to the toons) Welcome new cogs!

AS: You are hereby promoted to be Fully-ledged sellbots! Congrad....

Solie Squit: Hey! Hiya over there! So did you toons come to rescue me?




Prof. Pete, Flippy, and their toons get past the cogs without them even attacking.

VP: [Image: ohmy.gif]

AS: WELL NOW IT'S TIME FOR MY SKELECOGS!(takes out a red button) ATTACK! "click"

Flippy and his toons can't believe their eyes. After the AS clicked
the button, some flat things pop out of the ground. Then they grow to
fully sized level 20 skelecogs.

Pete: Uh oh.

These cogs are hard to defeat. Unlike the VP's cogs, the AS has much
more cogs. After the toons barely get past the skelecogs, they notice
they have already lost three toons.

AS: Grrr... I guess I have to take care of you five myself!

#5: Bring it on! ( takes out stink pie)

SPLAT! The pie hits the AS right in the face!

AS: OOF! That smarts! But'll take more than that to defeat me!


A pie had fallen right inside the VP's undercarridge! But instead of
making him dizzy, it causes him spit gears and crakle electricity. This
goes on untill the VP gives a spit, a sputter, a shake, and then falls
on the ground without any movement left in that tremondous body of his.

AS: NNOOOOO!! VP! You'll pay for that toons!

CB: Please no! I am your friend! We are your friends! Why do you do this?

AS: "sigh" I am not your friend. But after what you said to me, I
shall not destroy you toons. But you must leave. And remember! Next
time, no more Mr. nice guy! ( Takes out a huge toon transporter hole and
throws it on the ground) This will take you back to the playground.

CB: Silly Fluffy.... please come with us.

AS: NO! Hurry away before I change my mind!

Flippy: Come on Coniel Blinky. Let's get out of here.

After Coniel Blinky gives the AS one last look. He jumps in the hole with Flippy.

Chapter 12

Back at the playground, Coniel Blinky says he wants to go back. Before
Flippy can stop him he runs off. Meanwhile back at the Sellbot HQ...

Marketer: Since the VP is destroyed, you are now the new VP Auction Seller.

AS: Thank you sir.

Marketer: Now you must destroy the toons.

AS: Errr... uhhh...

Marketer: DO IT!

Coniel Blinky suddenly pops in.

CB: No! Silly Fluffy! Don't do it! Fight the will of the cogs!

Marketer: You dare barge in like this?! Foolish little toon... You must die now! (Attacks CB)

After 5 minutes, Coniel Blinky is tied on the wall. The marketer orders the AS to finish him off.

AS: Errr.. errrr.... errr.. ehhh...

Marketer: Do it.

CB: This is your choice Silly Fluffy. None can change it. No mather what you choose you'll still be my friend.

AS: I'm sorry. But I must do this. ( raises his weapon)

Marketer: "sneers"

CB: Sad


Silly Fluffy points the weapon at the marketer and opens fire.
Unfortunly, he missed. Then he unties Coniel Blinky and tells him to go
get help.

Marketer: A foolish choice Silly Fluffy. " runs off"

Silly Fluffy: HEY! COME BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU! ( chases the Marketer)

While chasing the Maketer, Silly Fluffy gets rid of all the trust for
the cogs. As he does this, he slowly turns back into a toon. He finaly
corners the Marketer in the Sellbot control room.

Marketer: Well I'm impressed by your abillities. So I'm giving you another chance to join us.

Silly Fluffy: No! Never! You must fall now! ( puts hand on the self-destruct lever)

Marketer: (worried) No. Don't be a fool. You'll kill us both.

Silly Fluffy: Including you. "pull"

At once the Sellbot Twin Towers begins to shake vilontly, causing
large rocks to rain down from the celling. The marketer roars and lunges
toward Silly Fluffy. But just before he reaches him, a huge boulder
falls right on top of him. However, Silly Fluffy just sits there.
Meanwhile right outside the Twin Towers, Coniel Blinky, Flippy, Huey
Feathermarble, and Loopy Buster Flipperspinner arrive on the scene.

Flippy: ( over the terrible noise) I'VE GOT TO GO IN THERE AND RESCUE SILLY FLUFFY!

Huey: YOU CAN'T!



Flippy: NO! THIS IS MY DUTY! "charges in the collapsing building"


After Flippy gets inside the tower, he takes the elevator straghit to the control room.


Silly Fluffy: I must stay.


Silly Fluffy: No! This is all my fault. So I have to stay here and pay
the price. But I am not letting you die here as well! ( kicks Flippy
into the elevator and pushes up)

Flippy: NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After Flippy escapes, he dashes away from the nearly destroyed
building crying. He watches the Sellbot Twin Towers crumble before his
eyes with Sily Fluffy still in it.

Huey: I'm sorry Flippy... I'm so sorry.

CB: We're all sorry. Silly Fluffy was a good friend.

Flippy: No...no...it's already over. We'll go back to Toontown Central to do Silly Fluffy's funeral.

Loopy Buster: Come on Flippy... let's go.

With one last look at the destoryed building, our friends leave the
scene. None of them notice a cat hand raises out of the rubble.

The End. ( for now)

To be contiued....

Look out for episode two!

^So yeah, that's basically what my early days of the internet were like.

After I found this story, it occurred to me that everyone around here must have some sort of hilarious tales of when they were young, and foolish newcomers/noobs to the world wide web. Why not share your stories with the FG forums? Or better yet, link to the original post!

Happy hunting Big Grin

[Image: Tv0YgQb.gif]
Image by BandyGrass
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2012, 02:13 PM by Kreekakon.)
10-05-2012, 02:06 PM
crisosphinx Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

(10-05-2012, 02:06 PM)Kreekakon Wrote: Hey there all. I was rummaging through some of my really early days on the internet (2005ish early), and I found this gem:

It's a fanfic I wrote back then when I was playing a Disney MMORPG called Toontown, and posted on a forum about the game.

It was hilariously bad, and I don't know how I ever had the nerve to release something like it. I laughed a lot when re-reading it just now. Well here it is:

Spoiler below!
The Story of Silly Fluffy

By Kreekakon


The Toons:


Professer Pete

Silly Fluffy

Loopy Buster Flipper Spinner

Huey Featermarble

Coniel Blinky

The Cogs Leaders:

The Marketer

The Senior VP

The Money Making Machine

The Lawful Worker

The Big Bang


It was a sad day for the toons. The cogs had stolen all the fish thus
leaving the fishermen beanless. However, a miricle is about to

Chapter 1

Flippy was walking down Pajama Place looking at the empty ponds when he sees.....

Flippy: A cog building! But this one is a little odd. It looks like no
building I've seen before.(reads the label) It says "Cog Power
Building". I'd Better alert the toons!

Chapter 2

All the toons are at the Toontown Centrel playgroud listening to Flippy talk about this mysterious cog building.

Flippy: This building must be recovered. That's why me, Honey Haha,
Lil' Oldman, and Billy Bud are going into this building. Thanks to
Professer Pete's Toon Scopes, you'll see what we see. Now without
further ado, ONWARD TO THE BUILDING(All toons cheer )

At the cog building, everyone watches Professer Pete set up the TVs
for the toon scopes. Next to the building Flippy and his companions are
putting on their toon scopes.

Flippy: Alright then, LET"S GO!

Chapter 3

Inside the building.....

Honey Haha: This is odd. There are nnooo cogs.

Billy Bud: Still be on your guard.

They keep walking until they come to a large catwalk way. On it was.......

Lil' Oldman: GOONS! HUNDREDS of them!

The toons outside:"gasp"(one toon actually faints)

Honey Haha: I got an idea.( turns to Lil' Oldman) You grab onto my
right hand. ( turns to Billy Bud) You grab my other one.( turns to
Flippy)You stand on my head.

The Toons do as they are told.

Honey Haha: HANG ON!

She starts jumping on the goons heads one by one as if the goons were
stepping stones in aptempt to reach the door on the other side. When the
toons reach the other side, all the goons run toward them in anger. The
toons dash through the door and slam it shut. None of them notice that
the metal door has been wedged in a little with the shape of some
goons.(I hope you know what that means.)

Billy Bud: Look! There are some cogs over there at level......20! LEVEL 20!


The toons outside:"GASP"(Five more toons faint)

Lil' Oldman: C'mon! We can do this! We're TOONS you know!

Flippy: Yeah! WE CAN DO THIS!

Honey Haha and Billy Bud: Yeah!( They all charge at the cogs)

After a hour of fighting the cogs, everyone was sweaty and tired. Even Lil' Oldman needed rest.

Billy Bud: Look! A bunch of Toon-up barrels!( They get the barrels)

Honey Haha: I feel much better!

Billy Bud: That's That!

Flippy: Now let's go.

A voice: I don't think so.

Chapter 4

Flippy spun around. There were four huge cogs leering Flippy and his friends. One of each type.

Flippy: Who are you?

Bossbot: I'm The Bossbot Boss. The Big Bang.

Lawbot: I'm The Lawbot Boss. The Lawful Worker.

Cashbot: I'm The Cashbot Boss. The Money Making Machine.

Sellbot: I'm The Sellbot Boss. The Marketer

Lil' Oldman: HA! We can take you four bosses out easy as pee.

The toons all take out four red buttons.

Flippy: EAT THIS!"click"

Four grand pianos fall on the Big Bang's head.


And the Big Bang's light was..........


The toons outside:"GGAASSPP"(20 more toons faint)

Big Bang: Do you honestly think you can defeat me that easily?

Flippy: Well.....uh....uh.....

Lil' Oldman: YES!

Big Bang: Well now it's our turn! Take bang on this!(He shoots some fireballs causing everyone to lose 40 laff!)

Billy Bud: Uh oh!

Marketer: I believe this reciept is yours.(Throws a reciept at Honey Haha causing her to lose 80 laff.)


Marketer: Well, I guess this is the first!

Lil' Oldman:..........

Money Makin' Machine: This is for you friend.(Takes some cogbucks and throws them on the big bang making him +50)

Honey Haha: Oh dear!

Lawful Worker: You broke the rules!( Takes some hammers and throws them at Flippy)

Flippy:OOF -70 Don't worry! We can win! Toons of The World! Unite! Take down the Cogs!

So after 30 minutes of fighting, gaging, and toons outside fainting, a
Flippy with 9 laff is left. Unfortunaly for the cogs, the big bang is
almost down.

Money Makin' Machine: Impressive little toon. None has lasted this long against us.

Flippy: must....not.......lose....

Money Makin' Machine: Well I'm Afraid it's time to! You owed me for this! BOUNCE CHECK!

Flippy: Must not lose...Must not.....I WON'T. (He dodges the attack.)

Big Bang: Uh oh.

Flippy takes out a his last grand piano button.

Flippy: Let's hope that fate is on our side! "click"



A computer chip falls out of the the big bang's rubble. Flippy reaches for it.

Lawful Worker: NNOOO!! (uses double talk)

Flippy snatches the chip right before he loses his last laff points and goes back to the playground.

Lawful Worker: That's it! This place is too dangerous! I'm going back to HQ!

Money Makin' Machine and Marketer: Us too.

Chapter 5

After Flippy gets happy again, he shows the computer chip to Professer Pete.

Pete: Hmmmm.......

Flippy: Well what is it?

Pete: This is the Big Bang's mind. All you did was destroy his body. If the cogs get this back, he will return.

Flippy: (smiling)Hang on. That gives me an idea.

Later at the Toontown Central Playground, Flippy tells his idea to the toons.

Flippy: We can have a toon switch brain waves with this chip and leave
it on the street so the cogs will a big bang body with a toon's mind
in it. Then he could order the main doors open so that Loopy Buster
Flipperspinner and Huey Feathermarble can rescue the on their toon
helicopter! So......are there any volunteers?

Everyone stands back one step except for one green headed cat.

The cat: I will.

Flippy: Ah Silly Fluffy, a very tough toon. So you shall go?

Silly Fluffy: Yes, I will. Let's start!

Flippy: Alright. Now.....put this tube on your head.

Silly Fluffy does so.

Flippy: This might hurt a little. "clicks start"

After 14.67 seconds of flashing, the transplant is complete. Silly
Fluffy's body will faint for a little while. Flippy picks up the power
chip and leaves it on Puchline Place.

After 7 minutes or so, a level 1 Short Change finds it and picks it up. He reconizes it at once.

Short Change: It's the Big Bang's power chip! I'll get a promotion for turning this in!(flys away to Cashbot HQ.)

Chapter 6

Back in Cashbot HQ...

CFO: This had better be good short change#256.

Short Change: It is. I found the Big Bang's Power chip!

CFO: WONDERFUL! You'll be getting five promtions for this!

Short Change(now a penny pincher level 2): Thank you, sir.

The CFO takes the chip to Sellbot HQ, and gives it to the VP.

VP: Thank you for your corappration CFO.

CFO: No, biggie.

The VP takes the chip to cog factory where all the cogs are busy making new ones and giving skellacogs armour.

VP: Alright everyone! Listen up! We're gonna make a new body for the recently destroyed Big Bang with this power chip!

Silly Fluffy: (thinks) Oh yeah! All acording to plan!

After 3 hours of banging and clanging, the big bang's body is complete. The cogs bring it to life with the power chip.

Telemarker: IT'S ALIVE!

Everyone looks at the Telemarker.

Telemarker: Sorry 'bout that.

Chapter 7

Silly Fluffy: Now what do I do?

Cold Caller: You go back to Bossbot HQ and get to work.

Silly Fluffy: OK.

After Silly Fluffy goes back to Bossbot HQ, he gives Flippy a call.

Flippy: Good job Silly Fluffy. Your body is now safely locked up in a cage. Now order the doors ope........

The door suddenly opens and a Pencil Pusher comes in.

Pencil Pusher: Alright. Time to work. (gives a mountain of files to Silly Fluffy)

Silly Fluffy: (to Flippy) I might be busy for a while.

Flippy: Ok. I'll call back later.

Pencil Pusher: What's that little phone?

Silly Fluffy: Nothing. ( turns off the phone)

Pencil Pusher: Alright. I'd better get back to work. (leaves)

After a few days of cog life, Silly Fluffy learns all the ways of the
cogs. He knows how to act like one. But he doesn't forget his mission.
One gray cloudy day, he gets his chance.

Silly Fluffy: (to Flippy) Prepare to send in Loopy Buster
Flipperspinner and Huey Feathermarble's helicopter. I'm about to order
the doors open.

Flippy: Ok. (To Loopy Buster Flipperspinner and Huey Feathermarble) Send in the helicopter.

Loopy Buster: Ok.

Huey: We're on it!

Loopy Buster and Huey leave on their toon helicopter loaded with TNT
and pie machine guns. They're headed torwards the great Bossbot HQ.

Silly Fluffy: Open the doors securitiy. I need some fresh air.

Flunkys: If you say so. ( opens the door)

ZZOOOOMMM!! Loopy Buter and Huey's helicopter had just barged in!

Flunkys: They're headed toward the Fish tank! Stop them!

Silly Fluffy: I'll go stop the guards! You two go rescue the fish!

Loopy Buster and Huey: Ok! ( Fly away)

Silly Fluffy starts taking care of the guards. When he defeats all of them. He sits down to rest. But then he hears a voice.

Marketer: Well hello Big Bang. Or should I say...Silly Fluffy?

Chapter 8

Silly Fluffy: What do you want?

Marketer: I have an offer for you.

Silly Fluffy: Save it.

Marketer: You can give up your life as a toon and join us cogs. All we want is peace.

Silly Fluffy: NO! NEVER!

Marketer: Well I'll give you some time to think about it.


Silly Fluffy attacks the Marketer. But he gets away very swiftly.
Silly Fluffy feels bad about not getting back at the marketer for
defeating Flippy. Meanwhile in fish tank vault...

Huey: EAT THIS YOU COGS! ( shoots the TNT machine gun)


Loopy Buster: That's the last of them! Let's go get the fish!

Huey: Ok. Actavaite fish scoop net! (scoops up all the fish)

Loppy Buster: Now let's pick up Silly Fluffy and get out of here!

After they pick up Silly Fluffy they run with the fish. Everyone
cheers when they get back( mostly the fishermen). But Silly Fluffy is
still thinking about what the Marketer said.

Flippy: Now let's get you out of that cog body and back into your own body.

Silly Fluffy: Wha? Wha? Oh, ok.

Flippy: Are you ok Silly Fluffy?

Silly Fluffy: No, not exactly. I'll talk about it after I get back into my old body.

Flippy: Alright.

After Silly Fluffy gets back in his body, he tells Flippy about the Marketer.

Flippy: Well, I'm proud that you made that decision. I would have done that too.

Silly Fluffy: But the cogs said all they wanted was peace.

Flippy: I don't believe them.

Silly Fluffy: I don't know...

Flippy: Are you saying we should trust the cogs? Don't forget about all they have done. Think!

Silly Fluffy: "sigh" I will. I'm going to get some rest at my estate.

Flippy: See ya.

Chapter 9

At his estate, Silly Fluffy plays with his doodle DG, while thinking about what the maketer and Flippy had said.

Silly Fluffy: I don't know what to think DG. I want peace too. If the
cogs are telling the truth, they will bring peace. That would help the

DG: Sad

So Silly Fluffy heads to Sellbot HQ to take the Marketer's offer. Surprisenly, the cogs seem happy to see him.

Cogs: We have been waiting for you Silly Fluffy. The Marketer awaits.

Silly Fluffy: Thank you. ( Heads to Sellbot Twin Towers and go to the marketer's office)

Marketer: So... What's your choice? Bring peace to us both, or contiue letting us both suffer.

Silly Fluffy: (kneels) I'll do whatever you say. Just bring peace upon us.

Marketer: Very well. You now are no longer Silly Fluffy. You shall now
be the Auction Seller Sellbot, the VP's right hand man. Now there is
still one thing to be done.

AS: I understand. I must be cogafied. But part of me wiil still remain a toon.

Marketer: You are quite qucik at this, AS.

Back, at Toontown Centre, Flippy recieves news about this.

Pete: Flippy! Silly Fluffy has joined the cogs and is now renamed as Auction Seller!

Flippy: Oh no, Silly Fluffy, why did you allow your wish for toon
peace go this far? Why didn't you listen to me? Why? ( To Professer
Pete) I'll go to Sellbot HQ and try to talk some sense into Silly
Fluffy. Have Coniel Blinky come with me. He's his best friend.

Pete: Yes, Flippy.

Chapter 10

An hour later Flippy and Coniel Blinky arrive at Sellbot HQ. They make an appointmant with the AS.

Flippy: Please come back to us. The marketer was lieing to you. Joining the cogs won...

AS: Silence! You cannot talk to me like that!

CB(Coniel Blinky): Please Silly Fluffy.

AS: The cogs are good! They will bring peace to us! If you're not with me,.... YOU'RE AGAINST ME!

CB: No. No. I would never turn against you! I just want you to see the light.

AS: I will be spoken to like that! You must fall! ( attacks Coniel Blinky)



Flippy: GGRRRR.... How could you do such a thing!? He is your friend!

AS: He "was" my friend. BUT NOW MY FRIENDS ARE THE COGS!

Flippy: You'll pay for this! Just you wait! "runs off"

AS: Guards! After him!

Flippy manages to escape the guards, but now he knows that The AS must
fall. He sends groups of toons to fight him( during fighting the VP
because they work in the same room), but they all come back sad
explainling that the pies had no effect on him. Flippy now remembers
that he is part toon, part cog. So he goes to Profsser Pete for help.

Pete: Hmmmm... I need to brew up somthing that will work on both cogs and toons.

Flippy: Well get to it!

Pete: Very well.

So Professer Pete works day and night in order to find the thing he is
looking for. After 3 months of research, he invents his gag.

Pete: (to Flippy) I have created a new type of "stink" gag which will
affect both toons and cogs. The upside: These "will" affect the AS. The
downside: The toons take recoil damage when using them. -5 each time.

Flippy: These will have to do. Now let's go take him down!

Pete: ME?! I can go with you?

Flippy: Yes you can.

Pete: Alright, let's go!

Chapter 11

After rounding up 6 other toons( Toons #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, and Coniel
Blinky), Flippy, Pete, and their toons go to get a promotion. The toons
come out of the lobby elevator.

VP: You are now promoted to be Fully-ledged Sellbots! Congradulations!

AS: Go and make that sale!

VP: (turns to the toons) Welcome new cogs!

AS: You are hereby promoted to be Fully-ledged sellbots! Congrad....

Solie Squit: Hey! Hiya over there! So did you toons come to rescue me?




Prof. Pete, Flippy, and their toons get past the cogs without them even attacking.

VP: [Image: ohmy.gif]

AS: WELL NOW IT'S TIME FOR MY SKELECOGS!(takes out a red button) ATTACK! "click"

Flippy and his toons can't believe their eyes. After the AS clicked
the button, some flat things pop out of the ground. Then they grow to
fully sized level 20 skelecogs.

Pete: Uh oh.

These cogs are hard to defeat. Unlike the VP's cogs, the AS has much
more cogs. After the toons barely get past the skelecogs, they notice
they have already lost three toons.

AS: Grrr... I guess I have to take care of you five myself!

#5: Bring it on! ( takes out stink pie)

SPLAT! The pie hits the AS right in the face!

AS: OOF! That smarts! But'll take more than that to defeat me!


A pie had fallen right inside the VP's undercarridge! But instead of
making him dizzy, it causes him spit gears and crakle electricity. This
goes on untill the VP gives a spit, a sputter, a shake, and then falls
on the ground without any movement left in that tremondous body of his.

AS: NNOOOOO!! VP! You'll pay for that toons!

CB: Please no! I am your friend! We are your friends! Why do you do this?

AS: "sigh" I am not your friend. But after what you said to me, I
shall not destroy you toons. But you must leave. And remember! Next
time, no more Mr. nice guy! ( Takes out a huge toon transporter hole and
throws it on the ground) This will take you back to the playground.

CB: Silly Fluffy.... please come with us.

AS: NO! Hurry away before I change my mind!

Flippy: Come on Coniel Blinky. Let's get out of here.

After Coniel Blinky gives the AS one last look. He jumps in the hole with Flippy.

Chapter 12

Back at the playground, Coniel Blinky says he wants to go back. Before
Flippy can stop him he runs off. Meanwhile back at the Sellbot HQ...

Marketer: Since the VP is destroyed, you are now the new VP Auction Seller.

AS: Thank you sir.

Marketer: Now you must destroy the toons.

AS: Errr... uhhh...

Marketer: DO IT!

Coniel Blinky suddenly pops in.

CB: No! Silly Fluffy! Don't do it! Fight the will of the cogs!

Marketer: You dare barge in like this?! Foolish little toon... You must die now! (Attacks CB)

After 5 minutes, Coniel Blinky is tied on the wall. The marketer orders the AS to finish him off.

AS: Errr.. errrr.... errr.. ehhh...

Marketer: Do it.

CB: This is your choice Silly Fluffy. None can change it. No mather what you choose you'll still be my friend.

AS: I'm sorry. But I must do this. ( raises his weapon)

Marketer: "sneers"

CB: Sad


Silly Fluffy points the weapon at the marketer and opens fire.
Unfortunly, he missed. Then he unties Coniel Blinky and tells him to go
get help.

Marketer: A foolish choice Silly Fluffy. " runs off"

Silly Fluffy: HEY! COME BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU! ( chases the Marketer)

While chasing the Maketer, Silly Fluffy gets rid of all the trust for
the cogs. As he does this, he slowly turns back into a toon. He finaly
corners the Marketer in the Sellbot control room.

Marketer: Well I'm impressed by your abillities. So I'm giving you another chance to join us.

Silly Fluffy: No! Never! You must fall now! ( puts hand on the self-destruct lever)

Marketer: (worried) No. Don't be a fool. You'll kill us both.

Silly Fluffy: Including you. "pull"

At once the Sellbot Twin Towers begins to shake vilontly, causing
large rocks to rain down from the celling. The marketer roars and lunges
toward Silly Fluffy. But just before he reaches him, a huge boulder
falls right on top of him. However, Silly Fluffy just sits there.
Meanwhile right outside the Twin Towers, Coniel Blinky, Flippy, Huey
Feathermarble, and Loopy Buster Flipperspinner arrive on the scene.

Flippy: ( over the terrible noise) I'VE GOT TO GO IN THERE AND RESCUE SILLY FLUFFY!

Huey: YOU CAN'T!



Flippy: NO! THIS IS MY DUTY! "charges in the collapsing building"


After Flippy gets inside the tower, he takes the elevator straghit to the control room.


Silly Fluffy: I must stay.


Silly Fluffy: No! This is all my fault. So I have to stay here and pay
the price. But I am not letting you die here as well! ( kicks Flippy
into the elevator and pushes up)

Flippy: NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After Flippy escapes, he dashes away from the nearly destroyed
building crying. He watches the Sellbot Twin Towers crumble before his
eyes with Sily Fluffy still in it.

Huey: I'm sorry Flippy... I'm so sorry.

CB: We're all sorry. Silly Fluffy was a good friend.

Flippy: No...no...it's already over. We'll go back to Toontown Central to do Silly Fluffy's funeral.

Loopy Buster: Come on Flippy... let's go.

With one last look at the destoryed building, our friends leave the
scene. None of them notice a cat hand raises out of the rubble.

The End. ( for now)

To be contiued....

Look out for episode two!

^So yeah, that's basically what my early days of the internet were like.

After I found this story, it occurred to me that everyone around here must have some sort of hilarious tales of when they were young, and foolish newcomers to the world wide web. Why not share your stories with the FG forums? Or better yet, link to the original post!

Happy hunting Big Grin
I did not find anything :[

I just remember Facebook having tons of "today sucks" stuff written everywhere on my wall.

Animation and Rig questions -> crisosphinx@yahoo.com

3D Generalist. Notable work on FG Forums - The Great Work, Five Magics and Cowards Debt.
10-05-2012, 02:09 PM
Robby Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

I don't really remember anything I've pretty much done in my younger days on the internet. With the exception of writing a short creepypasta on the Creepypasta wikia, but it does not tie in with the topic.

Infrequently active. Don't expect an immediate response. Best to contact me at a different locale. If I create a thread, expect me to be quite active.
10-05-2012, 02:10 PM
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

Alas, I didn't do any funny things on the internet as far as I remember... But when I look at those really old posts I've made in another forum (I think I was 13 back then) , I now realize that I often was kind of an immature asshole... I hope my attitude has improved somewhat since then Wink
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2012, 03:24 PM by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.)
10-05-2012, 03:22 PM
Ghieri Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

I did something similar in my youth(God, this takes me back YEARS. I can't believe I found it.)

Behold the (lack) of humor.

[Image: tumblr_n6m5lsQThQ1qc99nxo1_250.gif]
10-05-2012, 03:25 PM
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

Quote: Behold the (lack) of humor.
What the fuck did I just read? xD It actually is funny - in a weird sort of transcendent meta-humor way.
10-05-2012, 03:30 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

(10-05-2012, 03:25 PM)Aldighieri Wrote: I did something similar in my youth(God, this takes me back YEARS. I can't believe I found it.)

Behold the (lack) of humor.
I was a member there too. I was a massive fan of Bionicle back in the day.

Although looking back now, I find it awkward that I spent most of my time there looking for ship-fics...

[Image: Tv0YgQb.gif]
Image by BandyGrass
10-05-2012, 03:38 PM
Ghieri Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

(10-05-2012, 03:30 PM)Hirnwirbel Wrote:
Quote: Behold the (lack) of humor.
What the fuck did I just read? xD It actually is funny - in a weird sort of transcendent meta-humor way.
I was honestly just trying to cram as many jokes and pop-culture references into one story and somehow make it cohesive. I'm not sure it worked. XD I was also 11.

I don't remember why I stopped writing it.

Quote:I was a massive fan of Bionicle back in the day.

Rahkshi FTW.

[Image: tumblr_n6m5lsQThQ1qc99nxo1_250.gif]
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2012, 04:07 PM by Ghieri.)
10-05-2012, 04:06 PM
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

(10-05-2012, 04:06 PM)Aldighieri Wrote: Rahkshi FTW.
Toa Olda/Nuva FTW

What is with Bara Magna, and the Legend Reborn I don't even...

[Image: Tv0YgQb.gif]
Image by BandyGrass
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2012, 04:10 PM by Kreekakon.)
10-05-2012, 04:09 PM
Statyk Offline
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RE: The "Let's all make fun of our past internet selves" Thread

All I can really recall is my days of FIRST learning to draw and I typed like a pansy. I look back at it and go "Oh god why. What was I doing?" even though I was about maybe 13-14. I don't even DARE go back to my old youtube videos either, which consist of Nintendo DS game glitches, a sonic tutorial thing, and just the most stupid shit. I keep all of those ON the internet where they are so I can learn from it...

And just for the fun of it, here are some of my old and first uploaded drawings. FML.
Spoiler below!

[Image: Chibi_Ouch_by_statyk94.jpg]
[Image: X_mas_Cheer_by_statyk94.jpg]
[Image: Wolf_1_by_statyk94.jpg]

Yes, I was an anime guy back then, but no longer.

Now I draw similar things to these
Spoiler below!

[Image: female_archer___wip_2_by_statyk94-d52fy5a.png]


Spoiler below!

[Image: midnight_doodle__cute_female_bust_by_sta...50emtm.jpg] [Image: cry_feels_fear_by_statyk94-d56matx.jpg] [Image: moonlit_bliss_by_statyk94-d5gmzba.jpg]

So yeah... Learn from your past. It's one of the best lessons taught in life. haha
(This post was last modified: 10-05-2012, 04:39 PM by Statyk.)
10-05-2012, 04:39 PM

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