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Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )
Thetruthrevealed Offline
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Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

I just joined the forum to share the true origin of the monsters in amnesia. I'm sure it has been discussed a million times over and over again, but the answer is in the super secret folder.
read the "chapter01_design_doc"
Go to the level 5 - Wine section part of the document and read where it says:
Transformation #1
Willhelm and his friends talk how nice the Alexander has
been to invite them in for wine. (this is heard when player has descended the
stairs and steps on the floor)

Transformation #2
Sound of screams are heard as the thugs are transformed into
the servants
. This is when Willhelm writes down his last notes.

End of story :3

Oh yeah, would also explain how daniel commented on the servants being a skulking bunch when he saw them. Indicating that they were still human and were doing a poor job of hiding their kidnapping. So Alexander transformed them and daniel forgot after taking the amnesia drink.
makes perfect sense :3 Always wondered why he would speak about them as being skulking if they looked like monsters at the time. Now I know they were simply still human.
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2012, 09:59 PM by Thetruthrevealed.)
10-23-2012, 09:44 PM
Piacesi Offline
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

I remenber the papers in the history room'' remenber to use tree books to open the secret location'', the alexander talk to his friends: Notes

from Villagers.

''An overview of stories told by the
villagers about strange happenings in the castle for the past 400 years or so.''
Remenber, the letter talk of the alexander, agrippa and the mens ( the mens who kidnapped the villagers)
This mens ( or the agrippa and yours mens, sorry i dont remenber now) has been to invite them in for wine... and after they drank the wine, the mens begin to explode, or die. '' other letter is : this is heard when player has descended the stairs and steps on the floor''
10-23-2012, 10:02 PM
Thetruthrevealed Offline
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

Yeah the developer's own notes on the matter is as final as it gets. Transformation #2
Sound of screams are heard as the thugs are transformed into
the servants
. This is when Willhelm writes down his last notes.

Pretty much end of the debate. That was the plan in their own corporate word document for the video game project.
10-23-2012, 10:05 PM
Kein Offline
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

Read the development doc, it is all explained there.

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10-23-2012, 10:52 PM
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

You made an account (and with a fitting name no less!) just to share that bit of insight with the world? Talk about dedication... Wink Anyway, I think what you found out was also already implied pretty heavily in the game itself. If I remember correctly, you find a note in the Archives, basically saying that the human servants aren't working to Alexander's satisfaction and that he would be solving two problems at once if he would give them the wine to drink. (= creating more efficient servants and getting rid of the men the town's sheriff is looking for at the same time.)

The fact that Gatherers are also mentioned in old stories and folklore can easily be explained if one considers that Alexander has been living there for quite some time and probably created quite a lot of servants during his stay. (Nothing indicates that they can also live/function forever. They probably rot away after a while...)
10-24-2012, 01:31 AM
Thetruthrevealed Offline
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

LoL yeah, I did kind of wanna share Big Grin Because I've always wondered and from what I saw, a lot of people still weren't sure.
But you know what? I actually just read that note you mentioned about the sheriff looking for his men and them being inefficient and that he could solve two problems with the drink today. It's the first time I ever noticed the note, as it comes early in the game and I usually just skipped over it.

The early concepts of the guardian looks like he's dressed like napolean bonaparte or something, so that would definitely suggest they were going for humans as the base.
hehe, I bet the monster in a machine for pigs will be an even bigger mystery, judging by the trailer ^^
10-24-2012, 01:47 AM
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

Haha I'm glad they didn't use those first monster concepts xD They looked unintentionally funny... and yeah I'm very exited to find out more about the origin of the Machine for Pigs - monsters. Will they be real beings? Or maybe they are just figments of Oswald's sick mind? And will there be several different types? (probably...)
10-24-2012, 01:54 AM
Thetruthrevealed Offline
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

Personally I'm hoping for undead humans that got chopped up with the pigs by accident and they merged Sleepy
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2012, 02:26 AM by Thetruthrevealed.)
10-24-2012, 02:24 AM
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

Hm....yeah, but somehow I doubt that will be the case. It seems a bit too "standard-horror" to me. I believe they will go for something more surreal and psychological. Kinda like how the Silent Hill Monsters were all symbolic representations of the Protagonists personal fears. Dunno I think something like that would fit better with thechineseroom's design philosophy. Big Grin But who knows? We'll simply have to wait until it comes out I guess ^^
10-24-2012, 11:59 AM
FlawlessHappiness Offline
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RE: Monster Origins discovered ( no doubt )

I'm sorry to say it, but i thought it was kinda obvious that they were transformed by Alexander.
I recall the servants shouting "Alexander, let us out". "He left us down here with all the wine", in combination with "My chest is going to burst" made it clear that the wine was the reason for the mutation. I'm pretty sure that is what is written in the letter, down in the wine cellar.

FG made it quite clear, also because having monsters in the story with no clear origin doesn't really make sense.

Trying is the first step to success.
10-24-2012, 12:50 PM

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