I've played through about 6 hours of this game and I really enjoy it. It's pretty similar to Fallout 3. If you want a summary of it, in 2013 the countries started nuking each other, and Moscow survived by retreating into the subway networks, or the "metro". The remains are trying to survive against mutants and other phenomenon.
It's not designed to be a horror game but it definitely has its moments. For instance, there are "ghosts" but it's different than what you might think. The ghosts are invisible, but when you shine a flashlight on them you see a silhouette, like a shadow. These ghosts can't pass on because "Heaven, Hell, and purgatory have been atomized" as said by a shaman-like guy named Khan. These ghosts are forced to relive their last moments over and over. They're featured even more in the level entitled "Ghosts".
I recommend it to anyone that likes FPS or horror games. There isn't any reason not to pick it up, especially because it's free right now!
As of September 2nd, 2014, I've left the Frictional forums. Check my profile for more details.
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2012, 10:20 PM by Zaffre.)
Hope you guys are enjoying the game! I know I am as I make my way through the tunels once again.
Just thought I'd bump this thread since THQ just anounced that it's only eight hours left on this offer!
I didn't know this was a limited time thing, but I can understand that it is. It makes more sense that they'd make it free for a short time and not making it fully f2p.
Socialism (noun): A great way to run out of other people's money.