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Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle
bloodng0re Offline
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Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

Go to Google maps, turn on satellite, type in these possible latitudes and longitudes and see for yourself:
54.569851,20.216174 <-- My favorite one. It has a certain feel to it that makes it look like the castle.

It is also possible that the city of "Svelty" was once Alstadt, having the castle due north, however Google does not allow you to scroll in close enough to explore:

Has absolutely nothing to do with the castle, but as I was exploring Kaliningrad I found this. :\\

And yes, I know Amnesia is just a game; but the developers got things so historically accurate you can't help but wonder if this castle is still standing somewhere.
07-27-2012, 07:42 AM
Bridge Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

Brennenburg and Aldstadt are not real places, but the Amnesia wiki says the castle was probably located in northeastern Poland or Konigsberg in Little Russia. Frictional have not confirmed anything but it doesn't really matter that much anyway.
07-27-2012, 02:21 PM
bloodng0re Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

(07-27-2012, 02:21 PM)Bridge Wrote: Brennenburg and Aldstadt are not real places, but the Amnesia wiki says the castle was probably located in northeastern Poland or Konigsberg in Little Russia. Frictional have not confirmed anything but it doesn't really matter that much anyway.
Exactly I totally know that this is all fictional, but due to the strikingly high historical accuracy of the game, you can't help but let your imagination wonder if these areas may exist.
Brennenburg, although similarly sounding to the more recent Brandenburg of Berlin is not the same area. Konigsberg and Kaliningrad are the same exact city, so my geographical location is correct. However, I don't believe Aldstadt is the same as Kaliningrad, but rather an outlying town of Kaliningrad.
07-27-2012, 04:30 PM
zeravia Offline

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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

What even is that one line of white light?


Something about this game makes me kinda wonder, it's so historically accurate as to be rediculas really.

so I have started researching it. And I have found two possible castles that could be the 'Real' Brennenburg.

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02-11-2013, 09:46 PM
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maarten12100 Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

Brandenburg is actually a province is it not...
And is was based in Prussia which is the current Germany (sort of -poland -switzerland - oostreich -Slovakia)
02-11-2013, 10:28 PM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

Here, quoted from the wiki page;
"The Castle is said to be located in deep in the woods of Eastern Prussia near Königsberg"

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02-12-2013, 06:08 AM
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

Wasn't Brennenburg Castle located somewhere in Prussia?

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
02-13-2013, 05:10 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

(02-13-2013, 05:10 AM)Macgyverthehero Wrote: Wasn't Brennenburg Castle located somewhere in Prussia?
It was. It was believed in the woods somewhere in Eastern Prussia near Königsberg. Look my post and in the wiki page.

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02-13-2013, 08:59 AM
No Author Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

I thought Brennenburg doesn't exist.
Well... Time for me to read the ATDD wiki.

[Image: the-cabin-in-the-woods-masked-people.jpg]
02-13-2013, 09:45 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: Possible areas of Brennenburg Castle

(02-13-2013, 09:45 AM)No Author Wrote: I thought Brennenburg doesn't exist.
Well... Time for me to read the ATDD wiki.
Actually, you are correct. Brennenburg does NOT exist, however, it's locations are real. Although you won't find Prussia in google. This is because the name of those locations are changed.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
02-13-2013, 11:13 AM

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