"Are you sick ofscumbags breaking your sister's heart? Is another man screwing your wife? Or, do you just know some fuck knuckle that needs an attitude adjustment? Any old bat won't break the fucker's teeth in like aBen-Hymen Basherwill. Any old bat also isn't as stain resistant as our bats are. Thanks to the new anti-cunt coating, your bat will never have those instantly criminalizing stains again! Get Ben-Hymen Basher to do your Dirty Work!
These actions can be explained by the trans-synaptic influences of a small number of endoplasmic reticulum
If I don't like a sentence, I highlight and ctrl+x instead of just deleting it... I don't know why.
I was doing biology research on the effects of estrogen on the central nervous system. I still don't know what it does outside of the reproductive system stuff.
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2013, 06:31 AM by CarnivorousJelly.)