1) I nearly suffocated around the age of ~6 weeks old to carbon monoxide poisoning. My crib was apparently right next to the vent leaking the most of it out. I was hospitalized for a week or so I believe...
2) I was hanging upside-down on monkeybars when I was about 5 years old and a friend thought it'd be funny to tickle me. I reflexed and loosened my legs from the bars and fell on my neck, blacked out for a couple of seconds, and had trouble walking or focusing the rest of the day. (Fun fact: Due to that, no one was allowed on the monkeybars. Ha. |D )
3) (This one I don't remember whatsoever. I had to have the story told to me) At around maybe 4 years old, I hid in a jacket. Out of curiosity, I decided to wiggle myself through the sleeve where I got kinda stuck. My older brother thought it'd be funny to grab the other sleeve and swing me around... Indoors. I split my head open on the corner of the wall and passed out. My mother told me when she came in, there was blood spurting out of my head. Pfff. So I was sent to the hospital in an ambulance. I DO REMEMBER A SPLIT SECOND here... I must've opened my eyes. All I remember was laying down on the stretcher, two hands at my side (probably paramedics) and everything around me was PURE WHITE. Like a dream world. By my feet I saw my family and my mom had her hand over her mouth, I think she was crying. Then just black again. I was hospitalized for a little while with a concussion and some stitches. SO HARDCORE.
4) I used to have a dirtbike when I was maybe 7-8 years old. A little Yamaha Pw50. It was my favorite toy.

On a trail we used to go on, I told my dad I wanted to go ride on some jump hills. He didn't like me going by myself, but I've done them before, so he said yes. So I went off and at the last jump hill, I went over the bars and landed in a ditch right after it. I was hurt pretty bad from falling at that age as a little fragile boy, and when I looked up, I saw my dirtbike hanging halfway over the edge, but JUST enough to stay up top. I moved as fast I could out of the way in case it would fall. I think about it today and it didn't seem so severe back then, but it would have pinned me down and possibly burned me from the motor, not including the weight and the 4-5 foot fall it would've fell into the ditch and on me. I wouldn't have been able to get it off because I wasn't that strong. No one was around me either... Luckily I was able to limp back up and on my bike and back where we usually stay.
5) This one doesn't pertain to ME, but it involves me... One year, I went snowboarding with my sis, who's a bit of a newbie. My dad encouraged her to leave the bunny slope and try the beginner slope on the mountain. I knew she wasn't ready but we went anyway. Throughout the slope, she would get fall and fall, again, she wasn't ready. Towards the bottom of the slope, she fell pretty badly. She was kinda laying there on her stomach with her head down, so I rushed over on my board. I went to stop, but I hit a patch of ice directly above her and couldn't stop. I was headed straight for her head, saying "oh shit, oh shit, stop stop stop!!" and THANK GOODNESS SHE WAS WEARING A HELMET. The blade on the edge of my board drilled straight into her helmet going maybe... 15-20 mph. I made her kinda crumple when I hit her. Her helmet saved her from a destroyed skull and her helmet still has the huge dent/scratch and scuff made from my board. It still gives me chills today thinking how I may have almost killed my sister. =[ But she's perfectly fine. We decided to leave after that and go home because she had a headache and body pains from falling and the impact.
I'm sure there are other things I could think of... But not at this moment.