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Rant Thread
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RE: Rant Thread


I seriously hate those people that can't handle their dogs, its mostly those that spend their time on youtube watching cute puppy videos and then decide to buy one themselves. They have no idea how to scold their dog and the only thing they do is reward it, kiss it and feed it untill its completely fat. They think scolding your dog is animal abuse. While they reward every bad behaviour of their dog.

A certain event that occured to me today was the reason for this all of a sudden rant. I took my dog for a walk and i met another girl, i think she was around 20 or something.. She had a little dog with her. Except that little demon wasn't on a leash and was completely out of control. Running everywhere, pissing, shitting, draging random branches and ofcourse running around my dog and being a pain in the ass for him (me aswell). My dog didn't react or anything, he didn't growl and he completely ignored that thing, although it was obvious he was struggling to remain his cool.

Annnnd that's when that girl reached me and said that something doesn't seem right to her, why is my dog not reacting to her dog ? And why is he so quiet ? Why on a leash ? Why is he so humble even though he's so big ?

You know what she said ?! She said that it looks like animal abuse to her and that she's going to keep a close eye on me and my dog. WELL FRIGGING GOOD, MAYBE SHE'LL LEARN A THING OR TWO HOW TO SCHOOL HER DOG!

garrrghhghargh, shit like this really gets to me. Thanks to this thread i can let it all out

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04-28-2013, 12:08 AM
Kman Offline
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RE: Rant Thread

(04-27-2013, 11:54 PM)failedALIAS Wrote:
(04-27-2013, 11:08 PM)Kman Wrote: laura stevenson has released two albums full of the same basic song (cutesy indie pop with light hearted instrumentation and pretty vocals) and yet each time EVERYONE FREAKS THE FUCK OUT OVER IT AND IS ALL LIKE "OMG YES THIS IS LIFE ALTERING 5/5 AOTY BEST NEW OPETH MUSIC" AND SHIT

God, I can't stand those phonies. They make me want to just leave, and keep going till I don't know where I've gone. I swear to God. They don't understand that it's not good. People never understand anything.

Spoiler below!

[Image: 878141.jpg]

i know right why can't they just accept my opinion as fact already i mean shouldn't they know it's vastly superior than theirs???

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04-28-2013, 12:18 AM
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RE: Rant Thread

(04-28-2013, 12:08 AM)Dogfood Wrote: You know what she said ?! She said that it looks like animal abuse to her and that she's going to keep a close eye on me and my dog.

There is no need to be upset there is no need to upset there is no need to be upset Oh, god she is really rustling my jimmies >:c

Related to the other stuff you were saying, I've seen a lot of these pictures on the internet of dogs with notes that has text written on them and the owners take pictures of the dogs (I think it's called 'Dog shaming'. example:
Spoiler below!
[Image: image128.jpg?fit=637%2C1000]
Well, I saw one where the note on the dog said something along the lines of: "I pooped on the floor when my owner left me.". Seriously? That's not the dogs fault. Maybe the owner should try taking a walk with it once in a while.

Back when I lived in Texas, we knew a family that kept their dog in the dark laundry room almost all the time, except for when they let her/him out in the yard for a couple of minutes.

Edit: Managed to find the picture
Spoiler below!
[Image: GSI4oj0.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 04-28-2013, 12:30 AM by Tiger.)
04-28-2013, 12:25 AM
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RE: Rant Thread

they are not to shame the dog, they are to shame themselves for not properly raising one. It's horrible to the point where trained dogs are rare thing. I'm not saying that the dog should be 100% flawless because that's impossible or that one should follow EVERY single order. No, but atleast the basic ones like "Come here", "sit" and "quiet". You don't have to beat your dog to teach them that, you just need to use a sharp voice and let them know that you're in charge here and you are the alpha, the dominant one and the leader of the pact.

If you don't want to be like that, than dog is not the animal for you. Get a kitten.

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04-28-2013, 12:35 AM
Tiger Away
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RE: Rant Thread

What kind of breed is your dog?
04-28-2013, 12:45 AM
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RE: Rant Thread

I've got 2 illyrian sheepdogs and german spaniel. Used to have more but they're gone now due to various reasons. The one i took on a walk with me today was the Illyrian sheepdog

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04-28-2013, 12:48 AM
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RE: Rant Thread

I see a parallel between raising dogs and raising children, some parents let their kids run free and wild while others discipline them to be "more civilized". Human nature (resistance to change and all that crap) usually wouldn't let the keepers listen to other methods of operation. Find the balance is all I can say. I'm in no position to really comment on this, I only knew how to "take care" of pets on my tamagotchi HAHA. I hope you're not offended by me comparing humans to dogs. I don't want to get into how some animals are more equal than others.
Spoiler below!

[Image: SXhPVGJ.jpg?1?1118]

This is deep and relevant.

[Image: tumblr_mqgl69kyLV1ql2603o1_500.jpg]
04-28-2013, 12:49 AM
failedALIAS Offline
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RE: Rant Thread

(04-28-2013, 12:35 AM)Dogfood Wrote: If you don't want to be like that, than dog is not the animal for you. Get a kitten.

Shut up, fuckah! You just food to them!

Pffft, cats are so better than humans. . .

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and dogs

(This post was last modified: 04-28-2013, 12:53 AM by failedALIAS.)
04-28-2013, 12:51 AM
Tiger Away
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RE: Rant Thread

(04-28-2013, 12:51 AM)failedALIAS Wrote:
(04-28-2013, 12:35 AM)Dogfood Wrote: If you don't want to be like that, than dog is not the animal for you. Get a kitten.

Shut up, fuckah! You just food to them!

"food to them"


I've got a 5 year old Golden retriever. He's awesome, but sometimes he becomes adventurous and runs away when we take a walk in the woods(Happened today).
04-28-2013, 12:56 AM
failedALIAS Offline
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RE: Rant Thread

My dog is better than all of your dogs combined!
04-28-2013, 12:57 AM

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