(05-20-2013, 08:24 PM)Danny Boy Wrote: He suffers from RL-Internet personality disorder.... The one where one becomes an alter ego over the Internet that has nothing to do whit the actual person himself... Quite common really. Its usually a symptom for a stressed kids whit lack of control problems. Makes em feel cooler 
Actually what I have is called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I can come off as nice and friendly if I want to, usually to reel people in, and afterwards I abuse them excessively. Sounds like I'm just saying that, but one friend of mine just stopped talking to me recently, because of the ways I excessively shot down every dream and idea he could come up with. I have very few friends. The ones I cling onto probably despise me; they stick around because they find my hatred and irritation amusing. For my entire life it's been this way, or at least, as long as I can remember people have frustrated me for cheap entertainment. The ones that don't, leave me.
(05-21-2013, 12:25 AM)Chronofluff Wrote: Now that I think about it, ALIAS does sound like someone that would go shoot up a school, what with all his "I'll kill you all" rants.
No offense.
No, that's entirely untrue. I knew this one kid who had some mental disorder and he was American but with Russian parents, so he wasn't fluent in English and stuttered. He followed people in attempt at companionship, but they all avoided him and called him a freak to his face. I was one of the few people he confided in. He told me how often he "felt like. . ." usually ending his sentences like that and slamming his fist against the wall. If anyone at that school were to shoot the place up, it'd be him, and they'd deserve it.
Even though I rant my ass off I couldn't hurt a fly. In fact, it's likely that I value life more than most.
(05-20-2013, 04:36 PM)Dogfood Wrote: I find it hard to imagine FailedAlias irl, you know the picture he took with him wearing this cute hat and dress with dem cute glasses and a smile (too lazy to find it's in corinthian signature). He looks like the shiest and most humble person, while on forum he's a crazy vulgar psycho full of hate that shares stories about how he repeatedly beat a guy with a chair, and how he hates all of us and wants death and destruction
Well, you look like a dog.
Where do we go from here?