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PewDiePie arguing
Kreekakon Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 03:28 PM)Sergeant Crits Wrote: So i was scrolling in the comment section on the video and found this...

''Roxy Harrison: He doesnt fake motherfucker as u can see at 2:41 that scared him cuz he didnt know it was there so i have some words to give you Shut the fuck you motherfucker Just go live in a box in the fucking street and then go die in a hole with a sad clown and Jb cuz all of those suck just like u you motherfucker GO fuck your self Damn asshole your so fucking stupid GO DIE IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Apparently they want to protect him from trolls.... Ah-hu...

Don't expect anything less from Youtube.

[Image: Tv0YgQb.gif]
Image by BandyGrass
08-25-2013, 03:34 PM
Ossie Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 01:27 PM)bluel0bster Wrote: I'm seriously disappointed that FG did this... they don't seem sorry that this happened; quite the opposite, one of the main devs made a thread to discuss the video, the first thread I've ever seen him make.

Maybe this isn't fair, but I see this as a sell-out. The devs set out to make something really special with aamfp, they talk considerably more about their artistic vision for the game and remarkably deep understanding of how to develop a horror game, and then they go and use PDP to market the game (pretty obvious, since PDP clearly had strict guidelines for how much he could show, those guidelines had to come from somewhere).

Is this really the guy you want to show off your game the weeks before it comes out? For fucks sake, the guy doesn't even know when the game is being released, he obvious doesn't give a shit about it anymore than yet another game to milk views out of.

I find myself mostly agreeing with you - the video is made to appeal to the lowest common denominator and as a result does the game a disservice (as did PDP's original playthrough of ATDD). I say this because of the people involved in its creation - by all accounts it's a smart game with a good story but by letting PDP 'advertise' it you turn it into a dumb fright-fest with zero atmosphere and silly 'jump'/scream/yelling moments (and let's not forget the additional text added by PDP to 'enhance' the shouts and screams).

So, as a result of this, anyone of moderate intelligence who is vaguely interested in the game will possibly see this video, see how stupid it is and say "nahhh" ..... and that's it. Lost sales.

However, I would assume that a few lost sales is nothing compared to all of the sales they will garner from PDP fans and those of a similar ilk.

This isn't being snobbish or elitist, it's disappoinment at the way that Frictional are choosing to 'market' the game. I realise they need to earn money, but this is surely the 'low brow' way to go about it. Why limit yourself to the lowest common denominator? Such people are fickle and easily pleased, but they also have short attention spans and rapidly move onto other things. Try aiming higher with the marketing and so appeal to people like many of those who post on Neogaf - even AAMFP has a thread there:


but while it has four pages of posts it's not exactly overflowing with excitement. This is the sort of 'crowd' that you need to appeal to, who will not only invest in the game but who will likely keep on investing time in it and spread the word.

The actual publication of this video seriously p*sses me off too - why let this out over two weeks before the game's actual release? One week before release would have been plenty.
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 04:08 PM by Ossie.)
08-25-2013, 03:44 PM
maarten12100 Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 02:15 PM)Kreekakon Wrote:
Spoiler below!

Okay putting this out there first. The tension in this thread is starting to get a bit tense for my taste, so maybe we can try to tone down a bit, and keep it under control as a simple exchange of views between fellow members? Just a precaution Smile

(08-25-2013, 02:06 PM)maarten12100 Wrote: You shouldn't in the first place it is meant to be played as intended.

Several things about this:

1. Pewdie as well as most LPers are entertainers. It is not entertaining to watch someone being completely immersed in a game without joking too much. If you want something like that you'd be better served playing yourself , or watching non-commentary walkthroughs.

Just saying that you can't really go into LPs expecting completely serious players.

2. The proper way for a game to be enjoyed is to play it yourself in the first place. If you're watching an LPer do it, you're honestly already not experiencing it as intended to begin with.

(08-25-2013, 02:06 PM)maarten12100 Wrote: Besides that he gets paid for views and subscribers so if you think he really is a "good person" then you fail to see that he is in it for the money.(just the money)

So what you're saying is that in order for him to not be a money-grabbing person he has to not get paid for putting his videos on Youtube? Sorry, but I don't see how that makes sense.

As Lleviathan said up there he's done countless good things with his fame, and you would really have to be the most cynical person int he world to believe that it's all an act, and he doesn't care at all.
We shouldn't let personal opinions cloud our judgement that being said all that I've said about Pewdie is based on my own opinion.

I don't see how screaming like a fool is going to be funny and I sincerely apologize for my weakling statement since there might be be people that have actually played it afterwards as intended (for as far as you can call that intended)
Might be just my demographic, view on life and my seriousness I'm more of a practical person and something that bothers me a lot is fake emotions (I can't stand it when Americans cry about nothing(not a stereotype just something Americans do really often))

Guess I'm too highly educated and too sober to think he is funny.

(08-25-2013, 02:17 PM)Lleviathan Wrote:
Spoiler below!

You do realize that most people are too scared to play it on their own? Through PDP, they get to still experience it kind of like through a movie.

Honestly, after each session of Amnesia I liked to go on YouTube and watch people play custom stories and sometimes parts that I've already played through in the main story to see how scared they get.

As for not believing he's not a good person without any evidence, you might as well believe everyone is just for the money.
Well there are plenty of commentaries of people playing the game serious.
I don't get a kick of people getting more scared than me since it is pretty much something that always happens since my friends are a bunch of LOL players.

Well if you promote this kind of behaviour then you're simply a bad influence.
Pewdie pretty much represents low economic status and a lack of people knowledge to those that think his emotions are genuine.

(08-25-2013, 02:56 PM)Geoff Wrote:
Spoiler below!

(08-25-2013, 02:00 PM)Lleviathan Wrote: You try being funny while commentating a horror game.

It's not that hard. You do NOT need to overreact to every single slightest move in the shadows to be funny. Seeing a bird fly by a window does not require you to scream for 3 minutes.

That and the facecam changes everything. People feel the need to overreact EVEN MORE when they have one.

This indeed actually I made plenty of jokes while playing, screen sharing with a female friend of mine about every time a dead man came around.
But I didn't scream as an idiot just a simple joke before returning to serious play (this was on my 3rd play-trough tough)

(08-25-2013, 03:28 PM)Sergeant Crits Wrote:
Spoiler below!

So i was scrolling in the comment section on the video and found this...

''Roxy Harrison: He doesnt fake motherfucker as u can see at 2:41 that scared him cuz he didnt know it was there so i have some words to give you Shut the fuck you motherfucker Just go live in a box in the fucking street and then go die in a hole with a sad clown and Jb cuz all of those suck just like u you motherfucker GO fuck your self Damn asshole your so fucking stupid GO DIE IN HELL MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!'' Apparently they want to protect him from trolls.... Ah-hu...
Average Pewdie fan don't forget the trolls we had posting gore on the forum and ranting us. (now gore doesn't move me the slightest considering the things I normally watch/read but still bad for those that are moved)

Again low social and economic status that is why pewdie largely appeals to American children.(again this is not a stereotype)
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 03:52 PM by maarten12100.)
08-25-2013, 03:45 PM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: AAMFP GAMEPLAY - Warning: PewDiePie

I remember seeing gameplay of Penumbra: Black Plague where you clearly saw the infected way before the game was even released.

I love the rating of this thread.

08-25-2013, 03:51 PM
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felixmole Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 01:27 PM)bluel0bster Wrote: I'm seriously disappointed that FG did this... they don't seem sorry that this happened; quite the opposite, one of the main devs made a thread to discuss the video, the first thread I've ever seen him make.

He was a sound engineer, and is no longer part of TCR (which is still a different entity from FG). Nobody hasn't got the slightest clue as to whether or not FG (who has remained silent) endorses this.
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 04:14 PM by felixmole.)
08-25-2013, 04:12 PM
maarten12100 Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 04:12 PM)felixmole Wrote:
(08-25-2013, 01:27 PM)bluel0bster Wrote: I'm seriously disappointed that FG did this... they don't seem sorry that this happened; quite the opposite, one of the main devs made a thread to discuss the video, the first thread I've ever seen him make.

He was a sound engineer, and is no longer part of TCR (which is still a different entity from FG). Nobody hasn't got the slightest clue as to whether or not FG endorses this.
FG gave out review samples which is fine but the reviews should launch only 3/4 days until product launch.
A simple NDA would've prevented this.
08-25-2013, 04:13 PM
JPTS Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 02:56 PM)Geoff Wrote:
(08-25-2013, 02:00 PM)Lleviathan Wrote: You try being funny while commentating a horror game.

It's not that hard. You do NOT need to overreact to every single slightest move in the shadows to be funny. Seeing a bird fly by a window does not require you to scream for 3 minutes.

That and the facecam changes everything. People feel the need to overreact EVEN MORE when they have one.

I have watched many let'splayers playing Amnesia with a normal behavior, making jokes without ruining the game and reacting naturally. Those are the only Amnesia videos I like to watch.

I don't see a problem with PDP receiving a copy of the game and acting as he does. But I don't see the point of showing how to solve a puzzle, jumpscares and a monster. He could promote the game without that.
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2013, 04:50 PM by JPTS.)
08-25-2013, 04:17 PM
LordOfDragons Offline
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RE: AAMFP GAMEPLAY - Warning: PewDiePie

(08-25-2013, 02:52 PM)Pyöveli Wrote:
(08-25-2013, 02:46 PM)BossPiggy Wrote:
(08-25-2013, 02:34 PM)Pyöveli Wrote: dauym, i wanted to see those monsters as suprise!!My fault, I shoudn't have to spoil it.

I watched it too, because i rly cant wait to play. Well it was a shame i saw one of the monsters... But well i will still play the game even if i spoil it for myself. I did the same with TDD too and still didnt know what to do most of the times. Well i think im really surprised now. But well we still got more monsters, as we saw in the picture in the monster thread...

Edit: This game rocks. Come out already ._.
Fortunately we'll have more monsters.

More monsters? Dats cool ._.

The question that will never be answered:
08-25-2013, 04:20 PM
Raipe Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

I never could have imagined that Frictional would have ruined the whole game by letting Chinese Room to be part of it, but also letting PleaseDiePew faggotrism to market it...
Have jens and thomas fell that deep to beg money from a swedish autist who screams like a elementary school student to get money via his help? Ok, sorry for those tasteless idiots who i may have insulted, but this whole amnesia thing has already died inside me after this scandal. Even fatal frames look scarier than that new scheisse you market with that attentionw***e.
08-25-2013, 04:21 PM
LordOfDragons Offline
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RE: Amnesia and Pewdiepie

(08-25-2013, 04:21 PM)Raipe Wrote: I never could have imagined that Frictional would have ruined the whole game by letting Chinese Room to be part of it, but also letting PleaseDiePew faggotrism to market it...
Have jens and thomas fell that deep to beg money from a swedish autist who screams like a elementary school student to get money via his help? Ok, sorry for those tasteless idiots who i may have insulted, but this whole amnesia thing has already died inside me after this scandal. Even fatal frames look scarier than that new scheisse you market with that attentionw***e.

Because i am german, i can clearly read the word " Scheisse " in your answer... Well Its right, i dont like this screaming idiot too. He overreacts and already screams when a fly is on his screen...

The question that will never be answered:
08-25-2013, 04:30 PM

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