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2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition
ajvitaly Offline

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RE: 2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition

Absolutely stoked for this! You guys have a full price day 1 purchase from me!
I'm curious, are you guys currently looking for a publishing deal or are you considering making this a digital-only release at first, and relying on steam, d2d, etc. for the initial release?

EDIT: And also, do you guys have a rough estimate of how long the playthrough will be relative to overture and/or black plague?
(This post was last modified: 11-11-2009, 01:55 AM by hackvcs.)
11-11-2009, 01:30 AM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: 2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition

They said a long time ago (like months) that it should be eight to ten hours long. Hopefully with this time differential between now and months ago, that eight has turned into a larger number. It'll still be amazing with eight hours, but still. Bigger is better unless the game itself sucks.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
11-11-2009, 02:51 AM
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Thomas Offline
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RE: 2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition

Our plan is to have it released digitally and as boxed retail at the same date.

As for the gameplay time it is hard to say at this point and like in Penumbra the time will differ a lot between people depending on how they play the game.

I do not think it is a good thing to concentrate on a certain length as one might then add a lot of filler material (as in the first halo where they copied levels to make them longer). Instead we like to focus giving the game as much unique content as possible and to give the user a worthwhile experience. Then in the end the game will have the length it ends up with, instead of us pushing for a certain amount of hours.

Of course the game should not be over in 1 hour and we want to give you players a long adventure. I am just saying it is not something that I think is good to have as a focus.
11-11-2009, 08:50 AM
ajvitaly Offline

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RE: 2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition

(11-11-2009, 08:50 AM)Thomas Wrote: Our plan is to have it released digitally and as boxed retail at the same date.

As for the gameplay time it is hard to say at this point and like in Penumbra the time will differ a lot between people depending on how they play the game.

I do not think it is a good thing to concentrate on a certain length as one might then add a lot of filler material (as in the first halo where they copied levels to make them longer). Instead we like to focus giving the game as much unique content as possible and to give the user a worthwhile experience. Then in the end the game will have the length it ends up with, instead of us pushing for a certain amount of hours.

Of course the game should not be over in 1 hour and we want to give you players a long adventure. I am just saying it is not something that I think is good to have as a focus.

That's a great strategy to have; I had actually explained how I disliked repetition in games as a means to prolong the game's story before erasing it and sticking to a simple question. I have complete confidence in the design decisions you guys are making and cannot wait to play the game!
11-11-2009, 09:58 PM
zoroztheg4mer Offline
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RE: 2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition

Can't wait for it !
The Penumbra series is incredible. The fightning engine may of been a little hard to get used to, but when you did it actually felt pretty realistic. Not too hard and not too easy. Great job guys, i'm going to buy the game on release, that's for sure !
11-12-2009, 09:01 PM
ajvitaly Offline

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RE: 2009-11 Tuesday 3rd, Amnesia entered into the IGF competition

I'm both disappointed and a little pissed to see Amnesia didn't make the finalists for the IGF this year. I know you guys only submitted a functional demo, there were hundreds of games submitted, and plenty of them are already out or have been in an open beta for quite some time, but still Sad.

Keep up the hardwork. If Amnesia is great, and I have faith it will be, it'll get the attention and rewards it deserves.
01-05-2010, 12:00 AM

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