I think I've got a legitimate opinion here
So here we have a female (at least I assume it's a female), in a very out spoken and aggressive fashion, complaining that frictional has not released a female protagonist in the 4 games they released. After reading her post, I started thinking to myself: "I wonder how people are gonna reply to this." But alas the very first reply comment I see goes something like this: "You're an idiot."

Really? So this is what it's gonna be? Boys being all defensive for no good reason? Fortunately a few others after that were much more sensitive and reasonable, but there were still some comments that was just silly: "By the way, there was an incredible AAA survival horror game with a female lead that came out about 10 years ago." What? That's supposed to make things better? Dude! That was 10 years ago!! That's a terrible example!
I also noticed some comments stating that the guys at Frictional and TCR are mostly male which is why they can't do a female protagonist. this is also a silly reason. If you're a competent writer you MUST be able to write convincing female leads.
In short, Tombcool probably was asking for trouble posting a comment on such a sensitive matter...but lets face it: He/She has a very good point. I mean, imaging if 90% of all games were catered for girls. I'm not gonna lie, that would kinda suck
This has already been said before: It doesn't matter who we play as (male or female). I'm not gonna be less immersed if i'm playing as a female (eg: Portal, Portal 2, Amnesia:Justine, etc...) But to say that aMfP can't work if it has a female lead is just plain dumb. It could be a mother instead, and her husband is responsible for all the bad stuff that happened and she has to rise to the challenge to save her boys. I don't know about you guys but that actually still sounds engaging and perhaps even more intense. With a little imagination it can be done. Don't say it can't because that's just short sighted.
So that's what I have to say about the issue...Please don't hurt me.