I'm going to be playing through all three Penumbra games soon (in anticipation of Amnesia coming out), and before I start I want to make sure the games are as up-to-date as possible. I have the games through Steam, and I know for a fact that the Steam version of Overture is not the most recent version and, in fact, is compatible with latest patch on Frictional's website. What about Black Plague and Requiem, though? Are the steam versions the most up-to-date and, if not, are they compatible with the latest available patches?
All steam games are the latest version, even overture. But overture has a rare steam specific problem that we have not been able to recreate here and therefor not been able to fix, if it even can be fixed. Those that have the problem can solve it by reapplying a patch from our support.
(01-05-2010, 07:22 PM)jens Wrote: All steam games are the latest version, even overture. But overture has a rare steam specific problem that we have not been able to recreate here and therefor not been able to fix, if it even can be fixed. Those that have the problem can solve it by reapplying a patch from our support.
Thanks for the info! Inadvertently, I'd applied the overture patch a few weeks ago. Ha!