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Opinions on how TCR & FG are dealing with AAMFP criticism
Mastersarge Offline
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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

(09-20-2013, 11:33 PM)Lewk Wrote:
(09-20-2013, 11:25 PM)Mastersarge Wrote: Consumers and Developers are doing that themselves.

As a consumer, you are spitting out the retarded bullshit that is actually swinging developers more interested in money into making less creative and more boring games.


WHAT bullshit mind you am I spewing? Everyone is just acting like fucking hipsters because something is 'different.' Do I care if it's different? No. Do I care if it's good? Yes. And you keep shoveling words into peoples mouthes.

Hey, how ya doing?
09-20-2013, 11:36 PM
slo64 Offline
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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

They received their amount of ctiticism fairly and squarely, because they were "Us being us" instead of "Us making a good Amnesia game". And no it wasn't because of 'being different'.
09-20-2013, 11:37 PM
Lewk Offline

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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

(09-20-2013, 11:36 PM)Mastersarge Wrote: WHAT bullshit mind you am I spewing? Everyone is just acting like fucking hipsters because something is 'different.' Do I care if it's different? No. Do I care if it's good? Yes. And you keep shoveling words into peoples mouthes.

I NEVER said that AAMFP and Dear Esther were good, or even creative games.

And 'mouths' is with no 'e'. In case you need the proof:


There is a distinct difference between the spellings.


Protip: Creativity and quality are subjective.
(This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 12:01 AM by Lewk.)
09-20-2013, 11:53 PM
Mastersarge Offline
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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

(09-20-2013, 11:53 PM)Lewk Wrote:
(09-20-2013, 11:36 PM)Mastersarge Wrote: WHAT bullshit mind you am I spewing? Everyone is just acting like fucking hipsters because something is 'different.' Do I care if it's different? No. Do I care if it's good? Yes. And you keep shoveling words into peoples mouthes.

I NEVER said that AAMFP and Dear Esther were good, or even creative games.

And 'mouths' is with no 'e'. In case you need the proof:


There is a distinct difference between the spellings.
Well whatever. The thing is, almost everyone here completely missed the point of the criticism. People and even developers are not LISTENING to it. It's basically this, Unstoppable force vs an immovable object.
But ironically in this case the immovable objects the fuckin fans.

change and difference would involve building upon pre established gameplay that is clearly a part of the pre-installment and creating a far superior experience by combining what they know.
Not STRIPPING FEATURES. And that ain't the minority of the problem. That's a pretty big part.

Hey, how ya doing?
09-21-2013, 12:00 AM
Lewk Offline

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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

(09-21-2013, 12:00 AM)Mastersarge Wrote: [Intricate, valuable opnions]

Okay, but how exactly can that be applied to games directly?
(This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 12:10 AM by Lewk.)
09-21-2013, 12:02 AM
Mastersarge Offline
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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

(09-21-2013, 12:02 AM)Lewk Wrote:
(09-21-2013, 12:00 AM)Mastersarge Wrote: shitty 'opnions"

you're point? Rolleyes

My point, you are an immature hipster who can't take criticism like game developers do.

Hey, how ya doing?
09-21-2013, 12:03 AM
Lewk Offline

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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

(09-21-2013, 12:03 AM)Mastersarge Wrote: [Image: crying-baby-0509-lg.jpg]
[Image: Crying-Baby-iStock.jpg]
[Image: 01-crying-baby.jpg]

09-21-2013, 12:07 AM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: Edge Article by Jessica Curry on games diversity

Well, can't say I didn't try.
09-21-2013, 12:10 AM
Argoon Offline

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My opinion about how TCR is dealing with the criticism

First i'm not a native english speaker so i hope you guys excuse some bad grammar.

First my own opinion about TCR games.

As i said before, i love Dear Esther, i even cried when i saw the caverns for the first time, but what made me love it was all but me understanding the story, to tell you the truth i finished the game without having a complete understanding of who i was, why was i stranded in a island and why in the end did i killed my self, but i loved it nonetheless, the voice acting the visuals (my god the visuals) the music all was fantastic, Dear Esther was new and unique and i treated it like that a totally different kind of experience to what we expected has norm in games, i comprehended that and i loved it for it.

Now Amnesia the dark descent, i also loved it, even tho the same problem with the story (because of not being a native english speaker) was present and even the scariness factor was not so strong for me as for others (i'm used to horror games and horror films), but i loved the game nonetheless, the puzzles, the lack of fighting (feed uped with all the horror games that make you more dangerous than the enemies you face), the sound, the music, the play with light and shadow, the way your sanity add a impact on the game world, with paintings becoming disfigured, strange sounds and other things starting to show up, etc, and of course what made Penumbra so special the way you physically interact with the world, this all made the game special for me even tho as i said i didn't fully understod the story, i didn't need to, to be immersed in the game.

Now comes AMFP, this game was a total surprise for me, but almost for the wrong reasons, first my decision to not read or see anything about the game that could spoil it for me, but the last trailer, made me wrongly expect at least a game similar in mechanics to Amnesia, i knew the story would be a very important aspect of a TCR game, don't get me wrong, but i was expecting that TCR would at least stay within the mechanics of the first game, yes it would be nothing more than another fan story in a sense, but at least it would be a fan story with professional music, good voice acting, fantastic visuals and of course an intriguing story, but what i got was in a sense Dear Esther 2.0 and Amnesia 0.5, all what made Dear Esther good was there and more (and i like it) but what made Amnesia so good imo was almost gone.

Now finally about what gives title to this thread.

As you can see my own opinion about the game is exactly what almost other fans dislike about AMFP (the so called trolls by some) and what TCR comments about, but what their comments come down into is, gamers are afraid of change, anyone that don't like our games is because they only like Call of duty shoot then ups and so they don't comprehend us nor our games. Instead of something like, "we can't please everyone, this is our way of making games and we love it and we can't do anything about it but hope theres some people that like it like us", but instead is almost like, if you are not with us you are against us Apple mentality.
This idea that gamers are afraid of change is in my opinion far from the truth, first gamers love change, that is shown even from the very Frictionals Games company success and for example the huge minecraft success and other strange and unique indie games out there, even their own Dear Esther, gamers WANT change, i want change, especially when that change comes on their own "package", but the problem with change is, when you change too much something people loved before, they tend to resent that (like me), not everyone of course has shown with this game controversy, but a large number will, for example, and this could be a bit extreme but for the sake of argument just think about it, if for some reason someone changed almost all the entire rules of football (european football), and tried to sell it to you as football, i bet a majority of fans would be pissed and be very vocal about it, but if in the other end you called that game something else, then the majority could probably like it or not be interested at all.

I hope the fans on the other side of the fence comprehend this opinion and stop calling anyone that dares to speak against this game has trolls or people that "didn't get it", and realize that not everyone has the same tastes or expectations and even tho they "get it" they don't necessarily like it.

And for TCR you can't make people like something when they don't and pretend they don't know what they are talking about, that they are in denial or even that they are trying to boycott you or something when they express their discontent, i hope you start being more humble on your replies, and respect the opinion of others, learn from them if necessary and if not realize that you can't please everyone and let it be.
I will still support you guys of course because you have talent and you guys are needed because you truly bring change and choice to the table and i can't wait to play "everyone gone to rapture".
09-21-2013, 03:29 AM
Kein Offline
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RE: My opinion about how TCR is dealing with the criticism

What criticism? You mean whining like "But but.. I wanted and expected TDD2!!!1111" (poor, blind and deaf children that for some reason over-fantasized the game they expected)? That is not a valid criticism and I don't think either FG or TCR even bothered by that in slightest. Actual, valid criticism I have yet to see.

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