Yeah, it's been slowing down but that was expected anyway. Still, and for an indie game 6 months away from release date, I'd say it's (pre)selling quite well
If it was possible to pre-order the game for Steam, I'd do so in a heartbeat.
Unfortunately, I want the game on Steam, so I'm not willing to pre-order it from another distribution platform.
Sorry Devs. If you cut a deal with Valve to include pre-orders on Steam, you'll probably hit your target. Until then, I'll just do without the commentary.
You can get an activation key for Steam for our pre-orders if you request it at release. Steam does not do pre-orders this early for games, at least not for our game
I know at least half a dozen people who will preorder the game if they can get it on Steam, so pointing that out will drive up preorders.
I second this, many people are waiting for the game to be released on Steam, not knowing they can pre-order it now and activate it on Steam later. Spread this word and see your pre-orders skyrocket :