Unfortunately it looks like two more months won't be enough to reach 2000 pre-orders... it's only at 450 now. Maybe if Frictional makes another video? :
I hope they add a commentary track to a Collector's Edition of the game or something like that. I would really like to hear it.
(03-22-2010, 08:33 PM)nofsky Wrote: Unfortunately it looks like two more months won't be enough to reach 2000 pre-orders... it's only at 450 now. Maybe if Frictional makes another video? :
I hope they add a commentary track to a Collector's Edition of the game or something like that. I would really like to hear it.
Another video and a preview or two from a gaming website would go a LOOONG way in helping preorder sales - but releasing too much media for this type of game could spoil all the fun to be had when we actually play it.
I'd be more willing to preorder if Frictional started doing open development and weekly alphas like Wolfire Games does for fans/preorderers. (Hint hint)
But, as far as I know, Overgrowth has no story other than something that's impossible to spoil so far. Amnesia is story- and atmosphere-based, meaning that releasing this with weekly updates could lead to definite spoilers. Besides, modding is supposed to be really easy. Do you really need to familiarize yourself with the engine that much?