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Amnesia Steam Page
Tzajof Offline
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Amnesia Steam Page

First off, sorry for my first post on the forum being a thread like this. I've been checking out the forums for a while but only decided to make an account now, and I'd rather not seem like some random who's trying to give Frictional advice already. Tongue

Anyway, I'm sure much of us may have noticed the new Amnesia "Coming Soon" page on Steam. Obviously just about any form of advertising for Amnesia is a good thing, so this is a step in the right direction.

However, this page still doesn't feature any info on the whole 2000 pre-orders deal nor anything on the ability to get a Steam code from a store pre-order.

Obviously, I have no idea what it's like co-operating with the Steam service and whether or not it's easy to customise your game info much, but I've noticed in many Steam pages before that they can have little extra info sections to put in any other worthwhile info about the game. If it were possible to get in even any of the useful info like the pre-order deal, it could be a big help.

Again, sorry if this doesn't help or if there's however much legal mumbo-jumbo going on about how much control you have over your Steam pages or something. But just saying. Tongue

By the way, I'm yet to put in my Amnesia pre-order, but I might be doing it as soon as this weekend. I'd love to support you guys not only as a great indie developer but for making a game that looks just as great as the Penumbra series was!
05-01-2010, 02:27 AM
RoyaleBeast Offline

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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

05-01-2010, 03:14 AM
Unreal Offline

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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

I love the new Steam and the new Amnesia page Big Grin
I would be happy to join any official Steam Amnesia group.
05-01-2010, 05:56 AM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

There's unofficial Steam page for Frictional Games made by forum user called Klayman. Currently the group has 101 users...

Here's the link, if you'd like to check it out.

05-01-2010, 01:57 PM
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Kaese Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

Just noticed the Storepage on Steam and checked the website again.
After I read the part where it said "...a pre-order from the Frictional Games Store can be converted to a Steam activation key." my mind blacked out till I read "Thank you for purchasing from Frictional Games." Huh

Yes, I am one of those Steam-dudes, shame on me.
Anyway can't wait for August(hopefully) and its seems a little sad the Preorder thingy is still so low.
You guys need to aproach some gaming sites/magazines to get (free) advertisement.

One thing I am curious about is how the converting is going to work.
Do I have to send a mail in a specific timeframe or something?

Also if you want around 1000 definite Steam sales, add Steam-Achievements.
Lots of achievement-whores around Tongue
05-02-2010, 12:38 AM
Sexbad Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

Well, if you do add in Steam achievements, they should be unique to certain playstyles, rewarding the player for solving puzzles differently or something like that.

[Image: jao3z.jpg]
05-02-2010, 01:31 AM
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Tzajof Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

(05-02-2010, 12:38 AM)Kaese Wrote: One thing I am curious about is how the converting is going to work.
Do I have to send a mail in a specific timeframe or something?

My guess is that you'll just send an e-mail in close to, on, or after the release date. It may even be possible to activate the product on Steam before release (either for pre-loading or for downloading as soon as it's available), but that depends on the details of just how they've set things up for their Steam release (I think).

I'd at least assume that there shouldn't really be a deadline for getting your Steam code. It could theoretically even be easier without a deadline, because if they did, it might just cause a huge flood of customers trying to get their codes at the same time, which could be difficult to handle depending on how they're managing it all.
05-02-2010, 01:53 AM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

(05-02-2010, 12:38 AM)Kaese Wrote: Also if you want around 1000 definite Steam sales, add Steam-Achievements.
Lots of achievement-whores around Tongue

I've never understand why some people play only for the achievements.
I personally play for fun, not to earn gamerscore or some other points earned through achievemnts.

05-02-2010, 11:14 AM
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Kaese Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

(05-02-2010, 01:31 AM)Lee Wrote: Well, if you do add in Steam achievements, they should be unique to certain playstyles, rewarding the player for solving puzzles differently or something like that.

(05-02-2010, 11:14 AM)Scraper Wrote: I've never understand why some people play only for the achievements.
I personally play for fun, not to earn gamerscore or some other points earned through achievemnts.

If they decide to add them, funny/complex/exploration ones sure would be best. While funny probably does not fit that much, lets just say funny/pun naming for serious tasks.

So you have beaten the game 3 times and are wondering if you could bother a 4th time...
Check the achievements and see something like "find all the diaries in the game", "finish the bridge-puzzle in less than 1min" or "solve the escape puzzle without using all boxes".

Some people might just say "ah.. who cares", but some love the additional challenge and playtime.

For example on Portal, don't know if you guys know about it.
There was a mysterious update which led to the announcement of Portal 2.
You could take radios to certain spots to get a weird signal and progress on a new achievement.
So playing Portal for the I think 5th time was really fun again. Not because of the achievement itself, but what the achievement wanted you to do.
It added basicly tons of new puzzles to the whole game.
Find the radio(by audio clue) and then bring it to the spot to get the signal which was in some instances even harder than the original puzzles.

And you don't have to play "only for achievements", it is just that some people like the system. So while a reviewer might give a game a low rating because it is to short. It might have really awesome and clever achievements that triple the playtime for those bothering while still beeing fun.
05-02-2010, 12:06 PM
Yuhaney Offline
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RE: Amnesia Steam Page

I've played Portal for like 10 times and noticed those radios on the last time as well, but then again I didn't want to search for every one of them and then locate the right spot to get the signal out of them. I just don't find it entertaining.

If some achievement pops up in the middle of the game, I'm always: "What did I do now?", but after I beat the game, I might check what achievements there is and what I got during the game (without even trying to get any of them), but I won't play the game again JUST so I can get them all. It can also be a total pain in the ass to do so, if you know what I mean...

I do understand the point when you say that it adds more playtime to the game, yes, but some players only play games to get all the achiements to get full Gamerscore or all the Trophies. Where's the fun in that?

05-02-2010, 02:01 PM
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