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Work in progress Beyond the Mountains of Madness (full conversion) (previously: The Elder Sign)
ZyLogicX Offline

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RE: Amnesia The Elder Sign (trilogy) (full conversion)

(08-25-2013, 08:50 AM)Robosprog Wrote: .. Seriously. Why does everyone have completely flat and perfect ground. Try and add bumps etc to it - modelling a new landscape is a valid option, or adding dirt piles. It helps a lot.

You haven't seen the other side of the map Smile

Beyond the Mountains of Madness [15%]
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08-25-2013, 12:12 PM
zeravia Offline

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RE: Beyond the Mountains of Madness (full conversion) (previously: The Elder Sign)


Did you ever finish this?!

i will do a lets play if you ever did!

Diary of a madman -Onhold

New - [Image: at_1374739.png]
11-24-2013, 05:26 PM
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ZyLogicX Offline

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RE: Beyond the Mountains of Madness (full conversion) (previously: The Elder Sign)

(11-24-2013, 05:26 PM)zeravia Wrote: D=

Did you ever finish this?!

i will do a lets play if you ever did!

Coming when it is done

Beyond the Mountains of Madness [15%]
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11-24-2013, 08:05 PM
daortir Offline
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RE: Beyond the Mountains of Madness (full conversion) (previously: The Elder Sign)

I'd love to see more Lovecraft-inspired works.

Are you still planning to release this ? I know the question is frequently asked but I would really enjoy to get some news, something about the maps you made, or the notes you wrote...

This is a small Thread Necro and I apologize but I wish we could get a honest post about how far you've got with your mod development, so I know once and for all if there's any chance this gets released or if it will be delayed forever.

I sincerely hope you will succeed in releasing this mod, because this could be a great one : >.

12-16-2013, 06:45 PM
ZyLogicX Offline

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RE: Beyond the Mountains of Madness (full conversion) (previously: The Elder Sign)

(12-16-2013, 06:45 PM)daortir Wrote: I'd love to see more Lovecraft-inspired works.

Are you still planning to release this ? I know the question is frequently asked but I would really enjoy to get some news, something about the maps you made, or the notes you wrote...

This is a small Thread Necro and I apologize but I wish we could get a honest post about how far you've got with your mod development, so I know once and for all if there's any chance this gets released or if it will be delayed forever.

I sincerely hope you will succeed in releasing this mod, because this could be a great one : >.

You can view some new screenshots at http://www.moddb.com/mods/beyond-the-mou...of-madness.

I, generally speaking, am not comfortable with providing anything until I think it is finished. I can, however, see why anyone would like more information on this project.

The honest answer, is that progress hasn't been up to speed (as much as I would like) due to my final year in school.

There have been numerous reworkings of buildings in certain maps; because new assets became available (to give an concrete example: the first map is still being worked on).

Even at this point in time, the story is not completed, and I think I really need to take some time for that. (I am open to suggestions).

However, you asked for valuable information, so that is what I will give you: (this a note from the mod)

In the beginning, God said: "Let there be light to burn away the darkness".
On the second day, the sky was born; a majestic canaby for the earth.
On the following day, God sculpted the beautiful earth, and planted it with trees.
With the fourth day, God split day from night, and blessed the earth with the cycle of seasons. Then, God filled the seas with life, and set forth the birds to roam the skies.
On the sixth day, God created glorious creatures. Chief of these... were mankind, whom he created in his own image. He blessed them, giving them dominion over all living things to care for.
To nurture. To rule.

And on the seventh day, they say God rested.
But God did not rest.

God left... or perhaps died.

Judgement day came, and he abandoned us.
Casting humanity's hide like parasite.

But there is still hope, we have to face this hell full-on.

Our fate, I hold in my own hands.

Beyond the Mountains of Madness [15%]
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12-16-2013, 08:13 PM
daortir Offline
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RE: Beyond the Mountains of Madness (full conversion) (previously: The Elder Sign)

Hello !
Well thank you for the answer ! I like the note quite a lot, and that really comforts me in the idea this mod could be amazing.

I am very glad to know that you are still interested in finishing this FC. I am not a very experienced modder (still working on my first CS, actually xD) but I've read a pretty big part of Lovecraft's work, so if you want to discuss Lovecraft-inspired scenarios I'm always there.

Good luck with your mod, I really hope you'll be able to make it.

Feel free to PM me for anything about scenarios, if you need motivation, or simply if you want to speak about HPL Big Grin !

(This post was last modified: 12-16-2013, 08:36 PM by daortir.)
12-16-2013, 08:35 PM

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