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What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?
Radical Batz Offline
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What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

The first time I Heard of it was from Pewdiepie's videos and I kinda fell in love that you can throw stuff and drag and how realistic the game was so I watched a few couple more videos and I wanted to play the game which scared the shit out of me!
Now it's you're turn to tell of where you heard from it? or who made you play it!
12-25-2013, 07:18 PM
RaideX Offline

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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

(12-25-2013, 07:18 PM)Badcat5550 Wrote: The first time I Heard of it was from Pewdiepie's videos and I kinda fell in love that you can throw stuff and drag and how realistic the game was so I watched a few couple more videos and I wanted to play the game which scared the shit out of me!
Now it's you're turn to tell of where you heard from it? or who made you play it!

Cry aka. Cryaotic first brought me into the Amnesia Genre. Loved it, played it!

Also, Cry is the best. I still enjoy every single video he does. <3

If you don't draw first, you don't get to draw at all... -The False Shepherd
12-25-2013, 07:36 PM
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

A friend of mine showed me back in spring 2011 a Teaser or Trailer of the game "Cryostasis". Somehow I managed to klick on the Amnesia Trailer and tried out the demo on Steam. A bit later I bought it, and a neverending lovestory began <3.
12-25-2013, 10:28 PM
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TaCTiCaLxReFLeX Offline

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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

I first got into it when pewdiepie made penumbra videos, after watching them I got into horror games for the pc and I soon bought amnesia and cryostasis. I never really liked cryostasis so I stopped playing it, then I tried out amnesia and I couldn't put it down. I'm glad pewdiepie made this game super popular -or else I may never have heard of it!
01-03-2014, 10:50 PM
Applenut Offline
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

Through Pewdiepie too and I'm very happy I've played it. The unhappy ones probably are my neighbors :p
01-04-2014, 11:21 PM
Neelke Offline
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

A friend of mine in school introduced this game to me. I've loved it ever since. I'm really glad he showed it to me.
01-05-2014, 12:13 AM
daortir Offline
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

Pewdiepie for me ^^. So glad I randomly fell on one of his montages, it was the beginning of my love for Amnesia *-*

01-05-2014, 12:29 AM
Romulator Offline
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

I won't lie, I did get convinced by Pewdie, but I wanted to feel more absorbed in the game, so I ended up turning towards Markiplier. His videos got me more into the actual horror genre. So then I purchased Amnesia and AAMFP, starting trying to develop and well... now I play more TF2 again, but I still enjoy Amnesia Smile

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01-05-2014, 01:12 AM
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

I was watching some YouTube videos (I forgot what kind of videos) and I stumbled upon some Amnesia scare compilations, then from there I got the demo, and finally the full game.

After Amnesia, I found out Frictional Games had the older Penumbra games, and I decided to get the trilogy as well during a discount sale on Steam.

And that is the story of how I got into playing horror games.

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
01-07-2014, 11:37 PM
GrAVit Offline
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RE: What made you play Amnesia or when was the first time you heard of it?

My foreign friend recommended this game to me back in like, 2011 I think? Might've been near the end of 2010. Had never been as scared of a video game in my life. Hell, the first grunt that I saw in the Archives looked like he had a fisherman's yellow coat lol (I was put off because of the startling encounter and thought I saw things that weren't really there).

I had reached the Wine Cellar when my other friend came to visit me, and I thought I'd introduce the game to him. At first, as nothing was really happening, he didn't find it too scary and kept talking about how some other games that he had played were a lot creepier. But the moment that I picked the laudanum up, and the grunt in the end of the hallway spawned, we both screamed for about a minute and kept pausing and resuming the game in panic, which is when he took his words back as well lol.

Took me several days to finish the game after all the horrid encounters with the water monster, Storage grunts and Prison. Afterwards I played many different custom stories, the first of which that I played was Abduction, if I recall correctly. I must say Amnesia is the best horror game that I've ever played and it got me into the horror genre itself!

01-08-2014, 09:06 AM

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