I decided to buy complete collection but $20 is a bit to much for me right now.
A saw a great deal at Amazon, Collection for $8,35 but I can figure out is it a retail or downloadable version??
If it's downloadable then I'll buy it right now, but retail won work for me because Amazon doesn't do shipping in my country
Can someone recommend some other digital distribution platform that is on discount right now...?
I decided to buy complete collection but $20 is a bit to much for me right now.
A saw a great deal at Amazon, Collection for $8,35 but I can figure out is it a retail or downloadable version??
If it's downloadable then I'll buy it right now, but retail won work for me because Amazon doesn't do shipping in my country
Can someone recommend some other digital distribution platform that is on discount right now...?
The one on Amazon is retail, I believe. You can pick up Black Plague Gold on Steam, though, for $15. A little bit cheaper than buying Collection for $20 though, since you already have Overture.
I don't think anyone has it on discount at the moment, it has been very much discounted on different services the past year. If you wait a little while it will probably be discounted again at some of the online stores.