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Black Plague - Crash at new game
LucasG Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago Black Plague - Crash at new game

First off I will say that I have the steam version of Penumbra (all of the games.)

I just finished Overature (with slight issues near the end) and Was about to start Black Plague however I cant even start a new game in it. I can start up the game, get the main menu, and play the tutorial in black plague without any problems. When I go to start a new game it reads the story to me about what had happened in Overature and then afterwards gives me a screen that says loading... After a second the game crashes to the desktop and the black box.

The blackbox error is:
penumbra.exe cause an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module penumbra.exe at 001B:004D4EE4

Stack Trace:
001B:004D4EE4 Penumbra.exe

My general system specs are:

Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 965 @ 3.20GHz
Memory: 2296MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c
Video Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295
Driver Version: 6.14.0011.9745

After my problems with Overature all of my stuff had been updated in an attempt to fix that. I proceeded to try it with SLI disabled, Lowest graphics settings, Ran it in windowed mode, Ran it with and without hardware sound, deleted everything in the redist/core/cache folder and reinstalled the game once. None of these attempts changed the outcome.

So now I am stumped as to what the issue could be. Overature worked right off the bat for me and I never had any issues until the Crowbar door. It seems odd to me that Black plague doesnt work at all seeing as how i had very minute issues with Overature.

Any Ideas would be greatly Appreciated, Thanks.
05-24-2010, 06:49 AM
Thomas Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

Find hpl.log in My Documents/Penumbra/Black Plague (i think) upload here.
05-24-2010, 09:07 AM
LucasG Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

(05-24-2010, 09:07 AM)Thomas Wrote: Find hpl.log in My Documents/Penumbra/Black Plague (i think) upload here.

Here it is.

Looking at it i see the problem. For some reason it is trying to load the first level of overature rather than the first level of Black Plague, not sure why that is.
05-24-2010, 09:41 AM
jens Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

You have probably copied or edited the default_settings.cfg file with settings from Overture? Maybe to get the same settings and resolution? It also contains information on what level to load for the first level, so you'll need to revert the settings file to fix it.
05-24-2010, 11:21 AM
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LucasG Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

(05-24-2010, 11:21 AM)jens Wrote: You have probably copied or edited the default_settings.cfg file with settings from Overture? Maybe to get the same settings and resolution? It also contains information on what level to load for the first level, so you'll need to revert the settings file to fix it.

I dont believe I changed anything in the my documents/Overature/Black Plauge/ Folder.

Looking at the cfg file though It does have the wrong level name in this line.

<Map GlobalScript="global_script.hps" File="level00_01_boat_cabin.dae" StartPos="link01" />

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game a few times now in an attempt to fix this and I have no copy of this cfg file that has the correct level in that line. Can I just manually edit the map name in the quotes to fix it or will there be other issues? or would deleting it and loading the game again create a default one?
Ok its fixed thanks for that last bit Jens, I just cut the cfg file from the mydocuments/penumbra/blackplague folder and paste it on my desktop and started a new game and it loaded the correct level without crashing.
(This post was last modified: 05-24-2010, 06:45 PM by LucasG.)
05-24-2010, 06:34 PM
Dicky B Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

I had this same problem with the Steam version of the game. I didn't do any copying or editing of the settings files either, and removing the black plague settings file didn't help as the file would just be recreated with the wrong level name again.

However I tried LucasG's idea of manually editing the level name thus:

<Map GlobalScript="global_script.hps" File="level01_cells.dae" StartPos="link01" />

..and it worked! The game seems to be running with no problems now. I hope you find this information useful.
06-20-2010, 10:39 PM
bobczes Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

Same problem.RE: Overture endgame crash, Black Plague start crash. Much thanks for this solution.
12-04-2010, 02:15 AM
barutazaru Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

hey guys i have a problem, on the default_settings.cfg it says the starting level is level01_cells.dae, but when i try to play it it crashes, and i also noticed on the main menu (i dont know if this is normal) that it said welcome to penumbra overture
02-09-2011, 08:34 PM
JT09990 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: Black Plague - Crash at new game

So, I've seen these kind of solutions before, but where do we copy and past the code into? And how do I get there?
04-15-2012, 11:47 PM

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