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Configuration Files Help .mat still not appearing in the file!
Mudbill Offline

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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!

Alright, I got it now. Sorry I forgot about it.

I converted the textures to .tga and included some nmaps and spec maps, but the .mats are there too. You should be able to open them and edit them, I hope.

PS: If you see a .DS_Store file and a _MACOSX folder, ignore them. They are hidden files for me when I use my Mac OS.

EDIT: Seems like I'm unable to add the attachment. Unsure why, the zip is just 3 MB. Are zips not allowed?

Well, here's a Dropbox link for now.

(This post was last modified: 02-11-2014, 09:00 PM by Mudbill.)
02-11-2014, 08:55 PM
Radical Batz Offline
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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!

I think they are allowed if you can't add an attachment! thanks by the way, the planes and mat files are working perfectly. I'm not sure why my material editor is not working Sad but thanks a lot Smile
02-11-2014, 10:12 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!

Perhaps you should try reinstalling the editors.

02-11-2014, 10:19 PM
Acies Offline
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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!


Remade normals and specular for one of the floors out of boredom ~ Use if you want to

Edit: To add some information to my post. It is preferable to save in .dds - for the sake of performance. You can try this out by yourself; open a model with a .dds texture vs a .tga texture and look at the memory used in modelview.

Secondly avoid generating speculars and normals from a photo - the program won't really be able to read depth etc. from a photo alone. The end result will be messy everytime you do it - but if that's something you're going for go ahead.

[Image: mZiYnxe.png]

(This post was last modified: 02-11-2014, 11:16 PM by Acies.)
02-11-2014, 11:13 PM
Mudbill Offline

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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!

I use CrazyBump for creating my nmaps and spec maps. It works pretty good. It doesn't just generate it right away, it lets you edit the strength and other settings.

By the way, what is the use of a green specular map? I have seen quite a few different colors, but most seem to be greytones.

02-12-2014, 01:14 AM
Traggey Offline
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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!

The specular maps for amnesia works in different channels, R is your normal spec channel and G is your gloss map, B needs to be empty. It's a nice way of being able to use Specular and gloss maps but only use one texture, engines that do not work like this alows for coloured specular maps and those are required to make for example realistic metals, if you'd want to make bronze you would create a dark brown diffuse map and add a yellow specular map ontop of that to give it that bronzy shine.
02-12-2014, 08:33 AM
Acies Offline
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RE: .mat not appearing in the file!

(02-12-2014, 01:14 AM)Mudbill Wrote: I use CrazyBump for creating my nmaps and spec maps. It works pretty good. It doesn't just generate it right away, it lets you edit the strength and other settings.

By the way, what is the use of a green specular map? I have seen quite a few different colors, but most seem to be greytones.

Yes, crazybump is one of those softwares. One of the errors which occurs in the normal by generating from a photo is that the software reads 'black/dark' parts of the image as 'deep' (cavities) and white parts as heights. So, each seam between each tile is dark - that is read as a depth. All good. However it reads the black tiles as 'depths' and the white tiles as 'heights' when we know that both black and white tiles are heights (of equal size).

The same thing happens in the generated specular. It reads the white tiles as reflective and the dark tiles as not-reflective, when we know that they are of the same material: have the same reflectiveness.

What follows is how I have interpreted the maps (might be wrong). As Traggey pointed out: Red channel = Specular map. Green channel = Gloss map. The specular map defines how much light is reflected (the more white the more reflection). The gloss map defines how the light spreads across the surface (the more white the more focused highlights). Different materials have a different combination of specular intensity and gloss intensity. One would want to have colored speculars.. Smile That is not supported in HPL2 though.

[Image: mZiYnxe.png]

02-12-2014, 12:09 PM

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