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MsHannerBananer Offline

Posts: 218
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Joined: Sep 2013
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I haven't directly tested for a little while, been mostly working on developing maps, doing concepts and toying with what script I already have.

Went to test it today, and as soon as my mod tries to start up, I get a crash error and the program crashes before I can get to the menu.

In the past this has been because of problems with my english.lang, however I've looked through it and I can't find any problems. I'm in need of a second pair of eyes and some brain storming.

BE WARNED. It's quite hefty.

    <Directory Path="fonts/eng" />
    <Directory Path="lang/eng" />
  <CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_ScottOffice">the key to Scott's office</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_ScottOffice">It's the key to Scott's office.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_mainofficeKey">the key to the Main Office</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_mainofficeKey">It's the key to the main office in the laboratory.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_kateKey">the key to my Office.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_kateKey">It's the key to my Office</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_JesseOfficeKey">the key to Jesse's Office</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_JesseOfficeKey">It's the key to Jesse's Office</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_Crowbar">a Crowbar</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_Crowbar">It's a tool that allows great leverage.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_lantern">the Lantern</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_lantern">An oil powered item used to light up dark places.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_OilP">Oil</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_OilP">A thick, inky liquid used to fuel the lantern.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemName_hammer">Stone Hammer</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ItemDesc_hammer">An old hammer. It's good for smashing weak things.</Entry>

  <CATEGORY Name="Journal">

          //QUESTS MEMENTOS//
        <Entry Name="Quest_searchHomeQuest_Text">I need to find out why my memory is gone. I should search familiar places for clues.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Quest_questFindOffice_Text">I should find my office. There's gotta be something there that can help me.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Quest_questFindOfficeKeys_Text">I know there's something important in my office and in Jesse's. I need to find the keys to get inside of them.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Quest_questSecretArea_Text">There's a secret area in the laboratory. I need to find it.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Quest_questMainOffice_Text">I need the key to my office in the laboratory.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Quest_questDrainWater_Text">I can't progress with the water at this level. I need to drain the water and find out how to turn the power back on to open this big door. I might be able to open smaller doors by hand...</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Quest_QuestPowerOff_Text">I need to redirect the power to boost the facility's functionality. There should be an electrical panel in each lab and the living area's. I'll need a tool to pry the panels open...</Entry>
        //VOCAL NOTES//
        <Entry Name="Note_BecomingScientist_Name">Where I Started</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Note_BecomingScientist_Text"> [voice KateBecomingScientist.ogg][br]The choice to take over my fathers work, came from an epiphany.
        I was still young, and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was on a downward spiral with no bottom, or end in sight.
        [br][br] On my way to the store, however, I came across a group of sickly people in the streets, with no homes and only the clothes
        on their backs as possessions. I'd felt my heart wrenched out of me that day, how helpless they'd been, how pathetic they'd seemed.
        [br][br] From then on, I set out to do everything I could, with a fresh desire to provide help to the people who desperately needed
        it. I took an intern-ship under my fathers wing within a week, and set a course to do the best I could do in the world. [br][br]
        Everybody wants to know that someone out there cares for them.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Note_JesseLetter_Name">To Ms. Montgomery</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Note_JesseLetter_Text"> [voice JesseLetterHome.ogg][br]Dear Ms. Montgomery,[br][br]My name is Jesse McKnight.
        I've worked as a parasitologist at the Greyson Institute for 9 years in Copenhagen, Denmark.[br][br]I came across your research
        not long ago and I've heard of the Rose-victims in the U.S. I would like to help. I have some valuable information, as well as
        some samples, that you might find interesting and useful.[br][br]Hope to hear from you soon,[br][br][br]Jesse McKnight.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_JesseTruthHome_Name">Dear Katelyn</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_JesseTruthHome_Text">I wish I could tell you the truth. About everything.[br][br]I wish it was easy to tell you the truth. If only things
        were so simple...[br][br](The rest of the text has been made illegible, scratched out violently with black ink.)</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_noteAboutWork_Name">Regarding Scott</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_noteAboutWork_Text">Despite my father's recent death, I'm proud to have taken over my father's position as a senior scientist
        at the hospital. Jacob and Michael are really friendly guys, but Scott seams to be a little hostile. I suppose my father's death hasn't settled well
        with him.[br][br]He really isn't a bad guy, but I hope he comes around soon. It wouldn't be conducive to a good work atmosphere if he hated me for
        taking over my fathers position. I just don't think I'd be able to work in the same place as someone who hates me for something I had no control

        <Entry Name ="Note_DawsonAboutKey_Name">Scotts Behavior</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_DawsonAboutKey_Text">Scott and the others involved in Katelyn's Rose experiments have been acting strange ever since
        Michael left on sick leave.[br][br]Scott more than the others. He just left me the key to his office, and told me not to give it to anyone.[br][br]
        What are they hiding down there? </Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_ScottsThoughts_Name">She Knows Nothing</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_ScottsThoughts_Text">Katelyn knows absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. She thinks the goal she's working towards is noble, but
        she's only playing into a bigger and darker plan.[br][br]I pity her really. She doesn't have a single clue to the monstrous things at work. All in all,
        I do hope she's spared the painful fate we'll eventually be forced to succumb to. Despite her naiveness, I don't blame her
        for her upbringing. I don't blame her for anything.[br][br][br][br]I gave the key to my room to Dawson. It's in his possession now, as I won't be returning from
        my next trip to the lab.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_noteKateCurrentWork_Name">Current Work</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_noteKateCurrentWork_Text">After my father died, we managed to get our hands on six infected subjects, three male, three female.
        Most of them are doing beautifully, however there's two in particular who seem a little reluctant to participate in testing. The female more so.
        She seems very disturbed, due to the problems of her past. We've barely been able to get her to work with us, but we have gotten some things
        out of her.[br][br]Anyway, shortly after we received them, we set up secret bunkers for them downstairs. Jacob has suggested setting up future rooms for
        them, should they take a turn for the worse before we can administer an effective cure. His ideas were really quite ingenious, but we'll have
        to tap into extra research funds to have them made. I'm so glad to be a part of our ground breaking research.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_Quarantine_Name">Quarantined Wings</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_Quarantine_Text">3 days ago we were instructed to close off all North Side North Wards at once, due to an unexpected quarantine. Katelyn was
        very mysterious about why, and all she would tell the staff was that the quarantine would last until all of the North Side North Ward patients had been tested.
        [br][br]But instead of opening the Wards back up, she arranged emergency transport for most of the patients to the Lincoln Medical Center in
        New York City. The Wards remained closed, and even South Wing B and C were sectioned off. The remaining patients in the South Wing Wards and the rest of the hospital were
        tested, and eventually most were sent away as well, dispersed between the Lincoln Medical Center and two other hospitals in New York.[br][br]
        All staff, except the senior scientists, were to be dismissed after clearing out the cabinets and submitting to blood tests, and were given compensation pay for the next three months.
        Those who resisted testing were told they were required to stay.[br][br][br][br] I don't know what they're doing down there in that lab, but if it's the cause
        for this strange quarantine, I don't think I want to know.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_janitorNote_Name">Out of Order Bathroom</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_janitorNote_Text">One of those stupid guys from the science department clogged and jammed one of the bathroom toilets. I'll have to
        jerry-rig it open once the quarantine is up.[br][br][br][br]The weird thing is, he did it to one of the toilets in the women's bathroom. What was he
        doing in the women's bathroom? People are getting stranger and stranger as the years go by.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_table_Name">Rewiring the table</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_table_Text">Once the Inner Lab's new access hall was completed, we had to find a way to keep it's existence from the lesser workers.
        It won't be easy, but we've planned to wire one of the tables through its legs and into the ground in order to put a more easily accessed mechanism for
        the other's to use. I was getting tired of being disturbed in my office to unlock the passageway.[br][br]I'm sure Richard Jensen would be proud.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_father_Name">My father...</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_father_Text">[voice myfather.ogg][br]My father... was an absolute genius. All of this work he's done, it's all been for the greater good. I'm beyond thrilled
        to be apart of this scientific masterpiece. Jacob and Michael... even Scott. All of the work we've done so far will be rewarding.[br][br][br]Even if the world
        doesn't take notice at first, even if the masses don't like it. Everything will be fine. Everything.</Entry>

        <Entry Name ="Note_bullshit_Name">FUCK</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_bullshit_Text">This is absolute bullshit! The pay may be good, but never being able to leave the facility is absolute shit! [br][br]
        We're all just expected to abandon our personal lives while they keep us prisoner in these rooms! And don't even get me started on our living situation![br][br]
        Cold metal beds and thin mattresses. We aren't even allowed any personal items. What kind of treatment is that?! We don't even get to phone our families!
        I want out of this place!!</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_decor_Name">My Office</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_decor_Text">Michael says my office is too bare. He brought some carpets over for decoration. I have no interest in material collections.
        My office only ever contained the things necessary for my job.[br][br]I don't know why the others take so much care to personalize their space. Jacob
        especially, even getting permission from Katelyn to bring his daughter into the office. I see no logical reason to place personal objects in my work place.
        The others don't share my sentiments, however, and have been trying to get me to decorate. All of it is pointless.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_StorageCleared_Name">Clearing the Storage</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_StorageCleared_Text">Instructed to upgrade our experiments from rodents and insects, to more advanced mammals, we requested the
        funding to build a new lab, accessible from this sector. However, we were denied almost immediately. We had to use what space we could, so we moved
        the equipment out of the storage room and into the study halls.[br][br]The environment has been set up and is functioning, however the halls are now
        cluttered with boxes, spare equipment, and tables.[br][br]I don't know why the administrator refused funding to build a new space. On top of the price
        spent setting up the environment, which is nothing compared to the cost of the E.F.'s down in sector C, it would have only cost $200,000 extra to have a
        new space set up specifically for the new environment.[br][br][br][br]Top brass is pretty stingy these days. But then again, I don't know why I didn't expect
        anything less. I mean, we aren't even allowed personal objects in our living quarters. That's as stingy as it gets.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_DogMeat_Name">The Pack</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_DogMeat_Text">February 2, 1991. [br][br]The alpha male, Reggie, has been acting more aggressive since the birth of his cubs. Only Carrie, the staff member that raised
        him, is allowed to go near the cubs, or him these days, however she's unable to bring any of them back for testing. I hope that'll change as they get
        older.[br][br]In order to test properly, we need a young subject. I'm requesting that if Carrie can't bring back either of his cubs, that he be either
        sedated, or put down. He's impeding our experiments, as if we didn't have enough trouble already with Reggie constantly stealing the janitor's hammer.
        The pack will move on without him.[br][br][br][br][br][br]February 4, 1991[br][br]Carrie managed to bring back Hector, the male cub, after their feeding by their watering hole yesterday. I slipped a
        sedative into their meal, which put Reggie and the others right to sleep. Hailey, Reggie's female cub, got sick after the feeding however, and isn't doing too
        well. I went in to retrieve her myself while Reggie was still asleep. It seems she was poisoned somehow. I don't think she'll survive the night.
        [br][br]I've set out the pack's evening feed. Hopefully Reggie won't be too aggressive now that his cubs are in our care.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_waterMonsterNote_Name">Kaernk's and Laerenk's</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Note_waterMonsterNote_Text">October 14, 1989[br][br]We managed to get our hands on two Kaernk's. Under infrared light, they can be observed
        clearly and we were required to take note of their physical description. It's almost impossible to describe them. [br][br]They have sleek bodies, with skin
        similar to that of an eel. They have short necks and the snout and jaw of a dog, and have eyes on the sides of their head which conflicts with their predatory nature.
        They manage to balance themselves on two short legs, and when hunting, are quick, however are only able to move so fast after their prey. Unless otherwise provoked
        or lured, they remain still in the water. It was noted they are extremely territorial, and we haven't yet an answer for why they are dependent on wading in water.[br][br][br][br][br][br]April 22, 1990[br][br]We took DNA samples of both males, Sam
        and Jeff, and managed to clone the Kaernk's, producing two females, Katrina and Patty. The females display similar behavioral traits, however have
        different vocal patterns, and are gentler in nature. The sounds the Laerenk's make are higher pitched, and we observed that the males are calmer when in the presense of the females. Due to their gentler nature, we are able to make physical contact with Katrina and Patty and stand in their pens to interact with them. They seem to respond positively to being stroked.[br][br][br][br]
        August 1, 1990[br][br]It was observed today that Patty developed two sacs on her back at the base of her neck. They were extremely swollen and seem to continue to
        grow. We assume these are embryonic sacs, and that Patty has sexually matured in the presence of Jeff and Sam. She's docile, however has heavy mood swings, and won't
        allow us to touch her anymore. [br][br]It's been noted that upon sexual maturity, females will reach a level of animosity similar to that of the males. It's unknown
        how much longer she'll tolerate us in her pen, and whether or not this new behavior will come and go depending on breeding season.[br][br]Katrina shows no signs of
        sexual maturity.[br][br][br][br]November 17, 1990[br][br]Patty was successfully bred with Sam several days ago. We're observing her closely for gestation time,
        and it looks like the embryos develop within eggs inside the embryonic sacs on Patty's back. It looks like she's only capable of carrying three eggs in each sac.
        It's unknown whether or not she'll carry the eggs for the duration of their gestation, or deposit them in the water and allow them to develop outside her body.[br][br]
        [br][br]January 20, 1991[br][br]10 weeks developing within eggs, and the embryonic sacs on Patty's body burst
        on the 19th, at 2 in the morning. She submerged herself completely in the water, deposited the eggs, which promptly hatched, and slept for several hours afterwards.[br][br]
        She's incredibly protective of her offspring, and won't allow anyone in her pen. The offspring possess underdeveloped legs, and functioning gil's, allowing them to swim
        underwater until they are big enough to be able to stand above the surface and breathe air. Their rate of growth is amazing. I predict they'll be standing on their legs
        before the week is out.</Entry>

      <CATEGORY Name ="Dialogue">
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_SearchHome">I... can't remember anything... I should search the house for clues.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_BathroomNo">It's a bathroom. I don't think I'll find my memory in the toilet.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_GuestroomMaybe">Guest room. Looks unused for some time. Might be something around here...</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_VoiceCheck">I shouldn't leave until I've checked everything.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Kitchen">It's just the kitchen. Nothing important there.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_ThoughtHospital">Angel Wing Infirmary. It was built years ago. I've always loved how it looks like a castle.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CantGo">I probably shouldn't go this way.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CantGo2">This isn't the right way. </Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_NoGoingBack">I can't go back. I need answers.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_FindOffice">I'm sure my office would have answers. I should find it.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Elevator">This elevator isn't active.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Elevator2">This elevator doesn't work.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_WrongWing">My office isn't in this wing.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_WhatHappened">What the hell happened in here?!</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_WhyOfficeLocked">Why is my office locked? There should be a spare key in the janitor's closet.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_WrongStaircase">This isn't the right staircase.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_NeedAKey">Locked. I'll need to find a key.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_JesseOffice">Even Jesse's office is locked. I'll need to find a key for that too.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_ScottOffice">Scott's door is locked... if there's anything important in there, I'll need a key.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Founder1">It's my father, Xander Montgomery. He founded Angel Wing Infirmary with Richard Jensen.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Founder2">It's Dr. Richard Jensen. He helped found Angel Wing Infirmary with my father.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_SecretLab">There's a secret area in the laboratory. I need to find it.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_BathroomDoor">It's jammed. I'll need something to break the door open.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_BathroomGross">Oh God. That's disgusting... but I don't have any other choice.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CrowbarLifeOne">The crowbar's still good. I could use it a few more times.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CrowbarLifeOne">The crowbar's still good. I could use it a few more times.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CrowbarLifeTwo">The crowbar's getting weaker. I could use it once or twice more.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CrowbarLifeThree">I don't think I'll be able to use this crowbar for very much longer. The next time will be the last.</Entry>    
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CrowbarLifeFour">The crowbar broke. I can't use it anymore.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Histo">This is were diseased tissue is studied.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Anthro">This is were humans are studied.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Neuro">This is were diseased neural tissue is studied.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_GrossSink">Christ! That's disgusting!</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_MainOffice">Locked. I'll need a key.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_KatePicture">That's... that's me. This looks so... odd.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_MedLabs">The medical labs are closed off to anyone without a key.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_JanCloset">There's a janitor closet on each floor. The key to my office is bound to be in one of them. Maybe the key to Jesse's office as well.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_Lantern">I don't see a flash light... but there is a lantern that's kept up here for emergency purposes. Spare oil is kept in other janitor closets in case I run out.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CantGoWater">The water's too deep. I can't go this way until the water's drained.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="KateThought_CantGoWater2">I need to drain the water before I can go here.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomKate1">That's... my voice.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomKate2">AIFA? What can I do to drain the flood waters?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomKate3">What about the electricity?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomKate4">Damn it. I guess I'll have to look around some more. Maybe one of the other labs has a solution for getting the door open.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomKate1">AIFA? How do I turn on the electricity?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomKate2">What about the big door?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomKate3">Thanks AIFA.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PipeOkayKate1">There. That should have drained the water from the main room. But I still don't know what I'm going to do about that big door. It's too big to push. I'll have to find a way to turn the electricity on.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Dogs1">I need to get into their kennel...</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Dogs2">The dogs! They're gone! Was it... just my imagination? </Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Dogs3">There. He shouldn't bother me for a while.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Intro">Where is it? Where is it?! Fuck!! ...All of this... is just... it's so fucked up! ...Jesse... Xander... you both lied! It was all lies! Always lies! God damn it!!
                            ... Ah! Here it is! I'll forget it! Forget it all! It's contained now. It'll be fine. I'll forget it all and it'll be fine. ...Everything will be fine...</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Speakers_Welcome">Welcome to B.E. Technology! As the first facility of its kind, we pride ourselves in providing the world with advanced, and innovative solutions. We hope you'll join us in making the world a better place.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Speakers_Problem">Alert! Electrical systems offline. Back-up generator active. Heavy flooding has been detected in... all sectors. Please contact the administrator, and seek shelter outside the facility.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus1">Good morning, Katelyn! Welcome to B.E. Technology's A.I. Facility Aid, or AIFA.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus2">Your current location is sector D. Directive is water treatment and management.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus3">Status is malfunctioning. Water systems failing. Water pressure 2%. Facility water status: unknown. Heavy flooding detected in all sectors.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus4">Recommendation: Please contact the sector supervisor immediately for assistance. Any and all staff are advised to find shelter outside the facility.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus5">Question acknowledged. Piping system compromised. Water pressure will return to normal when piping is fixed.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus6">Question acknowledged. I'm sorry. Due to the complexity of the facility, my networking is divided to manage all of the different sectors.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PumpRoomStatus7">My directive is water treatment and management. Contact the sector supervisor for assistance. </Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus1">Good morning, Katelyn! Welcome to B.E. Technology's A.I. Facility Aid, or AIFA.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus2">Your current location is sector D. Directive is pneumatic networking and electrical systems. Status is critical.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus3">Pneumatic networks offline. Electrical systems compromised. Door systems compromised. Facility life support failing. Facility functionality 10%. Backup generators active.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus4">Recommendation: Please contact the nearest sector supervisor immediately for assistance. Any and all staff are advised to seek immediate shelter outside the facility.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus5">Question acknowledged. Electrical systems are compromised. If an electrician is not available, returning facility to complete functionality is not possible.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus6">Question acknowledged. If returning facility to complete functionality is not possible, the facility is capable of power boosts.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus7">Please redirect the power from available area's to boost facility functionality. Warning! Power boosts have a limited time frame. Please conduct yourself accordingly when performing a boost.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PneumaticRoomStatus8">You're welcome, Katelyn.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_Countdown">Warning! Power boost will fail in 10 seconds. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Power offline.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_PipeOkay3">Status is returning to normal. Water systems engaged. Water pressure 80%. Facility water status is: returning to normal functionality.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_CleanSpace">B.E. Technology would like to remind all staff to keep their living quarters, and work stations clean. A clean space is an effective space, and effective space keepers get promoted first.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_Workers">B.E. Technology would like to take a moment to remind all imported temporary staff that flame wars, and physical attacks are not tolerated.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="AIFA_Workers2">Anyone caught tampering with equipment, sending violent emails, or attempting sabotage of their fellow scientists, will be punished, and deported back to Black Mesa or Aperture Science, Inc. with no pay.</Entry>

    <CATEGORY Name ="LookAtMessages">
        <Entry Name ="LabelPump">Pumps</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelMarine">Marine Labs</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelPneumatic">Pneumatic</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelAnimal">Animal Labs</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelMainSwitch">Main Power Switch</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters1">Living Quarters A</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters2">Living Quarters B</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters3">Living Quarters C</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters4">Living Quarters D</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters1_2">Machinery</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters2_2">Water</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters3_2">Heat</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelQuarters4_2">Air flow</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelPump2">Chemical</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelMarine2">Artificial UVB</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelPneumatic2">Environment Fields</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelAnimal2">Secondary Electricity</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="LabelMainSwitch2">Secondary Power Switch</Entry>

      <CATEGORY Name="Flashbacks">
        <Entry Name="JesseArrive1">Good evening. Are you... Katelyn Montgomery?</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JesseArrive2">Ah yes! You must be Jesse McKnight!</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JesseArrive3">Uh yes! I was surprised when you said to pay a visit to your home instead of the hospital.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JesseArrive4">Yes, well, please come in.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JesseArrive5">I was surprised myself. Your letter said you had samples. I hope you'll excuse my disbelief, but we've worked
        for years on this and we weren't able to extract a single instance whatsoever.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JesseArrive6">Well, if you would be so kind as to put up with my disorganization for a few days, I'd be happy to show you
        exactly how we did it.</Entry>

        <Entry Name ="Jesse_MyOffice">This is my office?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Kate_NeedAPlace">Of course! If you're going to help us, you'll need a place to work, right? Did you expect to get a desk
        in the corner?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Jesse_MuchMore">Well... no. But this is much more than I would have ever asked for. Thank you very much.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Kate_HopeYouLikeIt">You're welcome! I hope you like it! The previous owner took sick leave suddenly. He was working with
        us on our research about the worm, so you're welcome to take a look at his notes, but just make sure to put things back when you're

        <Entry Name ="Jesse_DanishMutter">Det her er så uorganiseret, hvordan kan nogen holde orden med papire som de her? Og hvad laver
        det i den stak?! Det skulle tydeligt have været her. Kors hvor er det rodet... Hvad står der her?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Kate_Language">What language was that?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Jesse_Danish">Danish. Sorry. Was I disturbing you?</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Kate_Possessed">No! Not at all! I was just concerned you'd been possessed or something. I've never heard Danish
        <Entry Name ="Jesse_DanishMother">My mother was Danish. But my parents divorced after my sister was born...</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Kate_Sorry">Oh! I'm sorry...</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Jesse_CleanDivorce">No, no! Don't be! It was a clean divorce, mutual on both ends.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Kate_Good">Well that's good.</Entry>
        <Entry Name ="Jesse_UselessFather">My father was so useless without her though. Couldn't clean. Couldn't cook. I swear
        he could burn water.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="DeadManFlashback">What happened in Sam's pen? There's blood and bones!</Entry>
        <Entry Name="DeadManFlashback2">Cosmo Greyhand. We were cleaning the pen and Sam got him. We haven't been able to retrieve his remains yet.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="DeadManFlashback3">Good lord. He practically bleached the bones. Did you guys provoke him?</Entry>
        <Entry Name="DeadManFlashback4">No. He seems particularly aggressive today, these past few days, actually. Ever since his session with Patty.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="DeadManFlashback5">Some kind of maternal instinct?</Entry>
        <Entry Name="DeadManFlashback6">Quite possibly. We don't know for sure, but we're running some tests. It seems they may pair up for life, and
        removing them from one another has really disturbed them.</Entry>

    <CATEGORY Name="Signs">
        <Entry Name="Hospital">Angel Wing Infirmary</Entry>
        <Entry Name="SouthWing">Doctors' Wing</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NorthWing">Scientists' Wing</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Kate">Dr. Katelyn Montgomery</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Scott">Dr. Scott Kipling</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Michael">Dr. Michael Bell</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Jacob">Dr. Jacob Hallow</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Morgan">Dr. Morgan Hentshield</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Patricia">Dr. Patricia Fairweather</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Dawson">Dr. Dawson Silverwing</Entry>
        <Entry Name="PW1">Patient Wing A</Entry>
        <Entry Name="PW2">Patient Wing B</Entry>
        <Entry Name="PW3">Patient Wing C</Entry>
        <Entry Name="PW4">Patient Wing D</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Lab">Research Laboratories</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Lobby">Lobby</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Lab2">Medical Laboratories</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NavWards">Patient Wards</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NavWards2">Patient Wards and Lobby</Entry>    
        <Entry Name="NavLab">Laboratories and Lobby</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NavLab2">Laboratories</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NW1">North Ward D</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NW2">North Ward C</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NW3">North Ward B</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NW4">North Ward A</Entry>
        <Entry Name="SW1">South Ward D</Entry>
        <Entry Name="SW2">South Ward C</Entry>
        <Entry Name="SW3">South Ward B</Entry>
        <Entry Name="SW4">South Ward A</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R1">Room 401</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R2">Room 402</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R3">Room 403</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R4">Room 404</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R5">Room 405</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R6">Room 406</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R7">Room 407</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R8">Room 408</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R9">Room 409</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R19">Room 101</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R20">Room 102</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R21">Room 103</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R22">Room 104</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R23">Room 105</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R24">Room 106</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R25">Room 107</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R26">Room 108</Entry>
        <Entry Name="R27">Room 109</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Men">Mens</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Women">Womens</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Shower">Shower Room</Entry>
        <Entry Name="EmExit">Emergency Exit</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JCloset">Janitors Closet</Entry>
        <Entry Name="NorthStairway">North Side Patient Wings</Entry>
        <Entry Name="SouthStairway">South Side Patient Wings</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Histo">Histopathology</Entry>
        <Entry Name="Anthro">Anthropology</Entry>
        <Entry Name="KateOffice">Head of Anthropology: Dr. Katelyn Montgomery</Entry>
        <Entry Name="ScottOffice">Head of Neuropathology: Dr. Scott Kipling</Entry>
        <Entry Name="MichaelOffice">Head of Anthropology: Dr. Michael Bell</Entry>
        <Entry Name="JacobOffice">Head of Histopathology: Dr. Jacob Hallow </Entry>
        <Entry Name="Neuro">Neuropathology</Entry>
        <Entry Name="deathPainting">In memory of Richard Jensen[br][br]1860-1949</Entry>


    <CATEGORY Name="ScreenMessage"
    <Entry Name ="IntroMessage">For a story driven experience, check every room, computer and tape recorder.</Entry>

  <CATEGORY Name="Recording">
    <Entry Name ="JessePanicOne">Everything's wrong! So wrong!! It wasn't supposed to be this way! Alexander said everything would be
        fine!! Michael... Scott... Jacob... Katelyn... oh God... oh God!! Everything's wrong!!</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ScottOfficeTape">Brain tissue infected with the samples Dr. McKnight provided acts differently depending on several factors.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ScottOfficeTape2">First and most notably, is the difference between male and female tissue. We've discerned that the samples act more
    vicious toward female tissue, than male. We're still looking for answers for why this is, however, my personal opinion is that the samples contain cells that
    are more sentient than previously thought. This, in the long run, means that the organism as a whole is more sentient than other species of similar composition.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ScottOfficeTape3">Next is its reaction to dead and live tissue. Any cells introduced to dead tissue act more lethargic than normal.
    Unlike in Dr. Bell's experiments, the tissue displayed no signs of necrotizing fasciitis. This presents a lot of questions, and leads me back to my
    thoughts on the organisms sentience. So far, the infected cells from the samples have done no irrevocable damage.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="ScottOfficeTape4">It isn't entirely clear what the introduced cells are doing to the tissue, but I've been able to collect and observe active samples.
    My only deduction is that the infected cells 'take over' the cells of their host, essentially butting them out of the way and doing their job for them. The reason
    for this is alas, unknown.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="Cure13M">February 20th, 1991. Upon Cure 13-M's completion, we administered it to rat-group D. Introduced via their drinking water at 2:37 p.m.,
    it was received very well.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="Cure13M_2">However at 10:14 pm the rats began to attack one another. By 10:23 pm, all six specimens were either dead or collapsed, and suffered
    cardiac arrest.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="Cure13M_3">The worm remained unaffected. We're awaiting further test results before we perform an autopsy.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="Cure13S">February 25, 1991. Upon Cure 13-S's completion, we administered it to roach-group D at 8:01 am. It was observed that six hours later, at
    2:20 pm, the specimens had groan exponentially larger than the other subjects.</Entry>
    <Entry Name ="Cure13S">Cure remains ineffective against the worm.</Entry>

  <CATEGORY Name="Levels">
    <Entry Name="twoHospital">Hospital</Entry>
    <Entry Name="threeLab">North Side Patient Wings</Entry>
    <Entry Name="fourLab">Inner Laboratory</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Lobby">Lobby</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Sapien">Sapien Studies</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Q1">Living Quarters Block A</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Q2">Living Quarters Block B</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Q3">Living Quarters Block C</Entry>
    <Entry Name="Q4">Living Quarters Block D</Entry>


  <CATEGORY Name="Loading">
    <Entry Name="01_home">He was barely alive now, separated from his love forever. He had to make a decision - to die the mortal death that awaited beneath his closed eyelids, or to get back up and try again. [br][br][br]Slowly he got to his feet. After all, he'd worked this hard, for this long, what was a few more years?</Entry>
    <Entry Name="02_hospital">He'd left his abode, uninhabitable now after years of that blasted beast's desecration and abuse.[br][br]He needed a new setting, a different place to ingrain his fingers into. New culture, new flesh, new experiments.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="03_stairwaylab">Along with many of the things he'd been able to salvage before escaping his home, he was delighted to learn that the upcoming years would bring heavy industrialization.[br][br]The advancing technology would surely aid him greatly in his endeavors. It was just a question of living long enough to see it all.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Ainnerlab">As the years went by, he'd learned of the man's survival. The man seemed to be doing well as far as sanity was concerned, and he was intrigued to learn of the man's growing family.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Binnerlab">It was fascinating to know that a person who'd undergone such psychological torment could still lead a normal life. He himself, was one matter. But the man... was a completely different one.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Cinnerlab">Maybe he'd write a letter to the man, just for the pleasure of further torment. The prospect of it would be amusing, but would it put too much attention on his current plans?[br][br] If the man was aware... he could interfere like he'd once before.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Dinnerlab">In the end, he'd refrained from writing letters. But it was only a couple years or so before the man's past truly caught up with him. His fragile sister was witness to the mindless slaughter of his bride, and he was institutionalized.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Einnerlab">It was his work that became the end of him. Even though he'd escaped the castle, the man was constantly tormented by the events that had transpired there. [br][br]He'd put his memories on paper so they could escape the realms of his mind. But they never escaped the realms of his life.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Finnerlab">At first, it was easy. The man wrote his notes, drew his pictures, studied his memories. But as the years went on, it wasn't enough. [br][br]The man returned to the castle, broken down and abandoned, and searched through the ruins for samples. Anything to remind himself he wasn't crazy.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Ginnerlab">But he was crazy. His plans were madness, his experiments and accusations were dangerous. The public avoided him, his wife could barely contain him. [br][br]The man was hell-bent on discovering secrets that were far beyond his level of comprehension, and it drove him to madness.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Hinnerlab">He had pity for his old friend. Insane and babbling, he killed his poor wife and was institutionalized. [br][br]The man's precious samples and notes were tucked away, and as the years went on, it was only a matter of time before Mandus, the bloody fool, delved into the unknown and got his hands on them.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="04_Iinnerlab">A new place, a new forefront. He quickly took on a persona, and jumped into business. A bustling man by the name of Jensen became his ally in the struggling world, and together they founded a house of peace and health.[br][br]He had more advanced plans, of course, and cradling the crystal fragment, he waited for time to bring an age of technology that would aid his projects.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="">It's basic make-up still needed perfecting and testing. It was laughable how easily these animals were manipulated and mutated, but his extensive tests left many of his specimens inept for future exertions. [br][br]But still. He knew he was close. It was only a matter of time until he started using human subjects.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="">The last thing he wanted to do was be responsible for another human. But she was orphaned, and as he gazed into her eyes, he realized that she would be necessary for his future. "I'll raise her with a firm hand," he'd told himself. "Like one of my own."[b][br] And indeed, he raised her firmly. But secretly in his heart, he loved her as the child never born of his own loins.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="">At last! It was done! And it was perfect! He need only unleash it unto the world! But he had to compose himself, for what would unleashing such a monstrosity upon this bastard planet without control do? [br][br]He went out before dawn, and there she was, the ideal specimen. And all he had to do was accidentally knock into her. Child's play. Old men were awfully clumsy, after all.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="">She had grown into a fine woman, one his love would have been proud of. And he was proud of her. Much too proud, to his own surprise.[br][br]And it was then that he realized he could no longer be around her. She reminded him too much of a long lost love, lost forever in his past. It was then he left her to her own devices and dreams, for he knew she would follow after his ghost. He knew she would play her part just as he need her to.</Entry>
    <Entry Name="">And she was brilliant! So beautifully did she play her part! He could see the knowledge he'd given her, how his role in her life glimmered off her like the sun's very rays.[br][br]She held the world in the palm of her left hand, and the worth of humanity in her right. And her choice would forever scar the twisted realms of the universe. A decision that would be made... in a heartbeat.</Entry>
  <CATEGORY Name="Hints">
  <Entry Name="Death_Dogs1">Stay off the ground...</Entry>
  <Entry Name="Death_Dogs2">Feed the dogs...</Entry>
  <Entry Name="Death_Escape">Escape before time runs out...</Entry>

  <CATEGORY Name="Ending">
    <Entry Name="MainCredits">- AMNESIA -[br][br][br]- IN A HEARTBEAT -[br][br][br]Concept, writing, scripting, level design, mapping by [br][br]MsHannerBananer[br][br][br]Voice Talent[br][br]Emily Montgomery - MsHannerBananer[br]Jesse McKnight - ValentineVid[br]Jacob Hallow - [br]Scott Kipling - [br]Michael Bell - [br]</Entry>

(This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 06:49 AM by MsHannerBananer.)
05-07-2014, 05:16 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: IFC Crashing

According to Apjjm's Lang Editor, there's an invalid character at Line 314.
It's an entry.

PHP Code: (Select All)
<Entry Name ="Jesse_DanishMutter">Det her er så uorganiserethvordan kan nogen holde orden med papire som de herOg hvad laver 
        det i den stak
?! Det skulle tydeligt have været herKors hvor er det rodet... Hvad står der her?</Entry

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
05-07-2014, 05:19 AM
MsHannerBananer Offline

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RE: IFC Crashing

(05-07-2014, 05:19 AM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote: According to Apjjm's Lang Editor, there's an invalid character at Line 314.
It's an entry.

PHP Code: (Select All)
<Entry Name ="Jesse_DanishMutter">Det her er så uorganiserethvordan kan nogen holde orden med papire som de herOg hvad laver 
        det i den stak
?! Det skulle tydeligt have været herKors hvor er det rodet... Hvad står der her?</Entry

That makes no sense, because I've played it with that particular entry active and it worked just fine.

05-07-2014, 05:21 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: IFC Crashing

(05-07-2014, 05:21 AM)HannahDJA Wrote:
(05-07-2014, 05:19 AM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote: According to Apjjm's Lang Editor, there's an invalid character at Line 314.
It's an entry.

PHP Code: (Select All)
<Entry Name ="Jesse_DanishMutter">Det her er så uorganiserethvordan kan nogen holde orden med papire som de herOg hvad laver 
        det i den stak
?! Det skulle tydeligt have været herKors hvor er det rodet... Hvad står der her?</Entry

That makes no sense, because I've played it with that particular entry active and it worked just fine.

To be honest, it said Line 314 Position 55.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
05-07-2014, 05:23 AM
MsHannerBananer Offline

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RE: IFC Crashing

(05-07-2014, 05:23 AM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote:
(05-07-2014, 05:21 AM)HannahDJA Wrote:
(05-07-2014, 05:19 AM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote: According to Apjjm's Lang Editor, there's an invalid character at Line 314.
It's an entry.

PHP Code: (Select All)
<Entry Name ="Jesse_DanishMutter">Det her er så uorganiserethvordan kan nogen holde orden med papire som de herOg hvad laver 
        det i den stak
?! Det skulle tydeligt have været herKors hvor er det rodet... Hvad står der her?</Entry

That makes no sense, because I've played it with that particular entry active and it worked just fine.

To be honest, it said Line 314 Position 55.

It still doesn't make sense for the same reason.

EDIT: Changing any "invalid" characters does nothing.

(This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 05:29 AM by MsHannerBananer.)
05-07-2014, 05:25 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: IFC Crashing

Try remaking the .lang with UTF-8 without BOM. To do this, open the .lang in Notepad++, click Encoding then select Encode in UTF-8 without BOM and then Save As another file.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
05-07-2014, 05:31 AM
MsHannerBananer Offline

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RE: IFC Crashing

(05-07-2014, 05:31 AM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote: Try remaking the .lang with UTF-8 without BOM. To do this, open the .lang in Notepad++, click Encoding then select Encode in UTF-8 without BOM and then Save As another file.

Still crashing.

05-07-2014, 05:34 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: IFC Crashing

It's probably not an issue with the .lang. Did you do the creating IFC process correct? Is the .bat file correct?

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
05-07-2014, 05:41 AM
MsHannerBananer Offline

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RE: IFC Crashing

(05-07-2014, 05:41 AM)SomethingRidiculous Wrote: It's probably not an issue with the .lang. Did you do the creating IFC process correct? Is the .bat file correct?

Like I said. I've been testing this since day one as an IFC.

This is my punishment for not testing for 1.5 weeks. LOL

(This post was last modified: 05-07-2014, 05:47 AM by MsHannerBananer.)
05-07-2014, 05:44 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: IFC Crashing

Give me your IFC. I could probably take a look.

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
05-07-2014, 05:45 AM

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