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Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]
Radical Batz Offline
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Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

NOTE: This Custom Story requires the Justine Expansion Pack!
This Custom Story Features:
- Chilling and creepy atmosphere
- Custom entities
- Detailed environments and lighting
- Voice Acting
- Custom Monsters

Mod Released On: http://www.moddb.com/mods/lifeless-the-abandon

It's the year 2003, You are a Journalist.
Your name is John Anderson and you live in a City and you are addicted to all kinds of castles! Your favorite hobby is always going to different kinds of castles and take pictures of Modern castles, Medivial, Old and Big. One day you heard about this castle that has never been speaken of or never heard of. Not even it's name.
The castle is located in the western side of the woods, You decide to go there until......

This mod has very well detailed levels and more..... It took lots of time and effort to make this mod very well and good.

Feel free to record a playtrough of this mod! I really appreciate it


Spoiler below!
[Image: cLs6Rwa.jpg?1]

[Image: uC11UdY.png?1]

[Image: bUC51ff.png?1]

The custom story is still waiting for authorization! So the download of this custom story will appear soon eventually.

(This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 10:06 AM by Radical Batz.)
06-28-2014, 09:54 AM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

Maybe a direct link?
We can wait that's fine, but if you want us to play it now, you can grab the direct link provided to you on your mod's download.
06-28-2014, 01:10 PM
Radical Batz Offline
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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

(06-28-2014, 01:10 PM)DnALANGE Wrote: Maybe a direct link?
We can wait that's fine, but if you want us to play it now, you can grab the direct link provided to you on your mod's download.

It's ok, I got the download fixed, it's waiting for authorization right now! Smile

06-28-2014, 01:11 PM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

Downloading, and let you know what i think.
ANd might have some bugfixes.
06-28-2014, 02:17 PM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

Here is my review:

Here are the things to FIX:

Spoiler below!
1:Tomorrow i went there?? makes no sense, make that the day after i went there.
2:The wine out a big barrel doesnt make sense, if fall 50cm further from the barrel
3:I must not loose my patience on..... what is that for sentince?
4:Where are the sanity potions and VERY les oilpotions ( altho there are winebarrels that comprimise.
5:Crap the door...?? Maybe make it Crap, the door ( add a comma or should he player crap on the door Tongue
6:Also same as the winebarrel, almost all the waterflow out the pipes are way to far off the pipe itself. looks bad.
7:Why name a key Exit key... that makes no sense AND get aways all the tension and atmosphere of the game!
8:OUSIDE AREA: There is no floor here and there and you see the glitch from the fog underthe floors. ( in more maps you see this, looks bad )
9:I Suggest to NOT\NEVER add things like Jesus \ Fuck \ Shit \ Motherfucker etcetc.
10:Why should a note say We HID the RODS?? why not make it We Have a spare of Rods blabla.. Makes more sense.
11:Sometimes you make a line and a ,Big letter... Why not add a new line in stead of all the comma's ( also in the loadingscreens )
12: There is a candle on a shelf where a rock explosion was, there is light around the candle but the candle is NOT lit at all??
13: If you have opened the hatch to change a map.. entering the new map ... where is the hatch go? Just add a hole and a blackplane 10 meters below with the ladder..
14: Outside MAP.. WHy are there blockboxes?? Just let the player bounch at the walls?? PPL will say wtf.. why cant i just walk there..
15:There is still a lot of ( tiny ) glitcheridoo everywhere, in all maps \ ceilings\doorways\doorframes\overlapping textures\floors.. take your time to fix them all!
16: In the map where you fix the pipe, there you can see trough the floor in the nothingness. fix that with for example 4 HUGH black planes around the whole map ( IF you have no skybox offcourse )
17: INTO THE ABYSS MAP: It is for me VERY hard to grab the oilpot when adding the oil.. seems somthing is in the way there??
18: Just an idea : Who not addcombine the 2 ladders in your inventory and make it 1 invenotry item? WOuld be a cool customised feature.
19: How in heavensname could 1 apple break a big beam ( in the CEL )... EVEN if the beam is almost broken.. then the player could easely totch the beam and push it by heand, the player can easely toutch it. Make it a rock for example.
20: You did make some planed behind doors, but IF you have some opena rea behind doors you cans ee trough.. Always add planes with brieck or whatever textures behind it.. now in the map with the walktrough-curtains you can see trough the whole map... add planes behind doors OR add a small room so you can NOT see the whole map.
21: Some entities are missing for me : Desk and i guess a chair?? some candle on a ?? chair\invisible something.
Good things:
Spoiler below!
Some amazing mapdesign here! +++
Some cool scripts, not too exited but you get the feeling of scripting.
Good usage of lighting \ billboards
Good usage of decals\debris , no overusage.
The later maps were very nice, i like mapping with planes ( the map with the curtains ) +++
Story has enough maps to get you exited.
Still wasnt really scared, you could have used more random scary sounds effects troughout the map.
Music was intense on some maps.
Only Issue was .. what was the story? didnt make me think like. ohhh thats it?

Overall rating for this mod 7.5\10 so far.

Ps: Don't get me wrong with the "TO FIX" : things. that is totally normal!
Don't get me wrong, i only tell these to you so you can fix your mod and make it even better then it is already!
You did an amazing job, i REALLY enjoyed it BadCat!
Thanks for this adventure!
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 04:17 PM by DnALANGE.)
06-28-2014, 03:54 PM
Radical Batz Offline
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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

Hi, thanks for playing my cs. I couldn't;t fix the tomorrow thingy because I don't have a mic anymore so couldn't change the intro, and the story problem. Yeah I just couldn't think of a story :/ and actually there are sanity potions but they are hidden in some maps. [hidden]

(06-28-2014, 03:54 PM)DnALANGE Wrote: Here is my review:

Here are the things to FIX:

Spoiler below!
1:Tomorrow i went there?? makes no sense, make that the day after i went there.
2:The wine out a big barrel doesnt make sense, if fall 50cm further from the barrel
3:I must not loose my patience on..... what is that for sentince?
4:Where are the sanity potions and VERY les oilpotions ( altho there are winebarrels that comprimise.
5:Crap the door...?? Maybe make it Crap, the door ( add a comma or should he player crap on the door Tongue
6:Also same as the winebarrel, almost all the waterflow out the pipes are way to far off the pipe itself. looks bad.
7:Why name a key Exit key... that makes no sense AND get aways all the tension and atmosphere of the game!
8:OUSIDE AREA: There is no floor here and there and you see the glitch from the fog underthe floors. ( in more maps you see this, looks bad )
9:I Suggest to NOT\NEVER add things like Jesus \ Fuck \ Shit \ Motherfucker etcetc.
10:Why should a note say We HID the RODS?? why not make it We Have a spare of Rods blabla.. Makes more sense.
11:Sometimes you make a line and a ,Big letter... Why not add a new line in stead of all the comma's ( also in the loadingscreens )
12: There is a candle on a shelf where a rock explosion was, there is light around the candle but the candle is NOT lit at all??
13: If you have opened the hatch to change a map.. entering the new map ... where is the hatch go? Just add a hole and a blackplane 10 meters below with the ladder..
14: Outside MAP.. WHy are there blockboxes?? Just let the player bounch at the walls?? PPL will say wtf.. why cant i just walk there..
15:There is still a lot of ( tiny ) glitcheridoo everywhere, in all maps \ ceilings\doorways\doorframes\overlapping textures\floors.. take your time to fix them all!
16: In the map where you fix the pipe, there you can see trough the floor in the nothingness. fix that with for example 4 HUGH black planes around the whole map ( IF you have no skybox offcourse )
17: INTO THE ABYSS MAP: It is for me VERY hard to grab the oilpot when adding the oil.. seems somthing is in the way there??
18: Just an idea : Who not addcombine the 2 ladders in your inventory and make it 1 invenotry item? WOuld be a cool customised feature.
19: How in heavensname could 1 apple break a big beam ( in the CEL )... EVEN if the beam is almost broken.. then the player could easely totch the beam and push it by heand, the player can easely toutch it. Make it a rock for example.
20: You did make some planed behind doors, but IF you have some opena rea behind doors you cans ee trough.. Always add planes with brieck or whatever textures behind it.. now in the map with the walktrough-curtains you can see trough the whole map... add planes behind doors OR add a small room so you can NOT see the whole map.
21: Some entities are missing for me : Desk and i guess a chair?? some candle on a ?? chair\invisible something.
Good things:
Spoiler below!
Some amazing mapdesign here! +++
Some cool scripts, not too exited but you get the feeling of scripting.
Good usage of lighting \ billboards
Good usage of decals\debris , no overusage.
The later maps were very nice, i like mapping with planes ( the map with the curtains ) +++
Story has enough maps to get you exited.
Still wasnt really scared, you could have used more random scary sounds effects troughout the map.
Music was intense on some maps.
Only Issue was .. what was the story? didnt make me think like. ohhh thats it?

Overall rating for this mod 7.5\10 so far.

Ps: Don't get me wrong with the "TO FIX" : things. that is totally normal!
Don't get me wrong, i only tell these to you so you can fix your mod and make it even better then it is already!
You did an amazing job, i REALLY enjoyed it BadCat!
Thanks for this adventure!

still kinda sad tough, some people get blackboxes in some levels idk why, I think it's because their version of amnesia :/

(This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 04:38 PM by Radical Batz.)
06-28-2014, 04:31 PM
DnALANGE Offline

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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

It's because you might miss some importend entities
AND \ or some textures. possible
you need to see those ppl .hpl to fix it

Post them here, ill try to help.
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 04:46 PM by DnALANGE.)
06-28-2014, 04:45 PM
Radical Batz Offline
Posting Freak

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RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

(06-28-2014, 04:45 PM)DnALANGE Wrote: It's because you might miss some importend entities
AND \ or some textures. possible
you need to see those ppl .hpl to fix it

Post them here, ill try to help.

Well I got this from somebody!

Version 1.20 - s26ADEE0-539
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Engine build ID 20101021192547

Creating Engine Modules
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers

Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 1680x1050 bpp:32 fs:1 ms:0 gpufmt:2 cap:'Amnesia - The Dark Descent - Loading...' pos:(-1x-1)
Setting video mode: 1680 x 1050 - 32 bpp
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
  Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
  Renderer: GeForce 9600 GT/PCIe/SSE2
  Version: 3.3.0
  Max texture image units: 32
  Max texture coord units: 8
  Max user clip planes: 8
  Two sided stencil: 1
  Vertex Buffer Object: 1
  Anisotropic filtering: 1
  Max Anisotropic degree: 16
  Multisampling: 1
  Texture compression: 1
  Texture compression S3TC: 1
  Auto generate MipMaps: 1
  Render to texture: 1
  Max draw buffers: 8
  Max color render targets: 8
  Packed depth-stencil: 1
  Texture float: 1
  GLSL Version: 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
  ShaderModel 2: 1
  ShaderModel 3: 1
  ShaderModel 4: 1
  OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
Setting up G-Bugger: type: 0 texturenum: 3
Adding engine materials
Initializing DevIL
  Vendor String: Abysmal Software
  Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.8pre Aug 12 2006
  Version Number: 168
Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL
  Available OpenAL devices:
   0. Generic Software on Speakers (VIA High Definition Audio)(OpenAL default)
   1. Generic Software on SPDIF Interface (VIA High Definition Audio)
  Trying to open device 'Generic Software on Speakers (VIA High Definition Audio)'... Success!
  Number of mono sources: 32
  Streaming setup: 4 Buffers x 262144 bytes each

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization

Game Running
-------- Loading map 'menu_bg.map' ---------
    Cache Loading: 728 ms
  Entities: 124 ms
  Compilation: 0 ms
  Total: 860 ms
  Meshes created: 25
  Bodies created: 5
-------- Loading complete ---------
Setting profile: 'pinocaruso' Path: 'C:\Users\lore\Documents/Amnesia/Main/pinocaruso/'
WARNING: No resources element found in 'custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/extra_english.lang'
-------- BEGIN LOAD FROM C:\Users\lore\Documents/Amnesia/Main/pinocaruso/custom/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/AutoSave_NULL_2014_6_28_16_24_31_0.sav ---------
-------- Loading map '12_Prison.map' ---------
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/maps/Ch03/12_Prison.map_cache'
ERROR: Could not map cache file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/maps/Ch03/12_Prison.map'.    MeshEntity Loading: 899 ms
    Primitive Loading: 711 ms
    Decal Loading: 318 ms
    Object Combining: 0 ms
    Compilation: 80 ms
    Combining: 612 ms
     Sorting: 72 ms
     Meshes: 30 ms
     Bodies: 510 ms
  Static Objects: 2623 ms
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/curtain_rail.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/curtain_rail.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/curtain_rail.DAE'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/pneumatic_tube_pipes.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/pneumatic_tube_pipes.psd' for object 'curtain_railMesh'
  Entities: 226 ms
  Compilation: 8 ms
  Total: 2953 ms
  Meshes created: 172
  Bodies created: 83
-------- Loading complete ---------
WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/spider_dead/old_mine_spider_examinated.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/spider_dead/old_mine_spider_examinated.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/spider_dead/old_mine_spider_examinated.dae'
ERROR: Invalid material type 'BumpColorSpecular'!
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/spider_dead/old_mine_spider_examinated.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/spider_dead/old_mine_spider_examinated.jpg' for object 'pSphereShape2_lib'
Sub mesh 'group1' for collider was not found!
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/Catacomb_barrel/mine_barrel.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/Catacomb_barrel/mine_barrel.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/Catacomb_barrel/mine_barrel.dae'
ERROR: Invalid material type 'BumpSpecular'!
ERROR: Couldn't load material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/Catacomb_barrel/mine_barrel.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/Catacomb_barrel/mine_barrel.jpg' for object 'barrelShape'
Sub mesh 'barrel_broup' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'barrel_broup' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'barrel_broup' for collider was not found!
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/oldtounge/old_mine_tongue.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/oldtounge/old_mine_tongue.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/oldtounge/old_mine_tongue.dae'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/oldtounge/item_hammer.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/oldtounge/item_hammer.jpg' for object '_joint_ball_joint2_joint1_20_20_nocollide_jointShape'
Sub mesh 'joint2' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'joint1' for collider was not found!
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/door_storagedoor/door_storagedoor.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/door_storagedoor/door_storagedoor.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/door_storagedoor/door_storagedoor.dae'
WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.DAE'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/pneumatic_tube_pipes.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/pneumatic_tube_pipes.psd' for object 'curtain_ringMesh'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_10_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_10_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_11_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_11_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_12_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_12_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_13_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_13_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_14_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_14_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_20_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_20_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_21_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_21_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_22_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_22_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_23_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_23_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_24_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_24_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/door_oldwood/door_oldwood.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/door_oldwood/door_oldwood.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/door_oldwood/door_oldwood.dae'
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_1_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_1_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_1_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_1_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_2_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_2_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_2_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_2_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_3_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_3_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_3_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_3_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_4_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_4_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_4_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_4_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table1/furniture_table1.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table1/furniture_table1.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table1/furniture_table1.dae'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_5_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_5_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_5_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_5_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_7_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_7_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_7_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_7_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_8_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_8_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_8_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_8_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table3/furniture_smalltable01.msh'
ERROR: Could not load file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table3/furniture_smalltable01.msh' in MSH loader.Cache out of date! Reloading collada file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table3/furniture_smalltable01.DAE'
WARNING: No 'extra scene' element found!
WARNING: Animation missing channel!
WARNING: Animation missing channel!
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_28_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_28_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_30_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_30_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_31_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_31_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_36_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_36_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_37_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_37_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_38_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_38_Body_6' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains_silent.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_6_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_6_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_6_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_6_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_15_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_15_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_15_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_15_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_9_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_9_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_9_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_9_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_16_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_16_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_16_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_16_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'curtain_ring' in model 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_17_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 2 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_17_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_17_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 0 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_17_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 1 to attach to entity 'fresh_meat_onrope_1_Body_1' in 'entities/item/fresh_meat/fresh_meat_onrope.ent'
WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 3 to attach to entity 'fresh_meat_onrope_1_Body_1' in 'entities/item/fresh_meat/fresh_meat_onrope.ent'
Rebuilding node connections and saving to 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/maps/Ch03/12_Prison_male_arm.nodes'
-------- END LOAD ---------
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'player_breath.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't load image '_icon'
ERROR: Could not load image '_icon'!
-------- BEGIN SAVE TO: C:\Users\lore\Documents/Amnesia/Main/pinocaruso/custom/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/AutoSave_NULL_2014_6_28_16_46_43_0.sav ---------
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_floor_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_floor_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_5 does not exist anymore!
-------- END SAVE ---------
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Couldn't create SoundEntity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
ERROR: Cannot find sound entity 'door_wood_old_squeak1.snt'
WARNING: Entity 'E_AreaRoom_1_5' does not exist!
ERROR: Couldn't load image '_icon'
ERROR: Could not load image '_icon'!
WARNING: Entity 'E_AreaRoom_1_5' does not exist!
-------- BEGIN SAVE TO: C:\Users\lore\Documents/Amnesia/Main/pinocaruso/custom/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/AutoSave_NULL_2014_6_28_16_47_8_0.sav ---------
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_floor_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_floor_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_5 does not exist anymore!
-------- END SAVE ---------

06-28-2014, 04:50 PM
DnALANGE Offline

Posts: 1,549
Threads: 73
Joined: Jan 2012
RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

Let me read..
Watch Always the WARNING ones.
Error is less bad.!

WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 10 to attach to entity 'plastic_curtains_5_Body_1' in 'entities/lta_entities/plastic_curtains/plastic_curtains.ent'

WARNING: Texture 'lambert1-fx' was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group3' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!
Sub mesh 'group4' for collider was not found!

WARNING: Entity 'E_AreaRoom_1_5' does not exist!

WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_floor_1 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in torch_floor_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_2 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_4 does not exist anymore!
WARNING: particle system 0 in elevator_lamp_5 does not exist anymore!

WARNING: Could not find child with unique ID 3 to attach to entity 'fresh_meat_onrope_1_Body_1' in 'entities/item/fresh_meat/fresh_meat_onrope.ent'

file 'D:/giochi/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/Lifeless_The Abandon Ch1/entities/furniture_table3/furniture_smalltable01.DAE'
WARNING: No 'extra scene' element found!
WARNING: Animation missing channel!
WARNING: Animation missing channel!

Thats is the aTable what i am missing as well!

You should cancel the download Badcat
PPL will complain now!
I know it is very bad. Just fix it first.
You do NOT have to, but if 50% or more will have this issue, the mod will look bad and you will get bad ratings and revieuws.
Be faster then the world.
(This post was last modified: 06-28-2014, 05:00 PM by DnALANGE.)
06-28-2014, 04:51 PM
HumiliatioN Offline
Posting Freak

Posts: 1,179
Threads: 64
Joined: Dec 2010
Reputation: 18
RE: Amnesia:Lifeless The Abandon [Full Version Released]

Really decent one, enjoyed it a lot! Smile

You can view my full review on ModdB.

“Life is a game, play it”
06-30-2014, 01:19 AM

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