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I can't create two notes
giacomo9 Offline
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I can't create two notes

I' ve got a problem - I can't create two notes on one map (text not showing up). What is wrong? Thanks for help Smile
Here's my extra_english file:

<CATEGORY Name="CustomStoryMain">
<Entry Name="Description">Your description.</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
<Entry Name="ItemDesc_item">Item description.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_item">Item name.</Entry>
<Entry Name="ItemName_item">Item name.</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Messages">
<Entry Name="messagename">Message to show.</Entry>
<Entry Name="messagename">Message to show.</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Journal">
<Entry Name="Note_note1_Name">Allegro ssie</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note1_Text">Nie powinienem zamawiac tej rzezby na allegro. Od dluzszego czasu mam wrazenie, ze jestem obserwowany albo ze ktos za mna chodzi. Ewentualnie naogladalem sie za duzo gier z SCP.</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note2_Name">Posag morderca ;_;</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note2_Text">Teraz juz wiem. Ta rzezba z allegro to tak naprawde posag morderca ;_;. Kto, do kurwy, sprzedaje na allegro obiekty z SCP? Na szczescie przy tej mozna mrugac. Niby moglbym ja sprzedac albo zarzadac reklamacji, ale mam slabosc do rzezb z malymi penisami <3 A, tak na marginesie, odkrylem, ze rzezba robi sie naprawde niebezpieczna kiedy...</Entry>

<CATEGORY Name="Levels">
<Entry Name="leveldoor">Level door name showed on focus.</Entry>
<Entry Name="leveldoor">Level door name showed on focus.</Entry>

08-19-2014, 11:47 AM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

Does the custom story description show up?

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
08-19-2014, 11:59 AM
i3670 Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

Are the notes in question note papers and not diary papers?

Double-check the NoteText box, it's case sensitive (upper/lower case)

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08-19-2014, 12:00 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

(08-19-2014, 11:47 AM)giacomo9 Wrote:
    <CATEGORY Name="Inventory">
        <Entry Name="ItemName_item">Item name.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="ItemName_item">Item name.</Entry>
    <CATEGORY Name="Messages">
        <Entry Name="messagename">Message to show.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="messagename">Message to show.</Entry>

    <CATEGORY Name="Levels">
        <Entry Name="leveldoor">Level door name showed on focus.</Entry>
        <Entry Name="leveldoor">Level door name showed on focus.</Entry>

These duplicate entries, you cannot have them, at least, you cannot have two of them. You cannot have two messagename texts because the engine will get confused as to which one to use. Change the entry name within the quotation marks and see what that does!

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[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 12:04 PM by Romulator.)
08-19-2014, 12:04 PM
giacomo9 Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

Hmm... It's everything ok, when I remove this from .lang file:

<Entry Name="Note_note2_Name">Posag morderca ;_;</Entry>
<Entry Name="Note_note2_Text">Teraz juz wiem. Ta rzezba z allegro to tak naprawde posag morderca ;_;. Kto, do kurwy, sprzedaje na allegro obiekty z SCP? Na szczescie przy tej mozna mrugac. Niby moglbym ja sprzedac albo zarzadac reklamacji, ale mam slabosc do rzezb z malymi penisami <3 A, tak na marginesie, odkrylem, ze rzezba robi sie naprawde niebezpieczna kiedy...</Entry>

But this is text for my second note, I must keep it somehow.
08-19-2014, 12:16 PM
PutraenusAlivius Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

I ran the lang using Apjjm's Lang Editor and an error was produced.
ERROR: Name cannot begin with '3' character, hexadecimal value 0x33. Line 21, position 285.

It's probably the <3 word in the second note.
Spoiler below!

[...]penisami <3 A, t[...]

"Veni, vidi, vici."
"I came, I saw, I conquered."
08-19-2014, 12:54 PM
giacomo9 Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

Thank you very much! Problem solved! Big Grin
08-19-2014, 01:00 PM
Slanderous Offline
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RE: I can't create two notes

Wykurwiaj z takimi notatkami, psujesz tylko całą grę.

A jak chcesz się podszkolić w level editorze to pisz śmiało do mnie, jestem praktycznie jedynym polakiem tutaj xd
(This post was last modified: 08-19-2014, 01:50 PM by Slanderous.)
08-19-2014, 01:46 PM

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