So I was playing as Sniper in Team Fortress 2... I randomly attacked with Tribalman's Shiv and I bumped into an invisible spy and he thinks I cheat, well, I was banned for "Wallhack"...
Do you see how stupid this guy is? he is even a new player, a beginner. But Lol... Ban me because I bumped in you? Hey ban all players who killed you.
I know I can't remove my ban and such... it was my favourite server tho.. and I just started this topic to show you guys how stupid these guys can be..Unbelievable... Hope I will remove my ban one day.
You are free to post your decisions and stuff.. idc, I'm too mad now to reply >_>
I played a Gmod gamemode called Trouble in Terrorist Town and it was fucking awesome. I looked up gameplay on YouTube in order to show it to a friend. One of the first results was a full game. In this gamemode the players are terrorists, but a few of them are traitors. These traitors must use their wits in order to kill off people without anyone finding out which terrorists they are.
So in this video, the protagonist was a traitor and he was trying to defend himself. Out of accidental chance, he killed another traitor and everyone started to blame him for aimbotting and he got banned. Good job, admins! There's video proof on YouTube that it wasn't even his fault!
Meh, this kind of crap is the main reason I've stopped playing multiplayer games. Everyone is either 10x better than you (because they play 20 hours a day, 7 days a week), or they're obnoxious, whiney, 8-year-olds who spam with their microphones.
There's nothing like playing a multiplayer game for the first time and getting dominated with headshots, and made deaf by high-pitched whining.
i saw him how he bumped in a cloacked spy and hit him with the tribalmans shiv... and he said was hack and he call him "cheater" and bans him...(they said was wallhack)
but he was dieing guys... i have told them what happens and they kick me...this is not a problem for me but they baned him for something stupid...