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All Amnesia demo discussion HERE
runyonqve Offline
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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

In that last part, did anyone else frantically twirl their mouse to open that portcullis? i moved the gate up high enough to crawl through, and the first time the monster got me. I was trying to open the door on the other side by pushing it open, I didn't know you had to pull it to open it.
09-03-2010, 11:06 PM
superluser Offline

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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

Two things

1.) First time through, the broom somehow sublimed through the back of the closet.
2.) The water monster seemed to have moved every time I died. One time, it broke through the door after I opened the portcullis.
09-03-2010, 11:25 PM
Frontcannon Offline
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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

(09-03-2010, 11:25 PM)superluser Wrote: 2.) The water monster seemed to have moved every time I died. One time, it broke through the door after I opened the portcullis.
I had that too, sometimes it disappeared completely (??).
09-03-2010, 11:30 PM
RMJ Offline

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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

Very fun demo, thanks.

But but there is alot of but's.

I dont like it when you slow down the mouse sensitivity, that is just frustrating to me, i almost broke my mouse, thinking it was acting up again, just got a new one.

Also the baby cries or what on earth they are, they arent scary, they are to loud, and they give me a headache sorry Sad The spooky sounds should be more like sounds of winds, whispers, wood making sounds, stuff falling, not spiky earry sound that is so sharp it makes my ears hurt.

I feel like you are overloading the user with sounds, a dead silience can be even more spooky, there is so a total sound overload, atleast of the wrong kind of sounds, i really hope you can and will opt for more sounds like i said, wind, wood, spooky doors, chains. stuff like that, and not so many at a time.

Other than that,i really like it so far. Cant wait to play it and mess around with the editor. I really digg the whole castle theme, it kinda reminds me of a sort of spooky haunted version of Wolfenstein 3d Smile
09-03-2010, 11:41 PM
randir14 Offline
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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

I'm at a part with a crank and rope attached to a trap door. How do you turn the crank? It keeps saying something is causing it to be stuck, but I've looked everywhere and I don't see anything that could be blocking it from moving.
09-04-2010, 12:20 AM
Bulbatron Offline

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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

Great demo! I think it's scarier than the already pretty scary Penumbra games. I liked the highlighting of objects. Perhaps this should be made optional.

I did have a bit of a problem in the water section, where I just didn't have enough oil for my lantern, and navigating the boxes and crates to stay out of the water was quite difficult, but perhaps that was the point? Or may be I had my brightness a little too low?

Didn't realise all the odd leaning at the beginning was because the player was supposed to right themselves. Great ideas though! Opening and shutting doors was also better.

Seemed to run fine on my Mac. I think I had everything on high, but I'm not sure. Not a technical expert at all.

Going for a second playthrough shortly!

Wow - what a mansion!
09-04-2010, 12:32 AM
xCirrex Offline
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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

Im a horror game fan, i have to say that this game was... what should i say... FREAKING AWESOME! Looks fantastic, sounds fantastic and the games atmosphere is brilliant! I really like the world effects when you slowly go mad in the shadows.. it makes you concentrate on what is going on!

Water-shadow part was the 2:nd scariest thing i have ever experienced! (the first was in fatal frame 4).

For you who didn't like the "Auto looking thing" on stuff:
If something scares you in real life... don't you uncontrollably turn your head in the direction you think the source comes from? I do, and i think this effect really is needed in games so you wont miss anything. Smile Maybe not -spot on- the target, but so you can see it in the screen range (let the eye find it).

Also, i got this bug in the hallway when you crouch and see under the floor when the character falls.

Cant wait for the full game!

Keep it up Smile
09-04-2010, 12:33 AM
Bulbatron Offline

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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

Yeah, I like the auto-looking thing as well. Nothing worse than missing something just because you happened to be looking in the wrong direction at the time.


Second playthrough.

Wow - what a mansion!
09-04-2010, 12:48 AM
Bulbatron Offline

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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

If there's one other thing I would say, it's that running out of lamp oil is sort of as much annoying as it is scary. It's not a problem so much in the quieter sections and at those times it definitely IS scary and adds to the atmosphere, but for parts like the section with the water-creature, you sort of need it to be able to actually navigate properly and quickly - unless you turn the gamma up enough to be able to see - which sort of takes away the fear from darkness in the first place.

Perhaps these more hight pressure moments should be better lit? I'm not talking floodlighting of course, just enough to at least be able to see where doors are and which way the corridor is turning.

I can get past the first gate in the water without dying - if I'm lucky. But throwing a chunk of corpse in the water doesn't seem to distract it long enough for me to get the gate open. Then I die, then I come back with no lamp oil because I used it all in my first attempt - only to find the monster isn't there - until it smashes through the door I'm intending to leave through.

I still think it's a great demo and I can't wait to play the full game, but I just think the water-sections - or that water-section anyway, possibly should have been lit a bit better. I don't feel it can be doing my eyes much good when I'm trying to see the gate, the valve, the position of the boxes and the monster etc in darkness.

Anyhow, that rant made it sound as though I hated it, but I didn't, actually I loved it, and possibly the water section won't feel like such an issue when I've got the whole rest of the game to go through! Until then, I'll be more than happy to keep playing the demo!

Wow - what a mansion!
09-04-2010, 02:58 AM
ShnitzelKiller Offline

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RE: All Amnesia demo discussion HERE

There's a technical issue with the autosaves, I think. Whenever I die, and an older save is loaded, the lantern oil doesn't get restored. So if I used up a whole lot trying to figure something out and then die, I get to retry with even less lantern oil.

[Image: Cloud_dance_3_by_ShnitzelKiller.gif]
09-04-2010, 03:12 AM

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