(02-21-2015, 09:35 PM)Darkfire Wrote: Specify that mirror things. Because if you mean actual mirrors, there are no such as far as I know.
Ps. in school, not on school
On school means "nach Schule" I think. I speak german as bad as you speak english, though 
lol i can speak German a little bit to.. only becasue of a game xD
like Nacht der untoten or Kino der toten
(kino der toten means Cinema of the dead)
nacht der untoten (night of the living dead)
but yeah 'on' school xd
and mirror, i mean window xD a big fail i know mirror is another thing xD
but don't think i "came" from England.. xD i'm living in Holland... Whole my life

so... didn't even go for 1 day to England or America etc
i Learned English from games/ youtube video's etc
(02-21-2015, 11:34 PM)Mudbill Wrote: Here's something if you want to make mirrors actually work. Amn/Daemian added this to the wiki some time ago:
i mean windows xD sorry (and thanks, i can use mirrors to) wait!! i can't download the mirror! it says error... (modbb) it says that it is the wrong place or something like that...

Edit: it worked never mind