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Casotime1999 Offline
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Can I ask a question? Is there the way to overhaul the oil lamp in the config? because I want to create a mod. If there is tell me in the comment.
And I have a problem with 1.3 update, some monsters doesn't have a body, but i can't use the model editor. Is this the right place for the post? please tell I've a problem with my mod that I've created 2 month ago some maps doesn't load(it loads but it doesn't make any changes and amnesia crashes when I enter the Main game. what could it be? I've an intel HD Graphics card with processor Intel Celeron N2840 2.17GHz 4 GB Ram here is the log
ATTENTION: System does not support const arrays in glsl!
Setting up G-Bugger: type: 0 texturenum: 3
Adding engine materials
Initializing DevIL
Vendor String: Abysmal Software
Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.7.8
Version Number: 178
Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing OpenAL
Available OpenAL devices:
0. Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)(OpenAL default)
Trying to open device 'Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'... Success!
Number of mono sources: 32
Streaming setup: 4 Buffers x 262144 bytes each

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates
Initializing script functions

User Initialization
Failed parsing of XML document null in line null, column null:
ERROR: Couldn't create font 'font_default.fnt'
ERROR: Couldn't texture 'colorconv_sepia.tga'
this is the error in the hpl.log
07-04-2015, 10:03 PM
Romulator Offline
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RE: Questions

I don't know if there's necessarily a way to "overhaul" it, but I believe in game.cfg, there is a drainage float. You can lower the amount, or even make the value null so that the lantern lasts forever.

Most errors with monsters are fixed by opening them and saving them in the Model Editor. I do not understand how you can run the Level Editor but not the Model Editor...

In terms of your maps not updating, delete any map_cache files wherever your maps are stored. That should update them. If not, then you need to run your Level Editor as an Administrator each time, or edit the permissions on your redist (retail) or Amnesia - The Dark Descent (steam) folder.

The errors at the bottom suggest you have either editted or are missing some files.

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
07-05-2015, 02:58 AM
Casotime1999 Offline
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RE: Questions

is the model file .dae? excuse me but i'm not expert to the model editor I'm trying to learning
07-05-2015, 07:59 AM
Romulator Offline
Not Tech Support ;-)

Posts: 3,628
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RE: Questions

(07-05-2015, 07:59 AM)Casotime1999 Wrote: is the model file .dae? excuse me but i'm not expert to the model editor I'm trying to learning

The model file you want to open to resave in the Model Editor is the .ent file of the monster.

Discord: Romulator#0001
[Image: 3f6f01a904.png]
07-05-2015, 10:14 AM
Casotime1999 Offline
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Posts: 23
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Joined: Mar 2015
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RE: Questions

I saved and I still have the problem in game, How can I fix the monster skeleton? I' m sorry to have posted 2 post about this topic, dont get be mad: and I' m deleting the other thread I re-post this in a spoiler tag:
Spoiler below!

-------- Loading complete ---------
ERROR: Sampler aGoboMap does not exist, could not bind it to unit 5
Setting profile: 'Nuovo giocatore' Path: 'C:\Users\casa\Documents/Amnesia/Main/Nuovo giocatore/'
WARNING: No resources element found in 'custom_stories/tutorial/extra_italian.lang'
ERROR: Couldn't load language file 'custom_stories/tutorial/extra_english.lang'
-------- Loading map 'STANZA_INIZIALE.map' ---------
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/tutorial/maps/STANZA_INIZIALE.map_cache'
ERROR: Could not map cache file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/custom_stories/tutorial/maps/STANZA_INIZIALE.map'.ERROR: Couldn't find 0-face '../../../../_pos_x', for cubemap '../../../../' in path: '../../../../'
MeshEntity Loading: 515 ms
Primitive Loading: 36 ms
Decal Loading: 0 ms
Object Combining: 0 ms
Compilation: 3 ms
Combining: 303 ms
Sorting: 70 ms
Meshes: 11 ms
Bodies: 221 ms
Static Objects: 858 ms
ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_walk.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_walk.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.882, -0.471, 0.041] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.201, -0.366, -0.909, -0.171] [-0.909, -0.415, -0.035, 0.555] [-0.364, 0.833, -0.416, -0.034] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.923, -0.199, 0.330, 0.125] [-0.340, -0.020, 0.940, 1.900] [-0.180, -0.980, -0.086, 0.409] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.759, 0.356, 0.545, -0.181] [-0.558, 0.076, -0.826, 1.920] [-0.336, -0.931, 0.141, 0.417] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Snout, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.008] [-0.225, -0.974, -0.003, 1.861] [0.974, -0.225, 0.012, 0.624] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Jaw, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.029] [-0.423, -0.906, -0.005, 1.787] [0.906, -0.423, 0.011, 0.480] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Toe0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.482, -0.000, -0.876, -0.252] [-0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.006] [0.876, 0.000, -0.482, 0.161] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.186, 0.398, -0.898, 0.128] [-0.870, 0.492, 0.038, 0.396] [0.457, 0.774, 0.438, -0.108] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.271, 0.346, -0.898, 0.179] [-0.832, -0.554, 0.038, 0.553] [-0.484, 0.757, 0.438, -0.016] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, 0.492, -0.870, 0.189] [-1.000, -0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.870, 0.492, 0.042] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]

Animations: 'Take 001'
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan: 0 to 1333
Offset: 0

ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/bp_walk.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/bp_walk.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.882, -0.471, 0.041] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.201, -0.366, -0.909, -0.171] [-0.909, -0.415, -0.035, 0.555] [-0.364, 0.833, -0.416, -0.034] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.923, -0.199, 0.330, 0.125] [-0.340, -0.020, 0.940, 1.900] [-0.180, -0.980, -0.086, 0.409] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.759, 0.356, 0.545, -0.181] [-0.558, 0.076, -0.826, 1.920] [-0.336, -0.931, 0.141, 0.417] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Snout, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.008] [-0.225, -0.974, -0.003, 1.861] [0.974, -0.225, 0.012, 0.624] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Jaw, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.029] [-0.423, -0.906, -0.005, 1.787] [0.906, -0.423, 0.011, 0.480] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Toe0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.482, -0.000, -0.876, -0.252] [-0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.006] [0.876, 0.000, -0.482, 0.161] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.186, 0.398, -0.898, 0.128] [-0.870, 0.492, 0.038, 0.396] [0.457, 0.774, 0.438, -0.108] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.271, 0.346, -0.898, 0.179] [-0.832, -0.554, 0.038, 0.553] [-0.484, 0.757, 0.438, -0.016] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, 0.492, -0.870, 0.189] [-1.000, -0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.870, 0.492, 0.042] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]

Animations: 'Take 001'
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan: 0 to 933
Offset: 0

ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_idle_01.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_idle_01.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.882, -0.471, 0.041] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.201, -0.366, -0.909, -0.171] [-0.909, -0.415, -0.035, 0.555] [-0.364, 0.833, -0.416, -0.034] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.923, -0.199, 0.330, 0.125] [-0.340, -0.020, 0.940, 1.900] [-0.180, -0.980, -0.086, 0.409] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.759, 0.356, 0.545, -0.181] [-0.558, 0.076, -0.826, 1.920] [-0.336, -0.931, 0.141, 0.417] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Snout, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.008] [-0.225, -0.974, -0.003, 1.861] [0.974, -0.225, 0.012, 0.624] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Jaw, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.029] [-0.423, -0.906, -0.005, 1.787] [0.906, -0.423, 0.011, 0.480] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Toe0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.482, -0.000, -0.876, -0.252] [-0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.006] [0.876, 0.000, -0.482, 0.161] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.186, 0.398, -0.898, 0.128] [-0.870, 0.492, 0.038, 0.396] [0.457, 0.774, 0.438, -0.108] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.271, 0.346, -0.898, 0.179] [-0.832, -0.554, 0.038, 0.553] [-0.484, 0.757, 0.438, -0.016] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, 0.492, -0.870, 0.189] [-1.000, -0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.870, 0.492, 0.042] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]

Animations: 'Take 001'
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan: 0 to 5000
Offset: 0

ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_idle_02.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_idle_02.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.882, -0.471, 0.041] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.201, -0.366, -0.909, -0.171] [-0.909, -0.415, -0.035, 0.555] [-0.364, 0.833, -0.416, -0.034] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.923, -0.199, 0.330, 0.125] [-0.340, -0.020, 0.940, 1.900] [-0.180, -0.980, -0.086, 0.409] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.759, 0.356, 0.545, -0.181] [-0.558, 0.076, -0.826, 1.920] [-0.336, -0.931, 0.141, 0.417] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Snout, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.008] [-0.225, -0.974, -0.003, 1.861] [0.974, -0.225, 0.012, 0.624] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Jaw, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.029] [-0.423, -0.906, -0.005, 1.787] [0.906, -0.423, 0.011, 0.480] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Toe0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.482, -0.000, -0.876, -0.252] [-0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.006] [0.876, 0.000, -0.482, 0.161] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.186, 0.398, -0.898, 0.128] [-0.870, 0.492, 0.038, 0.396] [0.457, 0.774, 0.438, -0.108] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.271, 0.346, -0.898, 0.179] [-0.832, -0.554, 0.038, 0.553] [-0.484, 0.757, 0.438, -0.016] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, 0.492, -0.870, 0.189] [-1.000, -0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.870, 0.492, 0.042] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]

Animations: 'Take 001'
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan: 0 to 6733
Offset: 0

ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_idle_03.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/qp_idle_03.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.882, -0.471, 0.041] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.201, -0.366, -0.909, -0.171] [-0.909, -0.415, -0.035, 0.555] [-0.364, 0.833, -0.416, -0.034] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.923, -0.199, 0.330, 0.125] [-0.340, -0.020, 0.940, 1.900] [-0.180, -0.980, -0.086, 0.409] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.759, 0.356, 0.545, -0.181] [-0.558, 0.076, -0.826, 1.920] [-0.336, -0.931, 0.141, 0.417] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Snout, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.008] [-0.225, -0.974, -0.003, 1.861] [0.974, -0.225, 0.012, 0.624] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Jaw, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.029] [-0.423, -0.906, -0.005, 1.787] [0.906, -0.423, 0.011, 0.480] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Toe0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.482, -0.000, -0.876, -0.252] [-0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.006] [0.876, 0.000, -0.482, 0.161] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.186, 0.398, -0.898, 0.128] [-0.870, 0.492, 0.038, 0.396] [0.457, 0.774, 0.438, -0.108] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.271, 0.346, -0.898, 0.179] [-0.832, -0.554, 0.038, 0.553] [-0.484, 0.757, 0.438, -0.016] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, 0.492, -0.870, 0.189] [-1.000, -0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.870, 0.492, 0.042] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]

Animations: 'Take 001'
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan: 0 to 3400
Offset: 0

ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/bp_idle_01.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/bp_idle_01.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.882, -0.471, 0.041] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.201, -0.366, -0.909, -0.171] [-0.909, -0.415, -0.035, 0.555] [-0.364, 0.833, -0.416, -0.034] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.923, -0.199, 0.330, 0.125] [-0.340, -0.020, 0.940, 1.900] [-0.180, -0.980, -0.086, 0.409] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_EAR, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.759, 0.356, 0.545, -0.181] [-0.558, 0.076, -0.826, 1.920] [-0.336, -0.931, 0.141, 0.417] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Snout, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.008] [-0.225, -0.974, -0.003, 1.861] [0.974, -0.225, 0.012, 0.624] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Jaw, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.012, 0.000, 1.000, -0.029] [-0.423, -0.906, -0.005, 1.787] [0.906, -0.423, 0.011, 0.480] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Toe0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.482, -0.000, -0.876, -0.252] [-0.000, 1.000, 0.000, 0.006] [0.876, 0.000, -0.482, 0.161] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.186, 0.398, -0.898, 0.128] [-0.870, 0.492, 0.038, 0.396] [0.457, 0.774, 0.438, -0.108] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Calf, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.271, 0.346, -0.898, 0.179] [-0.832, -0.554, 0.038, 0.553] [-0.484, 0.757, 0.438, -0.016] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, 0.492, -0.870, 0.189] [-1.000, -0.000, 0.000, 0.112] [0.000, 0.870, 0.492, 0.042] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]

Animations: 'Take 001'
Info for 'Take 001'
TimeSpan: 0 to 5000
Offset: 0

ERROR: Could not open binary file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/bp_idle_02.anm'
ERROR: Could not load file 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Amnesia - The Dark Descent/redist/entities/enemy/dinkywretch/animations/bp_idle_02.anm' in MSH loader.Loading skeleton 'C':
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Pelvis, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.012, 1.000, 0.000] [0.985, -0.171, 0.000, 0.996] [0.171, 0.985, -0.012, 0.000] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.002, 0.001, 1.000, -0.003] [0.997, 0.083, -0.003, 1.145] [-0.083, 0.997, -0.000, 0.017] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Spine1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.002, 1.000, -0.002] [0.837, -0.547, 0.004, 1.526] [0.547, 0.837, 0.005, -0.015] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.057, 0.436, -0.898, 0.204] [-0.998, -0.052, 0.038, 0.996] [-0.031, 0.898, 0.438, -0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Neck, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.018, 0.047, 0.999, -0.012] [0.380, -0.924, 0.050, 1.840] [0.925, 0.380, -0.001, 0.208] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.977, -0.072, 0.203, 0.075] [-0.131, 0.544, 0.828, 1.755] [-0.170, -0.836, 0.522, 0.038] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.687, -0.049, 0.725, 0.277] [-0.713, 0.147, 0.686, 1.728] [-0.140, -0.988, 0.066, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.430, 0.538, 0.725, 0.455] [-0.526, -0.504, 0.686, 1.544] [0.734, -0.676, 0.066, -0.033] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.543, -0.228, 0.808, 0.566] [-0.746, -0.573, 0.340, 1.408] [0.386, -0.787, -0.481, 0.156] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.347, 0.938, 0.010, 0.549] [-0.936, 0.347, -0.057, 1.282] [-0.057, 0.010, 0.998, 0.170] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.073, 0.888, 0.455, 0.545] [-0.996, 0.042, 0.077, 1.334] [0.049, -0.459, 0.887, 0.167] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_ Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.258, -0.398, 0.880, 0.613] [-0.938, -0.323, 0.129, 1.290] [0.233, -0.859, -0.457, 0.225] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.442, -0.683, 0.581, 0.660] [-0.895, -0.380, 0.234, 1.301] [0.061, -0.624, -0.779, 0.195] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.203, -0.429, 0.880, 0.622] [-0.972, -0.196, 0.129, 1.259] [0.118, -0.882, -0.457, 0.232] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.124, -0.458, 0.880, 0.627] [-0.991, -0.020, 0.129, 1.232] [-0.042, -0.889, -0.457, 0.236] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Thigh, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.075, -0.411, -0.909, -0.204] [-0.994, -0.105, -0.035, 0.996] [-0.081, 0.906, -0.416, 0.003] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_ L_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.608, 0.699, -0.377, 0.557] [-0.794, 0.524, -0.307, 1.261] [-0.017, 0.486, 0.874, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.094, -0.822, 0.562, 0.683] [-0.914, 0.151, 0.375, 1.249] [-0.394, -0.549, -0.737, 0.193] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_L_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.336, -0.752, 0.567, 0.674] [-0.934, -0.186, 0.306, 1.274] [-0.125, -0.632, -0.765, 0.197] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_Head, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.004, 0.004, 1.000, -0.010] [0.999, 0.036, 0.003, 1.878] [-0.036, 0.999, -0.004, 0.375] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Clavicle, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.895, 0.268, 0.357, -0.096] [-0.174, 0.528, -0.832, 1.664] [-0.412, -0.806, -0.425, 0.070] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_UpperArm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.544, -0.197, 0.816, -0.366] [-0.810, 0.376, -0.450, 1.611] [-0.218, -0.906, -0.364, -0.054] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Forearm, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.074, -0.574, 0.816, -0.641] [-0.705, -0.548, -0.450, 1.202] [0.705, -0.608, -0.364, -0.164] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Hand, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.012, -0.136, 0.991, -0.671] [-0.879, -0.474, -0.054, 0.912] [0.477, -0.870, -0.125, 0.126] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger0, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.572, -0.757, -0.316, -0.617] [-0.377, -0.585, 0.718, 0.839] [-0.728, -0.292, -0.620, 0.116] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger01, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.185, -0.859, -0.478, -0.592] [-0.596, -0.484, 0.640, 0.822] [-0.781, 0.167, -0.602, 0.084] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger02, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.019, -0.879, -0.476, -0.584] [-0.692, -0.332, 0.641, 0.796] [-0.721, 0.342, -0.602, 0.049] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger1, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.027, -0.366, 0.930, -0.631] [-0.986, 0.162, 0.035, 0.728] [-0.164, -0.916, -0.366, 0.181] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger2, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [0.032, -0.160, 0.987, -0.701] [-0.993, 0.107, 0.049, 0.719] [-0.113, -0.981, -0.155, 0.185] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger21, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.006, -0.163, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.942, 0.333, 0.050, 0.671] [-0.336, -0.929, -0.155, 0.179] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger11, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.111, -0.350, 0.930, -0.633] [-0.922, 0.385, 0.035, 0.651] [-0.371, -0.854, -0.366, 0.168] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger12, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.152, -0.293, 0.944, -0.639] [-0.787, 0.613, 0.063, 0.602] [-0.597, -0.734, -0.324, 0.148] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Finger22, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.043, -0.157, 0.987, -0.699] [-0.840, 0.541, 0.050, 0.629] [-0.542, -0.826, -0.155, 0.165] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_HorseLink, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.178, -0.378, -0.909, -0.133] [-0.870, 0.492, -0.035, 0.383] [0.461, 0.784, -0.416, -0.102] [0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000]
Link: 0,LinkNode: Bip001_R_Foot, Mode: Normalize AssModel: None
LTransform: [-0.000, -0.471, -0.882, -0.188] [-1.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.112]

(This post was last modified: 07-05-2015, 10:39 AM by Casotime1999.)
07-05-2015, 10:37 AM

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