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SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)
Radiance Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

Or a NPC Tongue

It reminds me on Cthulhu monster.
(This post was last modified: 09-12-2015, 02:28 PM by Radiance.)
09-11-2015, 01:25 PM
Hestia Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

Any further updates on this? Smile
09-23-2015, 06:48 AM
GhylTarvoke Offline

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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

I haven't finished the game yet, but there are at least five (!) enemies not listed in the OP.

Spoiler below!
1. A blind, bloated humanoid that's strangely top-heavy. First seen when resetting the router in Theta.

2. A continually coughing humanoid that reacts to movement. First seen when obtaining the battery in Omicron.

3. An illusory Cthulhu-like being, seemingly the personification of WAU. First seen in Omicron's "glass cage".

4. A fish that attacks in schools. First seen on the abyssal plain.

5. A giant, mutated anglerfish. First seen on the abyssal plain.

EDIT: Also, #7 and #8 from the OP may be the same enemy with different lighting. But I'm not sure.
(This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 02:26 PM by GhylTarvoke.)
09-23-2015, 02:08 PM
Hestia Offline
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Exclamation  RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

Spoiler below!
[Image: 554a9d471deb523224351b6f798d897f.png]

The Cthulu monster reminds me of this.

[Image: 21542.jpg]

Credit to Mass Effect.
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2015, 03:06 PM by Hestia.)
09-24-2015, 02:14 PM
crc32a Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

(09-11-2015, 09:01 AM)GhylTarvoke Wrote: Here's what I can't understand about enemies 2 and 7.

On the one hand, they seem to have magical abilities that don't belong in the setting. The Jiangshi can clearly teleport, while #7 appears insubstantial (its complete darkness makes it look more like a spirit or a shadow than anything real). This suggests that they're imaginary - or viruses, if Simon's a computer.

On the other hand, Frictional has said that the events in SOMA are actually happening. Simon is not dreaming or in a digital simulation.

(In an interview, Ian Thomas said: "I'm not by any means saying it's all a dream, because it absolutely isn't all a dream. But you know, you come away from Inception, and there's this whole argument raging about, 'Was that real? Was that not real?' That's not the question we're asking, because it's real.")

Furthermore, the enemies have tangible effects. The Jiangshi can injure Simon (or even kill him, as seen in a preview) and open doors, while #7 casts a shadow. Catherine is also aware of the Jiangshi.

For enemy 2 I always took the jumping to mean that your video feed was freezing. Notice that he appears to stop moving. I always though he was moving the whole time but your peception of him is frozen so when your sensory system do come back on line he appears to have teleported closer to you.

I haven't gotten as far as to have seen #7 yet but I'm guessing its another perception glitch or the creature is transdementional where his body is partially phased in our universe. Alot of sci-fi authers wrote stories of transdemensional beings visiting earth long ago and use them to explain our cultural perception of ghosts.

(09-11-2015, 12:50 PM)TheTieMan Wrote: What about this thing? [Image: grpa21pt76cqfvozni6n.jpg]

I haven seen what my own character looks but I know Cathrine mentions your a walk talking diving suite with electronics taked on so I just thought this was the character your subjective consciousness inhabits.
(This post was last modified: 09-27-2015, 11:22 PM by crc32a.)
09-27-2015, 11:18 PM
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

I looked through SOMA's NPC models with the model viewer.

Turns out Mr. Discoball Head has a wife.

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
09-28-2015, 04:31 AM
Kein Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

Yeah, the humanoids ones all have female versions.

Unlike in Amnesia, though, there is no clear way to classify some monsters. Like, for example, DiscoBall called "flesher" in-game resources but so are 3 proxies and they are way different. Then there is also "resurrected/infected" crew members and you technically can say all of them are resurrected/infected.

I find this a bit annoying. The only clear monster is Construct and that Abyss Worm.

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09-28-2015, 12:49 PM
GhylTarvoke Offline

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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

(09-28-2015, 12:49 PM)Kein Wrote: Unlike in Amnesia, though, there is no clear way to classify some monsters. Like, for example, DiscoBall called "flesher" in-game resources but so are 3 proxies and they are way different. Then there is also "resurrected/infected" crew members and you technically can say all of them are resurrected/infected.

Are the enemies in Theta all called "proxies"? One is bulky and the other is skeletal, but they both seem to be blind.

(09-28-2015, 12:49 PM)Kein Wrote: I find this a bit annoying. The only clear monster is Construct and that Abyss Worm.

Which monster is the Construct?

EDIT: The "Cthulhu-like being" that I thought was WAU was actually a crew member, Johan Ross. He's a very weird guy.
(This post was last modified: 09-28-2015, 02:42 PM by GhylTarvoke.)
09-28-2015, 02:40 PM
Paddy™ Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

Was this enemy cut from the game?


Spoiler below!
[Image: patchwork.jpg]

The entity has a full range of animations and appears in several map files and scripts, but I don't remember seeing him anywhere except as a corpse in Omicron. Maybe the corpse was originally supposed to spring to life, but for whatever reason it didn't make the final cut.

He's mentioned in these portions of the 03_02_omicron_inside.hps map file; maybe a scripter can understand what was supposed to happen with him:

Spoiler below!
    bool DeadBodyMusicTrigger(const tString &in asParent, const tString &in asChild, int alState)
        Map_AddTimer("DeadBodyMusic", 0.5f, "Timer_DeadBodyMusic");
        return true;
    bool mbDeadBodyMusic = false;
    void Timer_DeadBodyMusic(const tString &in asTimer)
        if(mbDeadBodyMusic==false && Entity_IsActive("patchwork_spook"))
            Music_Play("01_01_dead_diver", 0.55f, false, eMusicPrio_MinorEvent);
            mbDeadBodyMusic = true;


    // Run when entering map
    void OnEnter()
    //    Effect_Fade_In(5);
        iPhysicsWorld @pWorld = cLux_GetCurrentMap().GetPhysicsWorld();
        cLux_AddDebugMessage("WorldSize: "+pWorld.GetWorldSizeMin()+ " - "+pWorld.GetWorldSizeMax());
        //Voice_SetSource("Catherine", "Player", 2, 20, true, 20);


09-29-2015, 06:23 PM
hollowleviathan Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies (major spoilers)

(09-11-2015, 09:01 AM)GhylTarvoke Wrote: On the one hand, they seem to have magical abilities that don't belong in the setting. The Jiangshi can clearly teleport, while #7 appears insubstantial (its complete darkness makes it look more like a spirit or a shadow than anything real)

Pathos-II is also an advanced science facility 100 years in the future. My personal theory is that the Jiangshi simply EMP-stuns Simon and walks normally while you're insensible, so that when you recover, it seems to have teleported.

As for absorbing all light, we already have experimental materials that have oddly heightened light absorption properties. Link. Presumably this creature is a human that the WAU integrated into such a material.
09-29-2015, 07:08 PM

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