There are multiple videos played on the screen when you take the shuttle to Lambda.
When you reach the shuttle station near Upsilon, after you power up the train, you must choose where you want the shuttle to take you. You can choose between Lambda, Delta, Theta and Omicron.
image.jpg (Size: 228.66 KB / Downloads: 497)
You can choose ANY station to travel to, even if you must go directly to Lambda the train will leave regardless of which station you selected, but it will still crash in the same place in the tunnel (Lambda is the closest station and all roads go through it).
After the shuttle leaves, a short description video on Pathos-2 can be viewed on the station selection screen.
Depnding on which station you selected to travel to, the last part of the video will state "We are headed for [selcted station] and show a brief image and description of the station you selected. There are 4 versions, you could replay and see all of them!