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See through glitch..
Ahmed85 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago See through glitch..

Hello there,

I have a problem with Soma and I hope you can help me. The walls in the game disappears and reappears and I can see through them. I tried reinstalling the game again but the problem is still there.
This is how it looks like http://youtu.be/efsPBLpig-w (on the video the problem appears at minute 1, while it is consistent with me.
I'm using an Alienware, so I presume my laptop can handle it. I really wish you can help me and in full details.

Much appreciated.

Ahmed Smile
09-28-2015, 05:45 PM
Slanderous Offline
Posting Freak

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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

1. What GPU do you have?
2. Are your GPU drivers to date?
3. Make sure to take a look here
09-28-2015, 06:33 PM
Ahmed85 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

(09-28-2015, 06:33 PM)Slanderous Wrote: 1. What GPU do you have?
2. Are your GPU drivers to date?
3. Make sure to take a look here

My GPU is Nvidia Gforce. I played Daying Light recently (which needs a strong laptop to work on) it worked fine.

I saw the link but I didn't find anything that helps
09-28-2015, 07:21 PM
Thomas Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

Please post hpl.log found in My Documents/My Games/SOMA/Main
09-29-2015, 08:13 AM
Ahmed85 Offline
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

(09-29-2015, 08:13 AM)Thomas Wrote: Please post hpl.log found in My Documents/My Games/SOMA/Main

You mean this?

Loading data from cloud storage
Files on steam cloud:
- Update Config Files -
- Update Save Files -
Time: 9
Updated 0 config files and 0 save files

Version 1.02
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Creating Engine Modules
Creating job manager with 7 threads and 1024 jobs
Creating graphics module
Creating system module
Creating resource module
Creating input module
Creating sound module
Creating physics module
Creating ai module
Creating gui module
Creating generate module
Creating haptic module
Creating scene module
Creating script module
Creating lipsync module

Initializing Resources Module
Creating loader handlers
Creating resource managers
Adding loaders to handlers

Initializing Graphics Module
Init lowlevel graphics: 320x200 bpp:32 rr: 30 fs:0 ms:0 driver: 0 cap:'SOMA Loading...' posSad-1x-1)
Available drivers:
(0) - 'windows'
(1) - 'dummy'
Creating window: (-1,-1) 320 x 200 - 32 bpp flags: 3
Setting display mode: 320 x 200 - 32 bpp 30 hz
Init Glew...OK
Setting up OpenGL
Vendor: Intel
Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 4000
Version: 4.0.0 - Build
Max texture image units: 16
Max texture coord units: 8
Max texture buffer size: 4194304
Max texture array slices: 2048
Max user clip planes: 8
Two sided stencil: 1
Vertex Buffer Object: 1
Anisotropic filtering: 1
Max Anisotropic degree: 16
Multisampling: 1
Texture compression: 1
Texture compression S3TC: 1
Texture compression 3DC: 0
Texture sRGB: 1
Geometry Instancing: 1
Auto generate MipMaps: 1
Render to texture: 1
Max draw buffers: 8
Max color render targets: 8
Packed depth-stencil: 1
Texture float: 1
GLSL Version: 4.00 - Build
ShaderModel 2: 1
ShaderModel 3: 1
ShaderModel 4: 1
Max vertex uniforms: 4096
Max fragment uniforms: 4096
OGL ATIFragmentShader: 0
Tesselation: 1
MultiBindTex: 0
Initializing DevIL
Vendor String: Abysmal Software
Version String: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.7.8
Version Number: 178
Adding engine materials
Adding engine post effects

Initializing Sound Module
Initializing FMOD.

Initializing Game Module
Adding engine updates

User Initialization

Game Running
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Delayed function: object:
-------------- LOADING GAME -----------------
Started loading save file AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_25_8_0.sav
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Map script loading started
Map script loading completed
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
Loading keybinds - file version:5
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Character with name Player does not exist in voice handler!
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Wood Robust.mat'
WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring: Skeletons in mesh file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
ERROR: Couldn't create material 'Default Soft.mat'
WARNING: Sub mesh '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' does not exist in mesh '00_01_tap_pouring.msh'!
ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap_(Conflict_Present)' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
ERROR: Could not find bone '00_01_tap00_01_tap_(Conflict_Added)' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity tap_pouring_kitchen: Skeletons in mesh file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.msh) and .ent file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/organic/water/pouring/00_01_tap_pouring/00_01_tap_pouring.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 472 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 472 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 472 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 472 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 472 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Exception from module 'player/Player.hps' object: 'LuxPlayer'
ERROR: Exception at line 472 col: 4 in 'void cScrPlayer::OnAnalogInput(int, const cVector3f&in)' at section 'Player.hps'
ERROR: Could not find bone 'Root_Ctrl' in model 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent'
ERROR: Loading entity Recreated Entity: Skeletons in mesh file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.msh) and .ent file (C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/entities/character/player/hands/hands_human.ent) differ! Probably caused by .ent not being up to date with mesh
-------------- LOADING GAME COMPLETE -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
ERROR: Could not find script object 'comic_book_1' for calling global func '_Global_CanBeHighlighted'
ERROR: Could not find script object 'comic_book_1' for calling global func '_Global_CanBeHighlighted'
ERROR: Could not find script object 'comic_book_1' for calling global func '_Global_CanBeHighlighted'
GraphicsInfo: Vendor: Intel;Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 4000;Version: 4.0.0 - Build;GLSL: 4.00 - Build;VRAM: 0 mb;
AutoDetect Quality: Low; Base 0; VRAM 1024 mb
GraphicsInfo: Vendor: Intel;Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 4000;Version: 4.0.0 - Build;GLSL: 4.00 - Build;VRAM: 0 mb;
AutoDetect Quality: Low; Base 0; VRAM 1024 mb
ERROR: Could not find sound entity MenuBGNoise in Sound_Stop
-------------- SAVING GAME -----------------
Started save file AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_34_14_0.sav
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
Cloud saved: Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_34_14_0.sav
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------
Loading keybinds - file version:5
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.voice: file not found
Failed parsing of XML document C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/SOMA/maps/main_menu/main_menu.lang: file not found
WARNING: Could not find player start node ''
ERROR: StartPos '' does not exist!
ERROR: Skipping map specific voice file 'maps/main_menu.voice', not found!
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
ERROR: Could not get group with path 'frontend/' in project 'special_fx'. Reason: An invalid parameter was passed to this function.
-------------- SAVE THREAD INIT -----------------
-------------- SAVE THREAD COMPLETED -----------------

Medium framerate: 25.368206

User Exit
Saving user config.
Saving key config.
Deleting game modules.
Cloud storage saving and clean-up
Updated key config cloud file: aa_psychs_110000108303DAC_user_keys.cfg. Cloud date: (26/8/2015 19:17:12)
Save files:
#1: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_26_19_8_27_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_26_19_8_27_0.sav'
#2: 'Main/CheckPoint.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/CheckPoint.sav'
#3: 'Main/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_26_19_12_53_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-02-subway_2015_9_26_19_12_53_0.sav'
#4: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_19_14_44_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_19_14_44_0.sav'
#5: 'Main/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_19_14_45_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-03-laboratory_2015_9_26_19_14_45_0.sav'
#6: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_27_17_13_37_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_27_17_13_37_0.sav'
#7: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_27_17_25_45_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_27_17_25_45_0.sav'
#8: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_27_17_33_34_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_27_17_33_34_0.sav'
#9: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_7_49_48_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_7_49_48_0.sav'
#10: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_25_8_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_25_8_0.sav'
#11: 'Main/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_34_14_0.sav' local: 'C:\Users\AHMED\Documents/My Games/Soma/Main/aa_psychs_110000108303DAC/AutoSave_00-01-apartment_2015_9_28_17_34_14_0.sav'

Deleting config files.

Exiting Script Module

Exiting Gui Module
Deleting all im guis
Deleting all sets
Deleting all skins
Deleting all gfx elements
Deleting all materials

Exiting Generate Module

Exiting Scene Module

Exiting Input Module

Exiting Sound Module

Exiting Graphics Module

Potential resource leaks
- FrameBuffer: ImageTrailBuffer
- Texture: ImageTrailTexture


Exiting Resources Module
Done with fonts
Done with scripts
Done with particles
Done with sounds
Done with meshes
Done with materials
Done with Gpu programs
Done with images
Stopped texture stream thread
Destroyed all textures
Done with sound entities
Done with animations
Done with ent files
All resources deleted

Exiting Physics Module

Exiting System Module

Exiting Lipsync Module

Deleting game setup provided by user
- Deleting lowlevel stuff.
HPL Exit was successful!

|--Memory Manager Report-------------------------------|
| No memory leaks detected. Memory left: 0
09-29-2015, 11:48 AM
Thomas Offline
Frictional Games

Posts: 2,634
Threads: 184
Joined: Apr 2006
Reputation: 68
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

1) PRetty sure your drivers are out of date. Try making a clean install (first uninstalling the old ones)

2) Your resolution is set to 320x200 which is unplayable. Go to My Documents/My Games/SOMA/Main/ and delte [steam_id]_user_settings.cfg

Now try and start the game again
09-30-2015, 07:32 AM
Ahmed85 Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 5
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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

(09-30-2015, 07:32 AM)Thomas Wrote: 1) PRetty sure your drivers are out of date. Try making a clean install (first uninstalling the old ones)

2) Your resolution is set to 320x200 which is unplayable. Go to My Documents/My Games/SOMA/Main/ and delte [steam_id]_user_settings.cfg

Now try and start the game again

I've done what you said twice. It didn't work. And as for my driver, I don't believe it's out dated, just recently I played Dying light. I did reduce the resolution a little, but still it ran perfectly.

What else can I do?
09-30-2015, 06:29 PM
jens Offline
Frictional Games

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Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

You have to update the driver by downloading and installing the latest from intel.com. If you have troubles, follow this guide https://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/th...#pid277038
09-30-2015, 07:07 PM
Website Find
Ahmed85 Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 5
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Joined: Sep 2015
Reputation: 0
Solved: 9 Years, 3 Weeks ago RE: See through glitch..

(09-30-2015, 07:07 PM)jens Wrote: You have to update the driver by downloading and installing the latest from intel.com. If you have troubles, follow this guide https://www.frictionalgames.com/forum/th...#pid277038

This actually worked. I owe you one. Thanks, mate. Smile
10-01-2015, 01:33 AM

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