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SOMA Enemies, Post-Release
GhylTarvoke Offline

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SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

This is a complete list of SOMA's enemies, where "enemy" is defined as "an entity that can hurt you" (so Johan Ross doesn't qualify). Here is the previous thread, where kojack and Potato found the names of several enemies.

For #2, #3, #7, #8, and #9, the official name is the one given in the game files. #1 and #6 both have two such names; for #1, the catchier one is chosen, and for #6, the more recognizable one is chosen. Finally, for #4, #5, and #10, the in-universe name takes priority.

Enemy #1:
Spoiler below!
[Image: YM3nNO2.jpg]
Official Name: Construct
Other Names: Maintenance Infected, Robot Doggy
Location(s): Upsilon
Behavior: Actively explores its environment. Has a narrow field of vision, indicated by its searchlight. Moves slowly while in "search mode", but moves quickly when it spots Simon.
Story: This robot has the mind of a female human (according to artwork), who is unaware of her plight.
Enemy #2:
Spoiler below!
[Image: YWawgJx.jpg]
Official Name: Crawler
Other Names: Infected, Swimmer
Location(s): Ocean floor near Upsilon and Lambda
Behavior: Slowly patrols area, or attempts to break windows. Becomes hostile when Simon gets too close, but is easily evaded.
Story: This robot is confused and in pain, begging for structure gel.
Enemy #3:
Spoiler below!
[Image: yakSpn6.jpg]
Official Name: Flesher
Other Names: Jiangshi, Disco Ball Head
Location(s): Lambda, Ocean floor near Lambda, CURIE
Behavior: Frequently teleports. Moves more quickly when Simon looks at it. Opens manual doors. One-hit KO during its final appearance.
Story: Called the Jiangshi in early builds, but not in the final release. Catherine describes it as "exploding with electromagnetism", which may explain its teleportation abilities. (It moves while Simon is stunned.)

Enemy #4:
Spoiler below!
[Image: fuTk621.jpg]
Official Name: Proxy
Other Names: Puppet, Mindcoral Puppet
Location(s): Theta
Behavior: Blind, but reacts to sound. Moves clumsily and opens automatic doors.
Story: These are humans who have been transformed by structure gel. In Theta's climax, Simon must navigate an entire nest of them.
Enemy #5:
Spoiler below!
[Image: e8mrZ58.jpg]
Official Name: Akers
Other Names: Proxy, Puppet, Mindcoral Puppet
Location(s): Theta
Behavior: Blind, but reacts to sound. Moves quickly, opens automatic doors, and uses vents.
Story: Strangely dark under certain lighting conditions. This is Terry Akers, who tore out his own eyes and consumed large quantities of structure gel.
Enemy #6:
Spoiler below!
[Image: bznyoSW.jpg]
Official Name: Robot Girl
Other Names: Robot Head, Screamer, Crying Lady
Location(s): Omicron
Behavior: When idle, shivers and laughs/cries. "Awoken" by movement, but slow to react. Screams and glows when hostile. One-hit KO during its final appearance.
Story: A female "survivor" of the massacre at Omicron.

Enemy #7:
Spoiler below!
[Image: rK1nK3y.jpg]
Official Name: Leviathan
Other Names: WAU Shark, Abyss Worm
Location(s): Abyss, Alpha
Behavior: Swims with massive gliding/rolling movements. Chases Simon through a pipe. Attempts to grab Simon in its maw; if it succeeds, swims a short distance before dropping him.
Story: This enemy may be a robotic sentinel, manufactured by WAU.
Enemy #8:
Spoiler below!
[Image: gUzkp1E.jpg]
Official Name: Viperfish
Other Names: N/A
Location(s): Abyss
Behavior: Swims quickly and attacks in schools. Best avoided by hiding in cargo boxes.
Story: These fish have been made larger and more aggressive by structure gel.
Enemy #9:
Spoiler below!
[Image: H6Yghf9.jpg]
Official Name: Anglerfish
Other Names: N/A
Location(s): Abyss
Behavior: Waits outside a cave, luring prey with its light. Slowly gives chase if Simon gets too close, even pursuing him through the cave.
Story: This fish has been made larger and more aggressive by structure gel.
Enemy #10:
Spoiler below!
[Image: AAnSTgK.jpg]
Official Name: Yoshida
Other Names: Deep Sea Diver, Diving Suit, Tentacle-Face
Location(s): Tau
Behavior: Walks like a zombie. Unusually persistent and difficult to hide from. Opens automatic doors. Often pauses before charging forward. When it catches Simon, attacks him with its facial tentacles.
Story: This is J. Yoshida, the last person to use Power Suit 3 at Tau.
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 04:35 AM by GhylTarvoke.)
10-12-2015, 04:34 AM
Radiance Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

Great categorization.
On enemy #10,Yoshida, are tentacles produces by WAU integration or something else ?
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 04:47 AM by Radiance.)
10-12-2015, 04:45 AM
Froge Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

Great categorization indeed.

Personally, I found Flesher/Jiangshi scariest due to its erratic movement and light bulb head. Theta enemies were most like Amnesia monsters (Aker's screaming was great), and Yoshida is probably the most shocking encounter.

[Image: p229xcq]
10-12-2015, 07:56 AM
Filizitas Offline

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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

The yoshida isnt dangerous. Hes scary i have to admit but he is one of the easiest encounters. Just dont be aggressive against him and ignore him. Hes harmless.

Tentacle raping guy is coming for ya Q.Q Watcha gonna do?
10-12-2015, 09:45 AM
GhylTarvoke Offline

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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

(10-12-2015, 09:45 AM)Filizitas Wrote: The yoshida isnt dangerous. Hes scary i have to admit but he is one of the easiest encounters. Just dont be aggressive against him and ignore him. Hes harmless.

Weird. When I hide in a corner, minding my own business, he comes up and mauls me anyway.

Yoshida's behavior is hard to understand... which is probably intentional. Maybe he's just random.
10-12-2015, 12:11 PM
Filizitas Offline

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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

Well if he sees you the first time he will never ever loose you again. Its impossible to escape.

[Image: 1412102007_liam-neeson-zoom.jpg]
He will get to you and he will rape you XD

And yes i think he isnt a human. I think he is a squid that is WAU infected. Think of it: The terminal at the beginning of TAU. Anglerfish, Whale and Squid.
Anglerfish gets anglerfish... Whale is the Leviathan and the Squid is tentacle guy.

Tentacle raping guy is coming for ya Q.Q Watcha gonna do?
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 12:37 PM by Filizitas.)
10-12-2015, 12:18 PM
LordOfDragons Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

(10-12-2015, 12:18 PM)Filizitas Wrote: Well if he sees you the first time he will never ever loose you again. Its impossible to escape.

And yes i think he isnt a human. I think he is a squid that is WAU infected. Think of it: The terminal at the beginning of TAU. Anglerfish, Whale and Squid.
Anglerfish gets anglerfish... Whale is the Leviathan and the Squid is tentacle guy.

I've never seen a squid in a diving suit ._.

I think everything kinda points to Yoshida since he was last using the suit. WAU made him change like it did with the other creatures.
They used the squid to attract one of the WAU creatures in the deep sea for experiments i think. At least the part at TAU where you arrive with the elevator shows it.

He is really difficult to hide from for me. But the area doesn't have too many hiding spots, so i literally had to run all the way back towards the exit to find one (And of course he knew which room i was in).

The question that will never be answered:
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2015, 03:57 PM by LordOfDragons.)
10-12-2015, 03:56 PM
Macgyverthehero Offline
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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

I thought Akers relied on seeing movement?

Also, will the unused enemies in SOMA's files be included, or only the official ones we see in the game?

[Image: Keo88b.gif]
10-12-2015, 05:51 PM
GhylTarvoke Offline

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RE: SOMA Enemies, Post-Release

(10-12-2015, 05:51 PM)Macgyverthehero Wrote: I thought Akers relied on seeing movement?

Also, will the unused enemies in SOMA's files be included, or only the official ones we see in the game?

No, Akers and the Proxy both react to sound; if you move silently, they probably won't find you. Robot Girl is the one that reacts to movement. Unused enemies are murky territory, so I won't be including them.
New theory: Yoshida's an anti-Flesher (or a less extreme Weeping Angel), slowing down when you look at him.
10-13-2015, 07:31 AM

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