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Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)
Commando Peach Offline
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Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

Hey guys! So anyone that has beaten the game by now probably knows about the code that appears at the bottom of the "THE END" screen, yeah? For those of you who didn't notice it or haven't toyed around with it at all, there are actually 3 codes (one for each ending of the game) that serve a purpose that is not the intent of this thread (and I don't want to go into it Tongue ).

What struck me more than what the codes are actually for is the codes themselves. I posted this earlier in one of the help threads when someone was wondering if they had any meanings, but it really got me thinking and I want to know of other people think I'm on the right track or found something I didn't, not just with the codes but other parts of the game. This stuff fascinates me. Big Grin

Anyway, here's what I saw:

Spoiler below!

There are three codes, each of them consisting of three letters and three numbers. Ignoring the numbers, we're left with:

odn (Agrippa ending)
tyr (Alexander Ending)
lke (Revenge Ending)

The first thing that jumped out at me?

odn = Odin
tyr = Tyr
lke = Loki, sometimes spelled Loke

They're all very prominent figures in Norse mythology.

Odin is the "all father" of Asgard, and is associated with things like wisdom, death and war. This sounds the most like Weyer to me, and in the ending that nets you this code, Daniel "dies" and the assumingly omniscient Weyer and Agrippa seem to be pulling some strings. Also, Odin sacrificed one of his eyes and hung upside down from a holy tree to drink from the Well of Wisdom, which reminds me of Agrippa's own sacrifice to enter the orb's portal with his pupil.

Tyr is the god of war. His origins are shady. Nobody really knows how old he is, and he's rumored to be a lot older than the rest of the gods of Asgard. He sacrificed his hand/arm in a successful attempt to bind/tame the wolf-beast Fenrir. This code is gotten with the ending in which Alexander succeeds, and I think some of the parallels are obvious. Alexander has mysteriously outlived the rest of the nobles by centuries, and has devoted his entire life to relentless pursuit of the power of the orb. If anyone, he's our war-god.

Loki isn't a god at all, but is an immensely powerful shapeshifter with a penchant for mischief. He sows the seeds of discord, but is typically under the favor of Odin (sometimes believed to be his brother). This is shakiest link by far, but the idea of Alexander falling to even his best laid plans by a man far less powerful and supposedly under his control is very Loki indeed. Daniel's subterfuge is far less intense than Loki's ever was, but he did drink the amnesia drought under Alexander's nose to prepare himself to kill him when Alexander least expected it to be coming from a "trusted ally".

So there you have it. Weyer/Agrippa as Odin, Alexander and Tyr, and Daniel as Loki. I only hope that I'm not reading far too much into something that wasn't intended, but I still think it's pretty interesting.

As for those numbers, thanks to HamStar for putting us on the right track:

Spoiler below!
odn314 = 3.14 = pi
tyr299 = 2.99 x 10^8 m/s = c (speed of light)
lke271 = 2.71 = e (exponential growth constant)

They're common scientific/mathematical constants. I haven't seen anything beyond that, and as far as I can tell it's just a way of holding occult mysticism and science in the same regard like the game's characters very much seem to.

And big thanks to Harry for putting things together with the sigil on the Loading screen!

Spoiler below!
I knew off the bat that they were symbols for six of the planets. Starting with the top of the outer ring and spiraling clockwise and inward nets you Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Earth, Venus. The missing planets are Uranus, Mars and Mercury.

And then Harry came along with this:
"In regards to the three missing planets I'll join you in the 'looking way too far into things' basket and hazard to say they also relate to Odin, Tyr and Loki.

Uranus comes from Ouranos, which was a greek god, literally the Father Sky (So linked to Odin as the "All Father")

Mars is of course the god of War so obvious link to Tyr.

Mercury comes from the Greek god Hermes, who was a patron of tricksters and described as a thief, shapeshifter and more (so linked to Loki).

The conspiracy continues!"

If you're curious on what real purpose the codes have, check out the link Doom Guy Sabjer gave us to his thread: SPOILERS!

I haven't seen enough crackpot around here. I'll be updating the first post with anything that seems notable, and I wanna see what else you guys can come up with (granted the Old Ones/The Shadow let me keep the first post intact).
09-11-2010, 09:56 AM
NicolieFrixon Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

actually, the letters and numbers from all 3 endings come together and become a code that you type in on a rar file as a password and it lets you see some concept art and stuff like that^_^
09-11-2010, 12:36 PM
Harry Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

(09-11-2010, 12:36 PM)NicolieFrixon Wrote: actually, the letters and numbers from all 3 endings come together and become a code that you type in on a rar file as a password and it lets you see some concept art and stuff like that^_^

Pretty sure she knows that, he was talking about what the meaning is behind the codes.

I'd have to say you run a compelling argument Commando Peach. Thumbs up!

In regards to the three missing planets I'll join you in the 'looking way too far into things' basket and hazard to say they also relate to Odin, Tyr and Loki.

Uranus comes from Ouranos, which was a greek god, literally the Father Sky (So linked to Odin as the "All Father")

Mars is of course the god of War so obvious link to Tyr.

Mercury comes from the Greek god Hermes, who was a patron of tricksters and described as a thief, shapeshifter and more (so linked to Loki).

The conspiracy continues!
09-11-2010, 01:19 PM
Commando Peach Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

Nicole - Yeah, I know all that. Actually, seeing this also threw me way off the trail with solving the clue, because I was trying to order them in the order of the gods and stuff without the lettter ebcause I thought it was a part of solving it. Oops.

Harry - Huzzah! So I'm not crazy! It makes me wonder if there are other bits scattered throughout the game to allude to the parallels I saw. I'm going to have to replay it later. Big Grin

Also, not a big deal, but you were wrong on one count. I'm a she. Blush
09-11-2010, 08:27 PM
bblaze Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

I didn't give a thought to the meanings of the codes, but some of you might find interesting to know that characters/organizations from the game are based on reality.

Order of the Black Eagle


Johann Weyer

I'll also go ahead and assume that "Brennenburg" comes from "Brandenburg"; it even means the same ("Burn Castle" or "Burning Castle"), which was the heart of Prussia.
09-11-2010, 08:30 PM
Commando Peach Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

AH! I KNEW Agrippa was real! I could put my finger on it, and a front page google search when I was feeling lazy just netted a pile of relatively famous greeks. Thanks for that!
09-11-2010, 08:46 PM
alfie Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

The revenge ending confused me a bit, is he killing Alexander and Agrippa in return for the shadow not killing him or something?
09-11-2010, 10:42 PM
Commando Peach Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

I interpreted it as Daniel carrying the shadow into the orb chamber and destroying the only thing that lets Alexander control it and keep it at bay, namely, the orb(s?). It kills Alexander, and I guess it takes that as sacrifice enough to satiate it, and then Daniel walks free.

I think the only reason it killed Alexander instead of Daniel is because the shadow is just sort of "following" him and killing those around him (like those professors he spoke with). I don't understand it full either, though.
09-11-2010, 10:52 PM
Informative Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

[Image: iiam2.gif]
It's a mystery.

[Image: 10138.png]
09-12-2010, 01:18 AM
Kyorisu Offline
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RE: Hidden Meanings in Amnesia? (SPOILERS)

(09-11-2010, 10:52 PM)Commando Peach Wrote: I interpreted it as Daniel carrying the shadow into the orb chamber and destroying the only thing that lets Alexander control it and keep it at bay, namely, the orb(s?). It kills Alexander, and I guess it takes that as sacrifice enough to satiate it, and then Daniel walks free.

I think the only reason it killed Alexander instead of Daniel is because the shadow is just sort of "following" him and killing those around him (like those professors he spoke with). I don't understand it full either, though.

I'm assuming the both orbs are now destroyed and the shadow rocks up and goes hmm. I could kill this guy who took the thing in the first place (now destroyed) or kill that evil bastard over there. Score!
09-12-2010, 01:19 AM

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