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This game is dangerous (really)
LeftySwin Offline
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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

Yeah, typically when I play these games, particularly Black Plague and Amnesia, I feel mentally unstable afterwards. About 2 years ago when I played Penumbra everything felt.. dark. But in a good way. It's like when your in a theater and assume it's dark/raining outside even though it's not.

Penumbra: Overture has a welcoming dark presence that lingered in my subconscious for a few months. Black Plague was different. I felt the bad kind of fear.. everywhere.

Amnesia has me pretty freaked out too right now, especially since I played it for almost 2 days strait now. And now it's even worse since I'm talking about it. But.. In my experience watching a few hours of tv can fix me up in no time. Big Grin
09-12-2010, 04:05 AM
OO Agent Offline

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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

i like when developers dont restrict themselves. someone whos not mentally stable shouldnt play horror games, simple as that. so are we going to make games less scary now because it could damage someone mentally? i dont believe thats really any different than saying "Let's take guns out of a shooter because someone might shoot someone because of it."

everyones different and is influenced differently. someone whos violent shouldnt play violent games, people who arent mentally strong shouldnt play psychological horror games. people who are afraid of the dark shouldnt see scary movies, etc.

simply put, not every game is for everyone. and chances are, someone who isnt mentally stable couldnt make it through the first chapter of this game.
09-12-2010, 04:39 AM
superluser Offline

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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

(09-12-2010, 04:05 AM)LeftySwin Wrote: Yeah, typically when I play these games, particularly Black Plague and Amnesia, I feel mentally unstable afterwards. About 2 years ago when I played Penumbra everything felt.. dark. But in a good way. It's like when your in a theater and assume it's dark/raining outside even though it's not.

Amnesia has me spooked in ways that Black Plague did not. Example: I am now cruising the web trying to take my mind off of the water monster before I go back and try to defeatescape it.

Huh. I wonder if we can convince this psychologist to make the media aware of the dangers of Amnesia. No such thing as bad publicity...
09-12-2010, 05:49 AM
Fartsicle Offline
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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

Uhhh wait... what?

If you guys think this game can damage someone... remember the keyword here... "game".
09-12-2010, 06:03 AM
Informative Offline
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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

(09-12-2010, 06:03 AM)Fartsicle Wrote: Uhhh wait... what?

If you guys think this game can damage someone... remember the keyword here... "game".

[Image: Get_out_frog_by_callegg.png]

[Image: 10138.png]
09-12-2010, 06:09 AM
Adeno Offline
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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

This is really a great horror game and as someone who regularly views a lot of horror movies and violent images and stuff, this one has managed to keep me interested and I'm still playing it again now.

It's not the gore or the actual monster that made me feel uncomfortable. It's the atmosphere, the sound, and the thought that maybe, just a little ahead of me where it's very dark, one of those things that I don't want to see would bump into me.

For example, the water monster didn't scare me. What I was more worried about was the time limit on the gate that's been opened by the lever. The feeling of rush and having to do each movement precisely was what put pressure. Jumping from box to box in order to avoid the water, and then picking up another book to distract the water monster with, and then quickly shifting your focus back to jumping from box to box, and finally getting through that gate.

Then the next part was just as bad. For first timers in this area, the obvious choice of action is to throw pieces of dismembered limbs far away so the water monster will eat them, giving you a chance to hurry to the gate and turn the valve. The scary thing is, the monster eats up those things quite fast, leaving you a short amount of time to turn the valve. The limbs that you have near the gate is also limited to three, so that means three tries for you to open the gate in a way where you could crouch and get through it. The pressure of listening to the monster getting near you and hopping back on a box so that you can throw another limb is high. The gate opens too slowly. The reason why this section is very disturbing is that you just survived the first part of being chased by a water monster with a time limited gate, and now you have to actually jump into the water to be able to turn the valve.

Anyway I found a safer way of solving this section which I call the "Portable Floor" solution lol!

So yeah, this game is really bad for those with heart conditions or people who are too emotionally affected. The fear in this game mostly comes from your own mind. The sounds and sights in the game are just part of the environment, but your mind amplifies them to be a lot scarier than they really are. Monster encounters are actually very far from each other, and it's mostly an exploration and puzzle solving game.

I really hope we wouldn't hear a case where a person died because of playing this game since he suffered a heart attack. With this game, that sad situation can be a reality.

I love this game heheheSmile

09-12-2010, 06:36 AM
Peanuckle Offline
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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

If you're weak-minded enough to suffer mental trauma from a video game, then you shouldn't be playing video games. You should also probably have a chaperon to censor things deemed too extreme for you.

The game is scary and makes you freak for a bit, but it's not going to give you recurring nightmares.
09-12-2010, 09:37 AM
Akong Offline

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RE: This game is dangerous (really)

I think we are overrating the scare-factor of this game just a tad. I mean, sure, it's pretty scary, but it's not like it has invented some new kind of horror. Up until now, and I admit, I haven't had much time to play yet, the scares have been pretty cliché: Monster-, event-, sanity effect appears when ever you pick up plot items, or walk down long hallways.

I have only felt the same tension, that I have done, playing so many other games. Granted, I'm not so easily scared, and I have found it marginally more scary than Penumbra, but really, It's not that bad.
09-12-2010, 12:38 PM

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